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What is the best body for a Sentinel?


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I find hooded robes fit body 2 better.


More armorish looks normally fits body 3 better.


Ex. I'm still pissed I made a body 2 PT, but I'm glad my sent is one.


Thats however personnal opinion. Always funny to see a body 4 rampaging. You look around to see who is taunting him with a box of chicken wings =D

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Personally I find all armor pieces look better on body type 2, which is why all my toons are body type 2. :)


Not Bounty hunter, you look like a kid who stole a blaster and daddy's armor :p thats if you go for the more "armored" set of the later 30s. Earlier "lighter" set fit better on smaller bodies, like male 2 and females.

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Concerning males.


Body 3 is a must, otherwise the lightsaber is too big to be held with 1 hand.


Body type 1 is just absurd freak born near Chernobyl combined with bulimic anorexic tendencies.Head too big for the body.


Body type 2 almost the same,and as pointed up above,i can't see these hands holding 1 lightsaber each.It just doesn't feel right.For body type 2 they have to create smaller lightsabers.

Lightsabers in this game are created for body type 3,otherwise its disproportional.

Also look at how ridiculous body type 2 shows your as* when you are wearing those robes where you put your belt outside of them.


Body type 3 is perfect and goes well with Sentinel medium armor.


Generally body type 3's equivalent in real life ranges from your average human male to a guy that works out.


body type 2 ranges from a skinny guy to a little below the average male.

body type 1 is someone that is physically retarded(some medical illness ,not the insult slang)

Edited by Kaedusz
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IMO, Type 2 is best no matter what class you're playing.


3 comes in second place, but I still mostly just use 2. Could never see myself using 1 or 4.


EDIT: And I dont agree with any of what the above poster is saying. I have a 50 Marauder and Sentinel (both type 2), and nothing looks disproportionate.


Also, Type 3 looks like a very dedicated body builder. Take his shirt off and you'll see that especially. No where near the average human. Type 2 is much more "average."

Edited by Tommot
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