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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I am a pretty new player to this game. Can you all give me some tips on the best way to play this solo?

i thought maybe if i saved the heroic missions for last on a planet i may be able to do them. It seemed to work on the first place. Some how i am coming up short now.

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I can only encurage you to try joining a group sometimes. The expectations from group members while leveling aren't that high and it's a lot of fun. (Sometimes there might be jerks but don't have them discuraging you)


If you insist on soloing here are some tips:

- get modable gear and fill it with armorings, mods, enhancements from the planets commendation vendors

- play a tank and have your heal companion well-equipped

- playing a stealth class is better for soloing

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Never_Hesitate nailed it, but also:


Make sure you keep your mods up to date; learned this the hard way my 28 Jedi had no hilt for her saber and level 6 and 20 mods heh. Got that fixed now she's fine.

Try carrying a medpac or two, use them at tough points during fights.

Use a stim for your chief stat before tough fights.

Use your companions strategically; if one has a "tank mode", have them use it while you peg away at the mob. You can also 'sync' attacks at times; My Knight and Kira both Force Charge and that gets a mob quite low. Sometimes you need more damage, sometimes sustainted heals.


With Heroics, I find if you're 3-4 levels above them it's soloable. There are usually a lot of elites, so if you can withstand the damage, heal up and keep going you should be good.


Try running Esseles or Black Talon in Fleet for modable drops, they also give social points which can lead to some nice modable gear as well from social vendors.

Edited by NeuroniaSW
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Try running Esseles or Black Talon in Fleet for modable drops, they also give social points which can lead to some nice modable gear as well from social vendors.

Not if you solo them. And on the other hand, I for one simply ignore social points as it is far to tedious to even reach level 2, not even speaking of levels 5 and higher... :)


To the OP:

Although I find it also more suitable to my play style to solo most the time, it is quite refreshing to group up with others from time to time (especially for those nasty H4 heroics or flashpoints). I spent the last days for example with two other guys hunting down HK-51 pieces and doing the necessary HM and normal mode flashpoints. And what can I say, I had so much fun that we even ended up doing Section X dailies together -- and I normaly despise the idea of daily grind. So, try it, you might like it. ;)


Cheers, Niko

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There are clases who can solo heroic 2, 2+.

If u want to solo almost everything, it's either a healer,any healer will do, but sorcs/sage are easiest at first, operatives/scoundrels and mercenaries/commando takes time to shine (every heroic 2+ is easy if you untag aoe skills of your tank companion and CC for 60 sec hardest mob in the pack), or a tank (assassin/sahdow has easiest time, since out of combat mezz for 60 sec) with a healer companion, or a dps with 60 sec cc and healer companion.

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