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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vanguard Tank Spec...


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Yes, I'm complaining, mostly because I don't understand. No matter how much I read and now matter how many videos I watch on YouTube, I don't get it (generally seems like the Republic is always losing).


Level 50 PvPing with reg. War Hero set as a Vanguard Tank spec. I start the match, get stunned, 2000-3000 damage a hit, and dead within 5 seconds. Get back on the battle field, stunned, pushed, knocked, dead again in 5 seconds.


After a long day of work, with the few hours I have left in the night, I attempt to grind some more, but after 10 straight games of losing, it just starts getting depressing. I can't figure out what to do? There was one game where none of us on the Republic side was even doing any damage to the other team.


In my opinion, it seems like I'm supposed to keep grinding until I can afford the next piece of gear, but it just gets harder and harder to do everytime I try.


This game really makes me depressed. When I think about the pre-50 PvP, that was actually decent. Felt like I was actually doing something. But now...just one loss after another. This game actually makes me want to slit my wrist when I think about how my win ratio is like 1:15...

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Probably the time at which you play when you get back from work is the bad time for your faction.

Factions usually have a 50/50 win lose, but on different times of day that can change to even 90/10.


For shield vanguard, i'm playing one right now and i found that to be useful and stay alive you must stay away from the crowd. Stay distant near the healer, taunt one and aoe taunt another 2. Harpoon another one and keep switching your guard around. When focused by 2 players you will go down fast, but you can offer loads of protection without getting focused. That is the main perk of the shield vanguard, you can protect efficiently from a 30 m range.

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There are less then few good Vanguard/PT tank players in pvp.

1. You die cause all know you are good and focus fire you

2. on lowbie pvp one person means more, on 50 team play means more.

3. pt/vang tank should either defend node or guard a healer (and putting taunts, vanguard/PT has best pvp group taunt IMO)

4. they think you are pyro/what ever rep side tree is called(same happens to my jugg tank hybrid, all think I'm a smasher, so they focus fire me)

5.EVERYONE thinks they die in 5 sec and are beoing focus fired. when I play my operative healer (I play him only in guild premade, hate to the bone heal for pugs) I get shouts from 3 ppl at same time asking for heal cause they are being focused (lol).

6. empire has 40% more dmg buff :p

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I know I'm bad at this still, but I usually get the highest for our team when it comes to Protection. But the number is still really low usually, compared to the Imp side.


Even when I'm taking...still just losses.


One thing to bear in mind is that mechanically Vanguards were not built all that well for pvp. As a class centered around a shield/absorb focus and passive mitigation over defensive CDs they do just fine for pve however this doesn't translate into the yellow-damage centric world of pvp.


Unfortunately unless you are up against a sniper-heavy team you are probably going to feel a bit like a second class citizen even when well geared.

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One thing to bear in mind is that mechanically Vanguards were not built all that well for pvp. As a class centered around a shield/absorb focus and passive mitigation over defensive CDs they do just fine for pve however this doesn't translate into the yellow-damage centric world of pvp.


Unfortunately unless you are up against a sniper-heavy team you are probably going to feel a bit like a second class citizen even when well geared.


sniper heavy if MM. lethality aren't called 'tank killers' for nothing.

PVP isnt so much full of yellow damage, plus only internal and elemental (aka poisons and burns or bleeds) avoid armor. even smash respects armor rating.

Vanguards have more armor mitigation then jugg tanks (or on par if jugg is 18/23 hybrid), low cool down on def 'oh crap' buttons, and i've seen some give many trouble to people.

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oil slick - 20% enemy accuracy for 18 seconds 1 min cd, shield +25% dmg red 2 min cd, small self heal 2 min cd (on tank) which is nice with medpack. that's 2 (I cound shield+heal+eventualy medpack as one button) buttonS, but since oil will be used every time, I guess I over used letter 'S'
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