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Top 15 Worst Mistakes in Warzone !!!


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#10 - going for a 3-cap is VERY subjective. There have been a number of times on NC where the other team is completely overpowering us, and the only way we were able to win (100% to 0%, I might add) was having two of our strongest DPS constantly attacking the third point. By the time our opponents took one of the caps back, our two DPS had secured the third and were already moving to capture the off-point again.


Likewise, in situations where there is a full force of seven attacking one of your points, sending a single person to the offpoint will make them call for reinforcements so they don't lose what they already have. Depending on the number they send, you can relieve enough pressure for your guys to set up strong defenses again. If they don't send reinforcements, you have a chance at capturing the point.


Again, it is all subjective to the situation.

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I always head the opposite way in Hypergate, Alderaan or wherever from the rest of my team at the beginning of the match. If I can delay a cap for even half a minute it may help with a win.


This is exactly the mouseclicking player that doesn't even notice ability hitching that I'm talking about.

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I always head the opposite way in Hypergate, Alderaan or wherever from the rest of my team at the beginning of the match. If I can delay a cap for even half a minute it may help with a win.


that's fine for CW and NC, but with HG it doesn't matter at all if you "delay the cap". They get the same amount whether it is capped with 1:30 remaining or 0:05 remaining. All you are doing in this instance is feeding them points (via your kill)

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+1: in hypergates, if you have at least 2 stealthers and you'd need a double cap don't go to the enemy pylon please because everyone and their mother will go back to defend making it close to impossible to cap. Let the stealthers deal with it if they are somewhat competent.


So much this^


I've had many, many ninja cap attempts ruined by a lone Rambo coming over and drawing 1/2 to 3/4 of the enemy team to the pylon right as I'm vanishing to hit the "cheapo" double mind trap.

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So much this^


I've had many, many ninja cap attempts ruined by a lone Rambo coming over and drawing 1/2 to 3/4 of the enemy team to the pylon right as I'm vanishing to hit the "cheapo" double mind trap.


The worse that happened and happens to me, is when I notice the guy solo guarding and try to ninja cap when, all of a sudden, a wild Marauder appears behind me out of nowhere. Not only that he is following every step, telling to enemies "Hey, assassin here!", he also insults the hell out of you because you decided to stay in stealth and not help him in his heroic mission after enemy person called for help. :confused:


"U so bad, l2p moron"

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they all boil down to this one rule: DON'T *********** TRY TO SPLIT 3 WAYS AND GET CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! don't waste time and resources trying to cap a far node, when there's a close and midrange node. also, why on earth is there always one stealther just wandering around about 50 meters from an enemy-controlled node. instead of jacking off doing nothing at a node we don't control guard a F+++ing node we do have and actually help your team.
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The worse that happened and happens to me, is when I notice the guy solo guarding and try to ninja cap when, all of a sudden, a wild Marauder appears behind me out of nowhere. Not only that he is following every step, telling to enemies "Hey, assassin here!", he also insults the hell out of you because you decided to stay in stealth and not help him in his heroic mission after enemy person called for help. :confused:


"U so bad, l2p moron"


That are the kind of people that want to be a one man army... and fail to realize, that if everyone is a one man army, you still need teamplay.


So maybe the basic rule above all else should be "use brain first, then press a key".


they all boil down to this one rule: DON'T *********** TRY TO SPLIT 3 WAYS AND GET CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! don't waste time and resources trying to cap a far node, when there's a close and midrange node. also, why on earth is there always one stealther just wandering around about 50 meters from an enemy-controlled node. instead of jacking off doing nothing at a node we don't control guard a F+++ing node we do have and actually help your team.


Actually, splitting 3 ways usually happens when a few of the team realize, the rest will **** up anyways and will always assault the most guarded node alone or in inferior numbers in addition to being poorly equipped and not attacking the right targets anyways. They then just hope to be able to ninja a cap point when one of the morons accidentally manages to distract the enemy defenders long enough to do so.

Edited by rainbow
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There are circumstances in which using pve gear is better than pvp gear. For example, if you are min/maxed Campaign or Dread Guard and you have only recruit gear. Campaign or Dread guard will make up the difference in damage with extra main and secondary stats. It will also make up the difference in damage reduction with extra endurance. You should be fine with Campaign or Dread Guard gear until you get enough comms for War Hero gear. If you are going to do this, I would suggest though using the champion relics and maybe the implants and earpieces.
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Had this one today in lowbie imp on my healer. In hypergates, round one, we cap and leave no one to defend. Of course they double cap, so most of the team goes back to take our pylon again. But we get it before the round ends, so we are in the lead.


Round 2, teammates cap, leave no defenders AGAIN, so I go guard on my operative healer. One stealth pops out, starts capping, so I mez him and call out. I get discovered by a second stealth and knocked out. I am stunned, call out "2 @ pylon, stunned". Use my stun break to stop the cap, drop into stealth again. Both are capping so I use my grenade to interrupt it for the last time. I am stunned again, callout "2 @ pylon, no break"....and they take the node then kill me. During all of this, I watch 3 people come out of spawn and head to mid.


But eventually most of the team either has orbs or notices we lost the pylon, so when I come out of spawn we are at least fighting for the pylon. We cap it again with 1-2s left in the round.


Here is the best part:


I then see in ops chat a complaint about "what happened to controlling mid, I'm holding this all by myself".


Last round, I refuse to guard again, so go to mid to heal. A sniper guards, but we lose the node with no callout. We all head to the pylon to re-cap, but this time we cannot get it in time, and we lose the round and the match.

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What is this number you ask? That is the creds you earn at level 50 doing all your dailies (not including the weeklies). That does not include incidental cash from the junk loot, and whatever greens/blues/purples that might drop. That buys a hell of allot of stims people. The OP is right, really no reason not to be stimmed. Even for the sub-50's crowd, it isn't really that expensive to buy some stims off the vendor. Some stat boost is better than no stat boost.


Have to say, I agree with pretty much every point in the video. The over-react to inc, or lack of inc call, seems to be far worse in the lowbie pvp bracket than the 50 one. Perhaps those people give up, or have been screamed at enough by then. I loved the CW cap standing by the building there, while the guy dropped his stealth detector in front of the node, classic!

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that one guy going 3rd turret is a good thing sometimes. my attempts ends with about 90% success rate (note, if I see 2 ppl, I auto resign from that plan, as it's pointles and I can be better off murdering in mid, being ready to help defend incs- and look if those 2 who went to cap will go BOTH for our node so I can ninja theirs - that happens so often lol) results in capping enemy default turret. if I have my operative friend with me, it's 100% even if there are 2 enemies.

sometimes I'm blunt saying 'guys, me and Horse_Face will go west stealth, stall them and on mid if you can and prepare for defence if we cap first' - that sometiems leaves enemy team split and paniced (plus 5 rage quits).


for hypergates, one stealther with quick fingers, can ninja cc cap and on his own win the match even if team was loosing. (done that too many times, when team get's cocky for easy win, they want to milk the win by killing more, and forget about defence).

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Had this one today in lowbie imp on my healer. In hypergates, round one, we cap and leave no one to defend. Of course they double cap, so most of the team goes back to take our pylon again. But we get it before the round ends, so we are in the lead.


Round 2, teammates cap, leave no defenders AGAIN, so I go guard on my operative healer. One stealth pops out, starts capping, so I mez him and call out. I get discovered by a second stealth and knocked out. I am stunned, call out "2 @ pylon, stunned". Use my stun break to stop the cap, drop into stealth again. Both are capping so I use my grenade to interrupt it for the last time. I am stunned again, callout "2 @ pylon, no break"....and they take the node then kill me. During all of this, I watch 3 people come out of spawn and head to mid.


But eventually most of the team either has orbs or notices we lost the pylon, so when I come out of spawn we are at least fighting for the pylon. We cap it again with 1-2s left in the round.


Here is the best part:


I then see in ops chat a complaint about "what happened to controlling mid, I'm holding this all by myself".


Last round, I refuse to guard again, so go to mid to heal. A sniper guards, but we lose the node with no callout. We all head to the pylon to re-cap, but this time we cannot get it in time, and we lose the round and the match.


Get a friend to queue with and this shouldn't be a problem any more :) Though I understand your pain, I'm too usually the one stuck at guarding even though I'm a healer.

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I made a video on TOP 15 worst mistakes that people commit in Warzone. (IMO)



If your character figure in this video, please don't take it personnal and no offense to you. Everybody make mistake in WZ. and I need to show example.


Disagree with #10.


It seems like you lack strategy, and that is a mistake on your part.


The 3-cap is done to force the other team to perform a balancing act. It is often the case in regular warzones, and sometimes the case in rated warzones where your team fighting at the main objectives (Novare South, and Alderaan Middle) is incapable of focus fire on healers and themselves are on the loosing end of a fight.


The people who go to attempt to 3-cap to force a response or a shift of enemies from the main objective are the people who save the main objective from being lost. If you stick a powerful and skilled DPS player, they will have a 90+% chance of taking the node if nobody else from their team moves to defend. Stick someone who is good at 1v2's and they can quickly turn the balancing act heavily in your favor as they need 3 to defend the off-node.


Do it enough times and they will always keep at least 2 players on the off-node giving you a 1-player advantage when your psychological warfare takes effect.

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Yeochins should not be allowed to post on this thread.


Countless times I've seen him ahead of the ball carrier in Huttball, spamming Force Lightning instead of pulling the ball carrier forward.



Yeochins, #10 was put in that vid directly for people like you. I hope one day you realize this.

Edited by KettleBelll
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I hate it when your want to plant a bomb in Voidstar for example, and there is one member of the other team defending the door. So I CC the guy and happily start to plant the bomb which would be successful before his mates could get round to his help calls, only to find some clown on my team has rolled up and shot him out of CC, giving him the abiltiy to then stop me planting.
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My personal pet peeve is "don't be a lemming". If we only have one node on civil war (example, west) and the other team has two, I will tell the rest of my team to attack mid, so myself and one other can go and attack east, which will have less defenders. This leaves the opposing team with two options: 1) ignore east and keep defending the strong attack at mid or 2) reinforce east but risk losing mid. However, when in the midst of this, half of our attackers at mid realize "hey, they look like they can cap east soon, I had better go back them up" they allow the majority of the enemy to also come to east, solving nothing.
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Get a friend to queue with and this shouldn't be a problem any more :) Though I understand your pain, I'm too usually the one stuck at guarding even though I'm a healer.


Our healers hate this, but when it comes down to it, sometimes leaving a healer is better than leaving a dps for defensive purposes. Apart from stealthers, most healers are able to hold out for longer against an attack, allowing more time for reinforcements to arrive.


Would you rather have a PT pyro or a merc healer guarding a node? The merc healer will be able to keep the fight going longer at the main front, however the pyro's abilities to burst down an opposing healer are also highly desired. However, a merc healer can live longer in a 1v1 scenerio and allow time for reinforcements arrive, while the pyro's only defense is to kill the attacker before he himself is killed (either way, the battle will be short and won't allow time for most reinforcements to arrive).

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yeochins should not be allowed to post on this thread.


Countless times i've seen him ahead of the ball carrier in huttball, spamming force lightning instead of pulling the ball carrier forward.



Yeochins, #10 was put in that vid directly for people like you. I hope one day you realize this.



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Disagree with #10.


It seems like you lack strategy, and that is a mistake on your part.


The 3-cap is done to force the other team to perform a balancing act. It is often the case in regular warzones, and sometimes the case in rated warzones where your team fighting at the main objectives (Novare South, and Alderaan Middle) is incapable of focus fire on healers and themselves are on the loosing end of a fight.


The people who go to attempt to 3-cap to force a response or a shift of enemies from the main objective are the people who save the main objective from being lost. If you stick a powerful and skilled DPS player, they will have a 90+% chance of taking the node if nobody else from their team moves to defend. Stick someone who is good at 1v2's and they can quickly turn the balancing act heavily in your favor as they need 3 to defend the off-node.


Do it enough times and they will always keep at least 2 players on the off-node giving you a 1-player advantage when your psychological warfare takes effect.


The mistake #10 I gave was a MISTAKE because we had the control of South and East. When you have control you don't have to be greedy and cap the third node. The 2 guys went west to get killed and that created a useless rotation that can result to a lost of a node on our side.


If you are in difficult position and you aren't able to cap then the switch is a good option.


Don't forget guys, you should take this exemple and use it at a context. Otherwise it's pretty easy to find counter example or situation where reaction come over principle.


That said, there is few times we go 3 cap early in game. This happen when we are 2 ****** grouped premade and we fight against poor opponent.

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