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Why I Believe Less-Human Species Should be PC's


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I'm pretty sure if Bioware conducted a poll on this forum the Cathars wouldn't get the majority of the vote. Let's say hypothetically they posed their question like this:


Please indicate by vote which of the following races you would like made as a playable character species- Cathar, Togruta, Voss. I predict the people's responses would be close to this:


Togruta 55%

Voss 40%

Cathar 5%


That is Hypothetical, and a little bit facetious. But how far off would that guesstimate be?

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I'm pretty sure if Bioware conducted a poll on this forum the Cathars wouldn't get the majority of the vote. Let's say hypothetically they posed their question like this:


Please indicate by vote which of the following races you would like made as a playable character species- Cathar, Togruta, Voss. I predict the people's responses would be close to this:


Togruta 55%

Voss 40%

Cathar 5%


That is Hypothetical, and a little bit facetious. But how far off would that guesstimate be?


On the old forums, there were 10 times the people there posting, and the Cathar were easily the most popular every time it was asked.

But, you could argue either way about any species that only 0.1 percent of players voice their opinion on these forums at any one time, and depending on who is voicing at a particular time, the answer will vary.

Edited by Mowermanx
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On the old forums, there were 10 times the people there posting, and the Cathar were easily the most popular every time it was asked.

But, you could argue either way about any species that only 0.1 percent of players voice their opinion on these forums at ant one time, and depending on who is voicing at a particular time, the answer will vary.


I wouldn't say the most popular, but they were definitely the most consistent, and are obviously the safest choice. Still, whereas I once applauded the choice because of their iconic role as a BioWare-popularized species and their hypothetical ease of implementation, I'm now regretting that as, even with their safest choice, it's taking an eternity for them to release.


That does not bode well for subsequent species.

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Hutts and Jawas. That's all I want. No seriously, even since SWG I've been pushing for playable hutts.


Why would you want to play as a Hutt? If you don't mind me asking. That will obviously never happen due to the dimensions of Hutts, as well as lore issues. But I am curious, not a Hutt fan myself, other than the fact that they make excellent villains.

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Why would you want to play as a Hutt? If you don't mind me asking. That will obviously never happen due to the dimensions of Hutts, as well as lore issues. But I am curious, not a Hutt fan myself, other than the fact that they make excellent villains.


Hutts, as far as I understand, don't like doing dirty work. They are lazy slugs who for the most part probably break a sweat by walking 50 meters. Not to mention they are a-sexual, and don't ever speak basic. As cool as it would be, I have to agree with you on that.


By the way, for those of you who care, I've updated the main post to include some extended discussion. I like this thread for the most part, thank you for the quality discussions.

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Hutts, as far as I understand, don't like doing dirty work. They are lazy slugs who for the most part probably break a sweat by walking 50 meters. Not to mention they are a-sexual, and don't ever speak basic. As cool as it would be, I have to agree with you on that.


By the way, for those of you who care, I've updated the main post to include some extended discussion. I like this thread for the most part, thank you for the quality discussions.


Hutts are actually able to speak basic:


And not all Hutts are generally lazy as there were a couple who became Jedi, and some were known to be warriors and mercenaries. If they were to become playable, I agree they would need new stories instead of the current ones for each class.

Edited by Vitas
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Hutts are actually able to speak basic:


And not all Hutts are generally lazy as there were a couple who became Jedi and some were warriors and mercenaries. If they were to become playable, I agree they would need new stories instead of the current ones for each class.


Seriously? I can see it now...Episode VII protagonist will be a Hutt jedi.

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Seriously? I can see it now...Episode VII protagonist will be a Hutt jedi.


One example is Beldorion:


Whilst he did live much later after the events of SWTOR, it's an example of a Hutt Jedi existing. Of course all sentient life is able to develop some form of connection with the Force.


Here's an example of a Hutt hunter:



These are just examples to show how the Hutts could potentially become playable, but again due to their nature and affiliation, they would need entirely different class stories but still being able to become either a Jedi, Sith, Trooper, Agent, Smuggler or Bounty Hunter.

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For those that would want droids, do you honestly feel you would enjoy the storylines where the quest givers never address you as being a machine, that they treat you as just another alien? You would have no issue with strong dramatic points of the storiliness like pride, betrayal and revenge are never addessed as an artifical sentience different to another alien. That flirt and romantic options wouldn't bring up the fact you are a machine. That you would not have anything close to visual customization to make you different to any other droid that the current speices have?


I honestly cannot fathom how you can beleive that a skin that the game itself ignores will solve any bordem with the current choices.

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One example is Beldorion:


Whilst he did live much later after the events of SWTOR, it's an example of a Hutt Jedi existing. Of course all sentient life is able to develop some form of connection with the Force.


Here's an example of a Hutt hunter:



These are just examples to show how the Hutts could potentially become playable, but again due to their nature and affiliation, they would need entirely different class stories but still being able to become either a Jedi, Sith, Trooper, Agent, Smuggler or Bounty Hunter.


Interesting points, but regardless, these cases are not the norm. Hutts are known as being a greedy slothful species in almost all cases, hence the reason Jabba was created as a disgusting slug in the first place. Hutts can fill interesting roles as npcs, such as the one trying to help the Republic on Nar Shaddaa, but as a whole Hutts were designed to be a disgusting immoral species.


Having too many characters running around as heroic Hutts creates issues with the species as a whole. Not to mention the immense problems the body type would create.


Hutts could work in a purely sandbox setting, but not a story driven setting like SWTOR.

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Interesting points, but regardless, these cases are not the norm. Hutts are known as being a greedy slothful species in almost all cases, hence the reason Jabba was created as a disgusting slug in the first place. Hutts can fill interesting roles as npcs, such as the one trying to help the Republic on Nar Shaddaa, but as a whole Hutts were designed to be a disgusting immoral species.


Having too many characters running around as heroic Hutts creates issues with the species as a whole. Not to mention the immense problems the body type would create.


Hutts could work in a purely sandbox setting, but not a story driven setting like SWTOR.


If Hutts were treated as a different class, what they could do is have them become incredibly slow but have powerful enough abilities. When not in combat, they could travel more faster using a speeder or some form of Repulsorlift.

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If Hutts were treated as a different class, what they could do is have them become incredibly slow but have powerful enough abilities. When not in combat, they could travel more faster using a speeder or some form of Repulsorlift.


That would fit better, and that wouldn't bother me, but I am doubtful that there will ever be a Star Wars game that allows you to play as a Hutt through the game. Highly doubtful that lots of people are clamoring to be a giant slug. Having their own class would alleviate issues if it were somehow instituted though, provided we don't have a bunch of ridiculous Hutt Jedi running around. Would need to be realistic to the portrayal of the species overall.

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That would fit better, and that wouldn't bother me, but I am doubtful that there will ever be a Star Wars game that allows you to play as a Hutt through the game. Highly doubtful that lots of people are clamoring to be a giant slug. Having their own class would alleviate issues if it were somehow instituted though, provided we don't have a bunch of ridiculous Hutt Jedi running around. Would need to be realistic to the portrayal of the species overall.


They could still be Jedi, Sith, Troopers, Smugglers, Agent, Bounty Hunter etc, with what I suggested where their speed is reduced but their abilities are stronger and when not in combat they travel faster on speeders or repulsorlifts. However their class stories would be entirely different and could be viewed as an elite species choice, similar to the DKs in Wow but not as a single class choice.

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They could still be Jedi, Sith, Troopers, Smugglers, Agent, Bounty Hunter etc, with what I suggested where their speed is reduced but their abilities are stronger and when not in combat they travel faster on speeders or repulsorlifts. However their class stories would be entirely different and could be viewed as an elite species choice, similar to the DKs in Wow but not as a single class choice.


Isolated cases are one thing, but a bunch of Hutt Jedi running around doesn't make much sense. That is what we would have if that were incorporated into the game. But then again, it doesn't make much sense to see a bunch of Republic Chiss running around either, so to each his own I suppose.

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I don't agree with this thread. All characters in game should be human :D. Just like I think all horde characters on horde side for wow should be blood elves and on alliance human/night elf, but preferably high elf when ever Blizzard makes them available to alliance. Edited by Knockerz
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Why would you want to play as a Hutt? If you don't mind me asking. That will obviously never happen due to the dimensions of Hutts, as well as lore issues. But I am curious, not a Hutt fan myself, other than the fact that they make excellent villains.


I kinda assume some of the RPers out there would love a Hutt Character. Yes the current story would not work but some people just like playing something different, or something amusing or something they think is cool. Dont know if I would play a Hutt but I would like the choice.

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Language and Romance issues. It can't happen, and people still ask...


And why can't it happen? There are companions that don't speak basic (Broonmark and Bowdaar) and female troopers can romance Jorgan (Cathar) so the "not gonna happen because of language and inter-species romance issues" is a bogus and at this point, very tired excuse.

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None of the reasons provided by the devs, whether it be romance, expressions, relatability, etc. are any excuse given the number of perfectly plausible races that fall within those standards. Chagrians, Togruta, Devaronians, Mon Calamari, Duros, Bothans...all perfectly doable.


It's sheer laziness, IMO, plain and simple. Well, not laziness -- but cutting corners. Taking the easy road. All of the current races use the same exact selection of heads and textures, just with different decals or fixtures applied on top of the base. The only race with unique faces is the Pureblood; every other race shares the same selection, some of them even lacking several.


They were able to quickly copy and paste the races together to save time and money and especially effort. And it shows, badly.

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Romance has never been a prerequisite. Stop promoting the misconception. :)


This is just for those who do try to promote it so they can become more lenient on the subject of alien relationships by keeping this in mind as an example for how it's not a prerequisite.

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Quarren can speak basic fluently and can romance:


They're eligible to become playable.


I think Quarren would be cool. I remember the Quarren skin someone did for KOTOR 2 I downloaded that and the Trandoshan one and never played a human again. I skipped the whole 2 dialogs that refered to me as human and it was still a great game, possibly even better because I felt I was given more control over my hero.

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I think Quarren would be cool. I remember the Quarren skin someone did for KOTOR 2 I downloaded that and the Trandoshan one and never played a human again. I skipped the whole 2 dialogs that refered to me as human and it was still a great game, possibly even better because I felt I was given more control over my hero.


So Quarren isn't an issue when speaking basic from what we've seen. Trandoshans don't appear to be a problem either although most of them speak with a rough voice, but that shouldn't be a problem either. Like with Rodians, for Trandoshans they would just need to transform the voice-overs so it features that sound effect when they speak.

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