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My first real complaint... and it's a BAD one


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UNLESS...you are on an APAC server. It might be feasible on Dalborra...might. But if you are playing on Gav Daragon or (especially) Master Dar'Nala, you're basically hosed, as you can be queued up in the 'finder and be endlessly advertising in chat, and get precisely zero, and nothing happens for literally hours. Meaning that the Weapons Component and the Loyalty Chip (False Emperor and HM Foundry) will never be in your future. I hope you, OP, are not a denizen of an APAC server.


That said, 125K is a drop in the ocean. And some parts of the quest are actually well-designed (making the character enter the Outlaw's Den to buy the one part from the Jawa - while I loathe open world PvP as a rule, for some reason this struck me as being a really good idea).


I, too, hated the endless, brain-numbing scanning. As a child, I despised Easter Egg hunts, even knowing those plastic eggs held candy, toys, and silver dollars, and I still despise anything resembling one. And that's pretty much what this is. But...I also realize that if you don't sit there engaging in repetitive mental self-stimulation to get those parts, you get no HK droid. That's just the way it is, nothing to be done for it.


And to counter an earlier misconception, as long as you have your scanner, you can search for parts, even if you have the part already - provided you don't try to pick it up. I'd already gotten all my parts, and still had my scanner, and was still able to help a friend search the Jedi Temple. So I picked up an extra droid head, and didn't open it when I found the part site. Just because I could. I couldn't open it, as it would have meant a duplicate part (thus you can't pick up the components not contained in something else), but an extra 'part container' is entirely possible. Worthless, but possible.


Unless you have characters on multiple servers that you want to have HK droids for, take heart. Once you've done it, it's over. Every other character you have can get an HK without going through the grind again. And that is something to look forward to.


And for those players that like to grab codex entries...you can click the bottle in that quasi-tent thing and kill the pvp vendor for an entry. Lol just a side note, but perhaps another reason to go there. I had played the game forever and did not know that was there until grabbing the part....saw the bottle and clicked it...was a nice surprize.

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Well BioWare I have managed to go this long without any real issues or complaints about this game, but unfortunately , tonight that changes.


*snippety snip*


I just spent three hours doing the most mind numbingly stupid task imaginable with no payoff wahtsoever!


Took me about 15 minutes to find it solo on Hoth, from landing to leaving. I suggest: Lrn2 grid search.

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I just spent three hours doing the most mind numbingly stupid task imaginable with no payoff wahtsoever! Three hours that I could of spent doing dailies, PvP or running operations with my guild. Instead I'm running around Hoth and Taris, sticking a scanner in the ground that can only scan a 25 meter radius search for HK parts! That's right, another HK parts quest complaint! And to make matters worse, to find the first piece I had to spend 125,000 credits! ON ONE PIECE!!!


I am insulted, not only as a gamer, but as a SUBSCRIBER to be reduced to running around, planting a probe in the ground and coming up with nothing!


There is nothing to be gained by running around for hours, sticking a probe in the ground only to come up empty handed! Not to mention that I could get picked off at anytime by someone on the open PvP worlds! Where is the challenge in this!?! There is none!!!!

I find it hard to believe that you are spending THAT much time running dailies and operations if you are just now running the HK quest. And since when is 125k a lot of money for a level 50? You can run less than 1/3 of the dailies for one day and get that much in credits. You're subscribing for access to the game. It doesn't mean you just get everything you want in the game handed to you. Open world PVP on Hoth and Taris? There are no cross-factions on Taris. If you're on a PVP server, then you're on the wrong server if you're worried about a quest opening you up to to PVP. If you're on Hoth on a PVE server, then you have to be flagged for PVP. Otherwise, you can be standing right next to the other faction and they can't touch you. Where's the challenge? Dailies aren't a challenge. Sounds more like you're a min-max'er who's obsessed with how many credits you're making per second of game play. Well, you don't have to have HK....he's not needed to play the game.

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And thats the reason I havent even bothered wasting my time trying to get HK.


See, you really do have choice.


Fair enough...getting HK is meaningless to you. You have exercised your your right to not participate and I respect that.

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I completed the whole thing yesterday, indeed it is a massive pain in the rear, the scanning was very annoying but with others doing the same thing it helped. My biggest gripe was that as a personal quest your forced into doing two flash points. I hate the way BW makes people do FP's to achieve anything meaningful in swtor. It's a personal quest for a companion made hard enough by the lame time-sink that then forces you into teaming up.


Really BW i should be able to do this solo with companions, at level 50 i've earned that right. Though i am sure many will dissagree.

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