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New podracer mount is pretty amazing!


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i agree its stupidly priced ... i did buy one cause i am an idiot ... but i wouldnt suggest anyone else do the same.


BW has to be a little less greedy with this stuff .. its not even a good looking pod racer really in comparison to the ones in episode 1 ... and iits not even a pre-cursor to pod racing which it should have been.


The problem is by buying one you're encouraging them to just keep doing the same.


Meanwhile people are getting sick of the sheer rip off of the SWTOR Cashshop (compared to other MMOs) and leaving the game. :(

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The problem is by buying one you're encouraging them to just keep doing the same.


Meanwhile people are getting sick of the sheer rip off of the SWTOR Cashshop (compared to other MMOs) and leaving the game. :(


To my total amazement I found 2 (two!) on Imp Balmorra yesterday. Mind completely blown. Also the change to the CM speeders (even the ones' bought from the GTN like mine) is insane I have speeder piloting 1 and went through an entire resistance stronghold without getting knocked off.

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To my total amazement I found 2 (two!) on Imp Balmorra yesterday. Mind completely blown. Also the change to the CM speeders (even the ones' bought from the GTN like mine) is insane I have speeder piloting 1 and went through an entire resistance stronghold without getting knocked off.


They certainly have a decent buff for lower levels, unfortunately that is a P2W road which never ends well. :(

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Completely new model, new sound effects and looks just generally amazing!


Some pics: http://dulfy.net/2013/01/23/swtor-patch-1-6-3-cartel-market-update/


Video with sound effects isolated:


I do like it very much. However for $18 USD per character I'd have to decline. I can see it being worth that if account bound for all current and future characters created. But no way is it worth the price for one character only. No way. In lieu of that, I am speaking with my wallet, and not purchase it at all.

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Yeah, I still think they are failing on their price model. A speeder that costs more than the expansion?? dafaq??


I'll likely wait for it go on sell or buy with credits.


This is indeed, very stupid and :confused:. Like most of Cartel Market prices.

Edited by Netwar
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It'd be a bit cheaper if they didn't keep shoving legacy speeder unlocks with it :/ I already have Rank 3, it sucks to be forced to get a Rank 1 Speeder thing. v-v


The one nice part about the speeder I it gives you is you can at least either use it on an alt when its gets to a level that you can use it or GTN it for a few creds.

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The one nice part about the speeder I it gives you is you can at least either use it on an alt when its gets to a level that you can use it or GTN it for a few creds.


Which doesn't work if you don't have Alts...and honestly, it costs 35K. Not a big deal if you already have high enough legacy. I believe it gets used automatically though :/

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Yeah, I still think they are failing on their price model. A speeder that costs more than the expansion?? dafaq??


I'll likely wait for it go on sell or buy with credits.



This is their model now though, obscenely high Cashshop prices (compared to any other comparable MMORPG or MMO). :(

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Well... it seems we have a bit of a trend in our guild with this speeder. Everyone is getting one. lol! Not a requirement, but you know how it is...


Had our comms runs last night and it was great. A bunch of us storming down TFB on these things. I loved it. My only suggestion would be paint kits. I'd love to customize it so I had a different paint scheme.


We sort of break the curve for some of you. We don't seem to be shy about spending CCs for it.


And... yea, the play to win talk is ridiculous. LOL! It is a mount... you can get knocked off quite easily despite the "enhancement". Don't recall using my mount to kill Kephess. In fact.... there is no speeder of choice to skip trash btw. Either you can skip it or you can't. Mounts aren't part of the gear check. Lol!

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Then why did you say it was true, when you're now saying it isn't then? :confused:


I'm still saying the same thing.


No Goretzu, you just choose to read only half my post and then say I was wrong. He was right that my entire post was leading up to basicly saying: No matter what we say about price, EA/Bioware will decide what the best price is based on basic market mechanics.


Through trial and error, because that is the only way, they will find a price that maximizes profit by finding a price that will, eventually, lead to maximum sales with minimum 'loss' in profit per sold item. Is it $18? I don't think it is honestly. Especially considering some points made here (it not being account wide while the game claims to be alt friendly is a very good point I feel). But the company would be shooting themselves in the foot for not trying.


You, in your entire debate, have overreached on the 'people no longer being customer over this' angle. While I was simply stating that I felt not many would leave the game because a handful of cartel store items are too expensive.


I am not saying you are wrong in your points that it is too expensive for many. I am merely stating that you are drawing the wrong conclusions out of this. And, as always in a F2P environment, the best way to show your personal dislike of pricing of items is by simply not buying them. No amount of forum threads or demands or complaints will have as much affect as Sales not finding the target they were looking for.

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Also, I've asked this before and I'll ask this again: Silly one-of examples set aside. How is this protection any better than already given by every adaptive speeder in game? Because all of them have that line nowadays in their action bar description (don't bother with torhead and darthhater, they are outdated here).


So really.. how is it P2W when even the Ubrikki Sand Devil (less than speeder piloting 1 on many server's GTN's) already have the same thing?

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No Goretzu, you just choose to read only half my post and then say I was wrong. He was right that my entire post was leading up to basicly saying: No matter what we say about price, EA/Bioware will decide what the best price is based on basic market mechanics.


Through trial and error, because that is the only way, they will find a price that maximizes profit by finding a price that will, eventually, lead to maximum sales with minimum 'loss' in profit per sold item. Is it $18? I don't think it is honestly. Especially considering some points made here (it not being account wide while the game claims to be alt friendly is a very good point I feel). But the company would be shooting themselves in the foot for not trying.


You, in your entire debate, have overreached on the 'people no longer being customer over this' angle. While I was simply stating that I felt not many would leave the game because a handful of cartel store items are too expensive.


I am not saying you are wrong in your points that it is too expensive for many. I am merely stating that you are drawing the wrong conclusions out of this. And, as always in a F2P environment, the best way to show your personal dislike of pricing of items is by simply not buying them. No amount of forum threads or demands or complaints will have as much affect as Sales not finding the target they were looking for.



Again though this isn't true.


Bioware EA selling at between +50% and +1000% (yes 1000%) more than other comparable MMO games is NOT sustainable.


Again you've got to sell to your customers to make an money, gouging like this simply will drive people away and make them not buy.



I don't doubt they will have point sales of Gambling Bags and $18 per toon mounts (they have the odd people buy them if they sold mounts for $1000.00 a time no doubt), but I very much doubt that will continue for 6, 12 or 24 months.


Where as other comparable MMOs have shown pricing reasonably sustains your sales over years.


As many people have said, if they'd charged $25 for account-wide mounts (as WoW do) they'd have bought them (when they have not) and would have felt satisfied (not ripped off) in doing so.

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Not the most, the Avalance Heavy Tank mount from Nightmare EC offers extreme protection and you literally cannot get knocked off in Section X except on rare occasions. This one only offers exception protection and you can get knocked off in seconds in Section X.


I use the pink speeder you get by killing some world bosses and the only time I was knocked off in Section X was when I crashed head-on into the boss.

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