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Barbershop and Plastic Surgery ;-)


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Dear BioWare.


This has been on my wishlist for a long time. With the medical advances in the SW universe it could be awesome if you for a fee can go get your scars fixed, or even add some scars if you have been wiping all night, just for the fun of it. Changing the appearance of Characters is something other MMO's already offer and it could nice to have it in SWTOR aswell.


Another thing, is the Barber / Hairdresser. Say I want to grow a beard, get a purple ponytail (I know that is not an option... YET) or just change the hairstyle and color of my characters hair, I would love to see that, as I am pretty sick of my Sentinels Hairstyle, I pushed the wrong hairstyle during character selection, I actually didn't check the back of the head with that hairstyle.


With the massive modifications during character creation there is endless possibilities here. My characters could get fat, or loose weight during time, get "contacts" (change eye color) and all that sort of stuff.


Please make that for us :-)




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Yes since both Barber services and cosmetic surgeons exist in the Star Wars universe. Also I don't want to see it as a Cartel Market purchase. Since Wow and TSW feature both as a freely accessible vendor, then surely SWTOR can do the same to not alienate its player base. Sure it'd be understandable if F2P can only access a few hairstyles just like they have limited options in the character creation.
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