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paid character transfers question


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i played back when the game came out and for awhile after i got my bounty hunter to level 50. i stopped for quite some time and since its free to play a few of my friends started playing to but they are on another server. i want to come back and play but i don't want to have to start over since i put a lot of time into my character already. is there any news of paid server transfers coming anytime soon?
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During the last State of the Game blog, it was said:


Topic #3: Character Copy to Public Test Server (PTS) – What is taking so long? Answer: As of the writing of this letter, we are in focused, internal testing on character copies for PTS. You should expect to see this come within the first part of this year. It will provide free character copies to PTS at any time (with possible restrictions dependent upon our testing needs at any given time). This will also lay the foundation for our new live character transfer system that will be coming later this year.


The answer was about character copies, but the bolded sentence refers to live character transfers.


Edited by chuixupu
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i played back when the game came out and for awhile after i got my bounty hunter to level 50. i stopped for quite some time and since its free to play a few of my friends started playing to but they are on another server. i want to come back and play but i don't want to have to start over since i put a lot of time into my character already. is there any news of paid server transfers coming anytime soon?


we know how u feel,

all players in my country r playing in difference servers,

BW need to provide char transfers in the next 5 days,

or redesign their game as GW2.

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