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Will this new computer handle SWTOR on high settings with good FPS?


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Here is a link to the PC im thinking about getting. Im having VERY poor performance issues with my current system (10FPS in citys and OPS) so Ill link the components if anyone has any input as to why Im getting such a bad gaming experience. Any help from someone who knows a thing or two about computers will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


(PC im thinking about buying) - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5653741&CatId=114


(current system) - cyberpower, Processor AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ 3.02 Ghz, Memory 4.00 GB, OS Windows Vista 64bit, GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 560

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Here is a link to the PC im thinking about getting. Im having VERY poor performance issues with my current system (10FPS in citys and OPS) so Ill link the components if anyone has any input as to why Im getting such a bad gaming experience. Any help from someone who knows a thing or two about computers will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


(PC im thinking about buying) - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5653741&CatId=114


(current system) - cyberpower, Processor AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ 3.02 Ghz, Memory 4.00 GB, OS Windows Vista 64bit, GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 560


4GB of ram is pretty gimped IMO. If you run nothing else other than SWTOR (and perhaps voice chat) then 4 GB is probably be sufficient but why play close to the edge? upgrading DDR is cheap in the grand scheme of things. I would go with 8 GB as a minimum (not using swtor unleashed).


I have a GTX 560ti and my frame rate is great. Sometimes FPS drops to the 30s or even 20s on a busy fleet but PvP and operations are super playable.


I used to have 8GB of RAM. The game played fine with this but I now have 16GB and run 'swtor unleashed' (it copies a bunch of SWTOR files to a RAM drive). I also run 2 monitors, a web browser and a few other apps on the 2nd monitor.


I have many but not all graphic settings turned up high.

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Thank you all for your input! I was thinking it might be my processor spead that is keeping things almost unplayable in pvp and crowded cities.


Are you sure RAM is the only thing that I need to fix the current problem? It would sure be alot cheaper than buying an entire new system! lol


Also, what are your opinions on the rig i linked? Im thinking about buying it. :D

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More DDR is always good, 8GB should be a min for any "serious gamer" PC today

As for the proposed gaming rig, it is not bad, and I do not know you financial limits, but I might suggest investing into a SSD (much faster loading times) and Quadcore CPU. Also, it might be cheaper to buy the parts and build it yourself, it does not take any technical genius to do it, just a bit of carefulness and Phillips screwdriver.

I recently build a rig for about 1200 USD (i7 3770, GTX670, 8GB DDR3, 2 SSDs, Win8 64), and I suspect it will serve me very well for the next 10 years (heck, my 5 year old PC could still handled 99% of my games without problem)

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Running your current system I would turn shadows off. That should make a huge difference.


As far as the rig you spec'd. It will do fine. I have the same case except I built mine. The case has plenty of space for cooling and runs quiet.


The only thing I would say is there's not allot of room for expansion (MB wise). But you can always just get a new Mother Board when it's time to upgrade.


You should see a huge jump in performance with the 660 and 2GB of VRam.


I have a 3570K intel i5 with an MSi motherboard with VirtuMVP software built in. The VirtuMVP software helps with micro stuttering and tearing. It caps the fps at 80 (I believe) so you don't get the spikes which cause the micro stuttering you get when the fps drops below 30.


This game was getting notorious for micro stuttering.

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As is, you will run into trouble running this game with whichever machine.



However, running SWTOR Unleashed, you will run it quite smoothly provided you stack a bit more of RAM. i'd say 8Gigs is sufficient, 16Gigs an exaggeration, but a fun one.



Also, always run with Shadows off. They have an horrid cost/benefit rate, unless you really love shadows.

Edited by Socialist
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More DDR is always good, 8GB should be a min for any "serious gamer" PC today

I did fine with 4GB on various games. Many of them having higher requirements than TOR. No troubles multi-tasking either. However, with TOR running and only 4GB I couldn't do much else but TOR without it being painfully slow. Taking detours to "not responding" land along the way. Getting worse the longer I played.


I upgraded to 12 which was something I was thinking about anyway, but I didn't expect this game to give me that kind of trouble to begin with. It sped up my decision to upgrade.

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how much Ram dose TOR really need? i have ran TOR on only 2GB of ram since day one. i do experance lag but not beucase of huge amounts of virtual ram. my system may be runing a quad core but not only is my ram only 2GB but its also DDR2(not DDR3). i think my system will lag no matter how much ram i put in it.
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Well, for a $900 pc that is good, but just for SWTOR....wasted IMO. I built my computer for SWTOR back in Nov 2011. Even with 3year old tech, it still dominates this game. The newer higher number on an item does not always mean better....faster maybe, but not always better. I have a AMD Phe 2 1075T (6core) CPU, GTX 460 x2 (SLI) 8 gb of ram, a 1tb HDD and a 200GB SSD...I play maxed out on a 42in HD LED tv and sit about 60-80FPS. When you look at my specs, they are semi archaic, but, this game doesn’t require the best, just really good specs. Even if I removed my SLI’ed 460, it would still get around 50FPS…..and this system would only cost about $500 to make right now including a full version (NON-OEM) win 7/8 OS.



But still I am a huge fan of the AMD Phe II series CPUS…..for the money, you cannot get a better or faster CPU….

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I have yet to run into any problems on my rig (see above), guess the first big test will be on the new Ilum, if the population there is 50 people on both sides casting like crazy

1. Get fraps.

2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F ingame to get FPS counter up.

3. Record running around in fleet with 40+ people around.

4. Record doing a warzone.

5. Post video on youtube.


Until then your post is just as useful as the random noob saying "I can max out this game with 3450934934 fps on my toaster".

Edited by Marmerus
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Thanks for all of your feedback. I just bought a rig today actually. i5, kept my gtx 560, 8 gigs ram, and wow....HUGE difference. It was all my processor causing the problems. Im running on max settings now and getting over 100fps constant.


The game actually feels like a game now! haha


thanks again peeps!

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Okay, have fun. Do NOT INSTALL THESE PROGRAMS, at least on your gaming rig, if you have to install them, do a dual boot drive and use that for working or whatever, and leave your gaming install pure.


Microsoft Office (any part)


Adobe Acrobat


There are others, but those are very common and they pooch your registry like you wouldn't believe putting **** all over the place.

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