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PvP servers - change demanded!


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They shouldn't be encouraging ganking with rewards, which is what the majority of world pvp is.


Microing a companion or pet requires more skill. It was disappointing that they weren't allowed in warzones. :(


wrong server you chose.. :csw_yoda:


You better tell why cause all games with open world have rewards but not TOR..

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Let me ask you... Why is there companions in the first place if they would just be auto dismissed when someone wants to gank you. and FYI If you pop out of stealth to attack someone full health or not That's Ganking. If you attack someone without warning them... lol that's ganking lol. There's no way around it lol. Yea if you can't handle being ganked then you chose the wrong server lol you are absolutely correct :D BUT! (don't forget the but) Just because your on a PvP server doesn't mean anything. This game revolves around a CLASS STORY and YOU GET COMPANIONS FOR THE CLASS STORY. Your on a PvP server which means just about every world is open world PvP. With your suggestions... that would mean your companions should only be used for crafting and would only appear when you walk through your green class story phase wll, which would mean you would only need them for your class missions, which would mean trash mobs around the planets need to be nerfed enough for you to survive taking them on by yourself, (by that time your health would be at about 25% because I'm at level with the trash mobs and they are actually suppose to kick my *** a little bit. & you said thats when you'd attack the enemy player, but apparently a player getting his *** kicked by a trash mob is his own problem.) In this case companions shouldn't be on PvP servers at all, which means there can't be class stories on PvP servers either.


So what would be the purpose of all the planets and ships on a PvP server. Why not give PvP servers 1 planet to go to to Queue for WZs and kill eachother while waiting for a pop. Why even have a leveling system on PvP servers. Your proposal actually destroys the experience rather than helps it. I think your guys are Trolling because you all don't want to deal with companions when this innocent story running imp/pub runs by your outpost (because there's a crate they gotta blow up or something they gotta pick up) and you want to kill them. I think You guys need to stop QQ'n about companions and heroic moments. If you run into someone of the opposite faction while questing (which you will) if you chose to shot them or slap them with your saber then their companion has the right to help them put their foot in your ***. I'm just saying.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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I don't think companions are that big a deal in OPvP skirmishes. In fact, they can help balance things out a bit when numbers heavily favor one side, assuming that one side has a raid formed and can't summon their companions.


Pretty sure BW already made some changes to the OPvP areas concerning companions. I remember being able to summon companions in Outlaw's Den. Now you cannot. Thought I also remembered being able to summon companions in the Ilum OPvP area, but I could be misremembering on that one. So the three main PvP areas; OD, Ilum OPvP and WZs, don't allow companions anyway. So not that big a deal.


I would really like to see some form of OPvP Daily/Weekly introduced to encourage PvP in areas outside of WZs, for all levels and all contested planets, not just 50 and Ilum. The old Ilum Daily/Weekly was a fun extra couple PvP quests to complete and encouraged a mix of PvP.


The WZ drone grind is really starting to get to me, and PvPers certainly need an alternative method of gear progression aside from just WZs. Hopefully, the new Ilum will introduce a new daily/weekly to encourage more OPvP so more peeps will have an incentive to mix things up.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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No. They are saying PvP really shouldn't involve companions, just like World Bosses don't. Companions simply don't follow normal PvP rules atm.


have you ever tried to 1v1 a world boss with your companion out? Your companion is rendered useless at the site of the world boss. Check that out sometime. If your in a full 4 man group let alone an op for a world boss... your companion is auto dismissed. and there are no PvP rules for Companions to follow atm so what are you talking about?

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I have been asking this trough Q&A many times. However, seemed like nobody cared.

I suggested that companion should be disabled when involved into player vs player action. It would also fit the story and RP rules for those who are into it.


One more thing I have been asking is removal of powerful guards, such as, one-shooting turrets.


Companions, turrets do not belong on PvP server. They are limiting PvP experience and preventing Open World PvP. I am sure that people who are somehow against it will be on PvE server, so no big deal.


So what your saying is... If I'm questing atm and you decide you want to gank me... My companion should be dismissed so that not only can you start the fight on your own terms... like your going to do anyway since you want to gank me... you don't want my companion to turn the fight around to make your shameful ganking turn on its face? Is that what your telling me?


That is why you pick the PvE and not PvP server. Seems like people are picking servers just to look cool or something.

PvP is not only a WarZone. It is also the feeling of constantly being monitored. You think twice before using every ability because there might be a stealther that will pop out every second. Why would anyone be on PvP server and disagree with this, is beyond me.

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Dropping all of the classes Legacy perk on the gankers head while Unity is up - Priceless.


Go do some PVE - explore every story what is the base of this game, and stop complaining.

I did, and i love to destroy the idiots who think the lvl 40-49 players are easy pickings for a WH/EWH geared lvl 50's. Nothing like the feeling, when you kill them and roll on the floor laughing.

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1.Companions - they should be instantly dismissed when a player engage combat with another player, or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc) and heroic moment unavailable for the duration of the fight.


I love this lol apparently people have not noticed... on the companion bar, there under the fist that tells the companion to attack there is a icon with crossed arms that puts the companion in a passive mode that makes them do nothing in reaction to your actions. That is the "or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc)" and for the Heroic moment... lol just don't click it lol you got the right to gank they got the right to a heroic moment... you got 1 too... use it. If you find its a cowards way out... don't fight cowards...

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Let me ask you... Why is there companions in the first place if they would just be auto dismissed when someone wants to gank you. and FYI If you pop out of stealth to attack someone full health or not That's Ganking. If you attack someone without warning them... lol that's ganking lol. There's no way around it lol. Yea if you can't handle being ganked then you chose the wrong server lol you are absolutely correct :D BUT! (don't forget the but) Just because your on a PvP server doesn't mean anything. This game revolves around a CLASS STORY and YOU GET COMPANIONS FOR THE CLASS STORY. Your on a PvP server which means just about every world is open world PvP. With your suggestions... that would mean your companions should only be used for crafting and would only appear when you walk through your green class story phase wll, which would mean you would only need them for your class missions, which would mean trash mobs around the planets need to be nerfed enough for you to survive taking them on by yourself, (by that time your health would be at about 25% because I'm at level with the trash mobs and they are actually suppose to kick my *** a little bit. & you said thats when you'd attack the enemy player, but apparently a player getting his *** kicked by a trash mob is his own problem.) In this case companions shouldn't be on PvP servers at all, which means there can't be class stories on PvP servers either.


So what would be the purpose of all the planets and ships on a PvP server. Why not give PvP servers 1 planet to go to to Queue for WZs and kill eachother while waiting for a pop. Why even have a leveling system on PvP servers. Your proposal actually destroys the experience rather than helps it. I think your guys are Trolling because you all don't want to deal with companions when this innocent story running imp/pub runs by your outpost (because there's a crate they gotta blow up or something they gotta pick up) and you want to kill them. I think You guys need to stop QQ'n about companions and heroic moments. If you run into someone of the opposite faction while questing (which you will) if you chose to shot them or slap them with your saber then their companion has the right to help them put their foot in your ***. I'm just saying.


Stealth or not if you are on low HP and fighting mobs you will get ganked face it! It is not about that isn't it? You are missing the point or yes you are trolling. Companions don't have place in PvP cause it means player vs player. People cry about legacy skills but i don't, cause my legacy choke kills you for 3 sec. legacy skills are overpowered and have no place in pvp.


O wait a second you can't kill anyone without your companions am i right? That's why you cry so much..

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That is why you pick the PvE and not PvP server. Seems like people are picking servers just to look cool or something.

PvP is not only a WarZone. It is also the feeling of constantly being monitored. You think twice before using every ability because there might be a stealther that will pop out every second. Why would anyone be on PvP server and disagree with this, is beyond me.


I absolutely do not understand your responce to what I wrote... I...I just... I I... I just don't understand...

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have you ever tried to 1v1 a world boss with your companion out? Your companion is rendered useless at the site of the world boss. Check that out sometime. If your in a full 4 man group let alone an op for a world boss... your companion is auto dismissed. and there are no PvP rules for Companions to follow atm so what are you talking about?


I thought this thread is about pvp.. are you sure that you clicked the right section?

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O wait a second you can't kill anyone without your companions am i right? That's why you cry so much..


LMAO you have no idea dude. I'm not QQ'n I'm simply defending those who you try to gank and then justify it. Ganking is for Cowards. You gank? You're a Coward. I don't get ganked. and Those stupid enough to try on my server found out why you don't. 1 I take advantage of my Full WH geared Companion 2 I never run flagged without my companion. I play on a RP server. This is my first mmo and didn't know the mechanics of PvP or a mmo when I first started playing months ago. But now I do. I'm not afraid to roll on a PvP server and I plan on moving my toon to Po5 when paid transfers come out if they ever do.. You should stop QQ'n about companions. If you can't stand the heat get the **** out the kitchen.

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LMAO you have no idea dude. I'm not QQ'n I'm simply defending those who you try to gank and then justify it. Ganking is for Cowards. You gank? You're a Coward. I don't get ganked. and Those stupid enough to try on my server found out why you don't. 1 I take advantage of my Full WH geared Companion 2 I never run flagged without my companion. I play on a RP server. This is my first mmo and didn't know the mechanics of PvP or a mmo when I first started playing months ago. But now I do. I'm not afraid to roll on a PvP server and I plan on moving my toon to Po5 when paid transfers come out if they ever do.. You should stop QQ'n about companions. If you can't stand the heat get the **** out the kitchen.


This thread is not about ganking issues. By rolling on PvP server you have to deal with it and companions will not help you. They will ruin the world pvp and they do it as we speak.. Without them will be so much fun and a lot of pvpers may get back to the game. I hope BioWare see this cause they will get a lot of new subscribes.


You don't like it? Here is the solution - PvE server!


People want PvP and you just can't make the PvP a PvE

Edited by ilifus
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So basically you want what I said before... the 1-2 planet pvp server system with no leveling and story. all you had to do was agree... gotta get all combative:D


The story, leveling and the PvP have noting in common. Personally i love the story but the story has end and then all i want is PvP. Tell me how those suggestions are going to kill the story and the leveling? You don't make any sense thought..

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I hate to say it, but the PvP servers are for PvPers in order to enjoy the world PvP. We know it, EA BioWare too, but after more than one year there are no changes!?

They need to start with something simple:


1.Companions - they should be instantly dismissed when a player engage combat with another player, or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc) and heroic moment unavailable for the duration of the fight.

Reasons - player vs player doesn't mean player vs companion; legacy skills unbalance; class cc on companions unbalance; types of companions unbalance and many more..


2.Reward from killing a player - maybe the first MMO with no reward from killing a player in open world. We should have for example 5 commendations after killing a player and if we are in group the reward must be divided equally (so players have no reason to form a big groups and the poor engine will be just fine). Bigger valor ranks should give us more commendations. We shouldn't have commendations from players 5 levels below and 50 level should have commendations only from another 50 level. Killing the same player in the next 15 minutes should give us less commendations.

Reasons - different variations PvP for taking gear, not forcing the player to do warzones only.


Please dear PvP developers.. be reasonable.. after all, those PvP servers are for us and we pay the game to enjoy PvP in general.


I agree with no companions in PvP but rewards for PvP kills only leads to fight clubs.

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Mercenary comms are already in the game. I have no idea why they aren't used for open world kills in all areas. We've been asking this question for a while with no hint or clue as to what they intend to do with them. It's a mystery!
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If there are NPCs on the planet than no companions shouldn't be dismissed when attacked by players. Now if the devs want to remove the NPCs from Ilum and make that the open world planet than I'm all for that.


There shouldn't be rewards for killing other players outside of a WZ because this will only bring back fight clubbing like before.

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Mercenary comms are already in the game. I have no idea why they aren't used for open world kills in all areas. We've been asking this question for a while with no hint or clue as to what they intend to do with them. It's a mystery!


That's the idea actually. We could get mercenary commendations from each kill, but they need to be a small number. Doing warzones must be the faster way to get gear. And those who do not want to be forced to gear up only with warzones will be happy too.

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i agree with pets intantly remove them when you get into a fight. I think the reward for killing should be based on the ratio if the player is alone and is being attacked by 2 or more people the reward should be insignificant otherwise like another poster said you will get fight clubs. People just zerging solo players. You could just do like the warzone and give 1 commendation to the loser and 2 or 3 to the winner so everyone wins. Obviously the only other problem with giving out comms at all is that people can have the same faction on there accounts and you could farm gear that way

so maybe something like giving things that are not gear but things like warzone stims or other rewards

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