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Since this is everyone's first MMO launch - I'll explain it


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Only my 5th MMO

3rd Launch

1st time in a queue


By your logic I can create an MMO, host it on my laptop and it's a healthy launch.


The MMO's you played 3 launches for must have been awful, every MMO that has been released recently that looked any good, all had queues for the first few weeks.


Unfortunately everyone in today's society wants everything and they want it now, waiting patiently died along with good manners

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yadda yadda yadda


I really hope your not a senior in your software development company or oh boy.... that place is in for a world of hurt.


And yes, I can talk, I am a senior developer... thanks for playing though.


I didnt understand why there had to be ques, but i thought about it for a second or 2 and i get it now...



Launch week will have an unusually high number of players all trying to play at the same time, and after launch week, the numbers will spread out. the obvious solution here is to make more servers or spread people out more BUTTTTTTTTTT doing this will ensure weak server populations after launch week...





deal with ques for one week for healthy server pops later or instant gratification with ghost town servers 2 months from now


We need a "good job" smiley face... Ill go with this instead.


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Servers have queues on launch day... they will ALWAYS have queues on launch day.


Whatever next game you think is going to have some perfect launch WILL have queues on launch day.


Every game you have possibly played that has any sort of following (hello kitty online doesn't count) had a queue on launch day.


Now - if they said "there will be no queues on launch day" I can understand people being upset.... but they said they will because they KNOW they will. They also know the queues will be non-existent in a few weeks and it'll be much better for the server and community as a whole.


So - while enjoying your very first MMO - remember.... queues and launch day will happen. Save yourself the stress and accept it or stop playing MMOs. I hear skyrim is excellent - you won't get any queues there.


Well said.


It's a shame most whiners don't read the forums, they just come here, write their own whine post, the occasionally check it for responses, but they NEVER read anybody else's posts...

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The fact that there are queues at every launch is irrelevant. First of all, that's false, but it's still irrelevant. Go back and really look at the launch news for the significant MMOs. Only WoW had a significant impact from queues. I don't remember queues in EQ, EQ2, Rift or Warhammer Online. Either they weren't there or they were so small, it was insignificant.


The complaints need to be heard because of the length of the queues and the fact that there's really no message from game management about how it will be dealt with.


It's also not necessary. The way they jammed the servers even during early access makes no sense. They simply don't want to launch too many servers for fear of losing face when they say they have to consolidate later. As players, we just want to play the game we just bought and have been excited about for so long. My guild is already talking about moving to another server, but we aren't because we think they may just let those get crammed up as well. Sure it'll settle in a while, no doubt. But they just need to do a few consolidations a bit later to deal with excess servers. Most of us don't really care about server populations while leveling anyways. Operations can't start until the queues go away for fear of disconnected members not being able to get back on.


For certain lifestyles, a long wait is doable. For others it's not even possible. Last night, I had an hour to kill but I couldn't play because I didn't log in fast enough after the servers came back up. This morning at 7am, I had a little time before work. QUEUES at 7am! Through most of early access, I had to log in WAY before I wanted to play (sometimes coercing my daughter to move my mouse every 10 minutes so I wouldn't get logged out. In the meantime, someone else has to wait. No, I didn't do this often, but I'm sure lots are doing this kind of thing right now,.


So forget that. Some of my friends reactivated their WoW or Rift accounts.


Beautiful game! Can't wait to play it seriously. Not subscribing until the queues go away.


The long queues is purely a business decision. And because of that, we need to complain loud. This is completely fixable in many ways. It's not like a bad bug that takes time to solve, fix and run through QA.


Giving a sermon on "how things suck, get used to it" is pretty passive if you ask me. Might wanna step of your high horse. As a paying customer (yes, we're paying now), we have every right to express our discontent with a product we bought.

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Servers have queues on launch day... they will ALWAYS have queues on launch day.


Whatever next game you think is going to have some perfect launch WILL have queues on launch day.


Every game you have possibly played that has any sort of following (hello kitty online doesn't count) had a queue on launch day.


Now - if they said "there will be no queues on launch day" I can understand people being upset.... but they said they will because they KNOW they will. They also know the queues will be non-existent in a few weeks and it'll be much better for the server and community as a whole.


So - while enjoying your very first MMO - remember.... queues and launch day will happen. Save yourself the stress and accept it or stop playing MMOs. I hear skyrim is excellent - you won't get any queues there.


100% agreed dude. Folks its all good. You will get to play ques may be a little long but you can still play :)

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lets say that a server has two populations, we can call 1 the ACTIVE population (the number of people who are currently playing SWTOR) and the other the POTENTIAL population (the number of people who have characters on this server) becasue it is launch, the active and potential populations are very close together, but soon, the active population will drop sharply and people will have chars but not be trying to play them 24/7. eventually what will happen is servers will have potential pops that exceed the server limit, but active populations that dont; these will be busy and healthy servers. if you limit the potential population now, then the servers will be healthy for now, but as soon as that active population % drops, ur looking at a ghost town. you cant play WITHOUT ques, its built into the logic of the system.
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Lotros went on for months (was lag in that case not queue) and eventually as much as i loved the game after 2 months continual lag id had enough.


The most ive queued up to now is half hour, i have patience with that but i dont want it continueing past a month.

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This os not my frist lunch and this is year 2011 and we been stress testing it for weeks


So dont come tell mé this , there alot of options to du this


And hey i was put and my guild by bioware , so why the hell dó i have to wait for over 20 mins amd DC and wait again, i also have a RL and don't wanna sit in my free time in quae


Yeah you have never played an mmo before apparently.....

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Lotros went on for months (was lag in that case not queue) and eventually as much as i loved the game after 2 months continual lag id had enough.


The most ive queued up to now is half hour, i have patience with that but i dont want it continueing past a month.


Its day one give it some time.

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I really hope your not a senior in your software development company or oh boy.... that place is in for a world of hurt.


And yes, I can talk, I am a senior developer... thanks for playing though.




We need a "good job" smiley face... Ill go with this instead.



Oh, great, an Ad Hominem attack without a single comment on what I actually said.


Good job :)

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MMOs have queues sure but ive not seen 5 hour queues before. And just because it's an MMO it doesn't excuse BW's "we're monitoring the situation" crap they're trying to pull on the very people they screwed over with the poorly implemented guild deployment.
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This is like the most SANE post i have seen. This guys knows what he is talking about. Probably makes games and played them since like pac man. OP is right. This will iron out in a few weeks. There are MILLIONS of people logging on atm and this is to be expected. If you don't like it, I hear diablo III is coming out soon. Go play that. Or better yet, go play a console game. If you have played mmos before, you should be used to this by now. If not, you need a new game.
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And how are you comparing 7 year old deployments with something deployed today?



This is IT, not woodcarving.


I think you need to go back and read my post. I'm saying sure other mmos had queues but none were as bad as this. (7am and 1 hour + queue)


I work in IT as well and I agree that if anything stuff like this should be becoming less regular as the industry has moved leaps and bounds in just the last few years.

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People dont mind a queue what people do mind is having to queue for like 2+ hours to play a game in which they might only have set aside 3 hours total.


Also people mind that when they have queued for 2 hours and get disconnected from some lame server error on the fault of bw and end up being another 2 hour plus queue.


That is the problem i could quite easily handle a 30 min queue and find it acceptable.


What is currently going on is not normal. Wow was in 2003 and this is now 2011 almost 2012 technology has made massive massive steps since the wow days this really should not be happening.


rant over

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And that is what I'd have to call "********" on.


Never, in 5 years of playing WoW, have I had or even heard of anyone having to spend even a second in a queue.


You were probably playing on a lower population server. I did not have queues when BC launched but when WRATH and CATA launched I had ques on my server. This only lasted for about a week. Even sometimes on patch days the queues would be there.


As for the queues in this game. I have played around 5pm to 2am EST weeknights since the 14th. The longest queue I have been in is 5 min and only once. I am a lucky one I guess. I check the server list whenever I log in and usually only see about 20 to 30 servers that show queues. Most of these are 5 to 15 min and their are some that are 1 hour up.


The queue issue does not affect all players. Just the ones on high pop servers. I completely understand those players being upset but saying their are queues on all servers or with every player is wrong.

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I think you need to go back and read my post. I'm saying sure other mmos had queues but none were as bad as this. (7am and 1 hour + queue)


I work in IT as well and I agree that if anything stuff like this should be becoming less regular as the industry has moved leaps and bounds in just the last few years.


Actually it has not yet. Animating software is still not up to par with the new gpus. Autodesk is soon to come out with a BRAND NEW software that will get rid of maya, 3dsmax and softimage. I know cause i was told in college about it. It's supposed to be shown at the next animation convention. Can't remember the name though.

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This isn't my first by far, and I'm rather knowledgeable in deploying mass scale, mass user systems. Systems on scales even Blizzard could only dream about.



This not being the first MMO ever to be launched, this not being the first large scale system to ever be launched, this not being the first mass sharded system to ever be launched, makes your point as void and null as can be.


Tech improves, methods of launching games need to improve too and with the tech improvements since say WoW (7 years), most notably the scalability in computing resources, things could have gone a whole lot better then they did already.



I can come up with a dozen ways to have improved this launch, because they made the exact same errors any other mmo has made before over the last 15 freakin years.


Which is a damn long timespan in computer terms.



Now we are stuck with the situation where early servers are overloaded and facing multi hour queue times, while there is a ton of servers currently listed as light.


And the "make an alt on a new realm" is so disgustingly disengenious and worthless, I'd prefer not to comment on it.



But, I have to, since it keeps getting repeated, by people like you and Bioware themselves.


I've been leveling casual, in my free time(which at this point is very limited, compared to my usual playtime). I'm lvl 32 right now, on most of the planets I did each and every quests so far. I did start a new alt on new servers 4 times already and after a day or so, I couldn't get on them either. So I ended deleting them and suffering trough the queue times for my first realm.


Starting new on a light realm is not an option for so many reasons.


I did those levels on most classes during beta, I did those levels on my main class 4-5 times so far.



To solve that, Bioware needs to give some realm transfers for people on realms like Frostclaw, which at 1pm this afternoon, was listed as Full with a 1 hour queue (which usually means a 2-3 hour real queue time).


Problem there being, I'm fairly certain they currently don't have a workable (paid or free) method to do so.


Next to that, they allowed guilds to preregister, and placed these guilds on specific realms.


The people in those guilds aren't able to play and quite a few have already been dissolved because of it.

For them certainly, playing on another realm is not an option, Bioware put them on that realm.



If I'd believe Bioware even cared, I'd say now, contact me, I'll work with you, for free, to fix this mess, but from seeing how things have gone over the last week, its rather clear they don't give a damn.






Saying things have always been like that, when an IT infrastructure is involved, is the most idiotic and illogical thing you can say imho.


Its an industrie where last years systems are so outclassed and outdated, they could be placed in a museum by now.


Saying its ok that nothing has improved in over a decade is just ludicrous.


Son.. if you happen to work for me please leave your resignation letter on my desk my tomorrow morning.


If you know what you are talking about then look at the IBM model for implementation on this kind of operations ( speak MMO game client and plattform releases ).


The only mistake BW did was having too few servers on EGA and not enough at launch, but by then it was too late to do something about it.


Now its a matter of crunching numbers and waiting to see how many new players are coming in AND see if its worth the expenses involved in renting / deploying new equipment....


You add servers after launch because of the risk involved that your game will be a flop or experiences some business breaking error that will make your costumers go away ( see FUNCON and AoC at launch for ex. )


The problem at hand is that everyone and their mother are joining full servers while leaving the light populated ones on the side for fear that they remain so and this is due to,


Guilds placement

Friends on a given server

Just wanting to be in a full server

and so on...


The folks really need to spread so that the servers are ALL a bit more populated and not just a couple of them...


But as said, it takes time and the flows and ebbs of the playerbase will determine ( mainly this factor ) how BW can better handle this problem.

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Haven't read all the posts to see if this has already been stated, but I learned 6 years ago on WoW, when there were 30-45 minute long queues, I would go to the computer and log on 30-45 minutes before I wanted to play. It takes 1 minute to log on and then you can leave it and return when you are ready.


Just my 2 cents...

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Holding Bioware to a higher standard is not a bad thing.


Telling them, "Hey, 3 hour queues in early access are unacceptable!" or "Hey, this three hour queue isn't getting any better now that the game is released." is not something I would think reasonable people would find worthy or derision. I would personally encourage people in letting Bioware know their feelings on any issue.


Is telling Bioware that some people are having issues with Taris or battleground latency not ok either? Where do you draw the line?

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Son.. if you happen to work for me please leave your resignation letter on my desk my tomorrow morning.


If you know what you are talking about then look at the IBM model for implementation on this kind of operations ( speak MMO game client and plattform releases ).


The only mistake BW did was having too few servers on EGA and not enough at launch, but by then it was too late to do something about it.


Now its a matter of crunching numbers and waiting to see how many new players are coming in AND see if its worth the expenses involved in renting / deploying new equipment....


You add servers after launch because of the risk involved that your game will be a flop or experiences some business breaking error that will make your costumers go away ( see FUNCON and AoC at launch for ex. )


The problem at hand is that everyone and their mother are joining full servers while leaving the light populated ones on the side for fear that they remain so and this is due to,


Guilds placement

Friends on a given server

Just wanting to be in a full server

and so on...


The folks really need to spread so that the servers are ALL a bit more populated and not just a couple of them...


But as said, it takes time and the flows and ebbs of the playerbase will determine ( mainly this factor ) how BW can better handle this problem.


Well said

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