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Sticking to one character


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Hi. I was wondering if anybody could help me out with sticking to playing one character all the way through until level 50. Because I am really fed up with playing a character to about level 20 something and then thinking, "Man, an evil sith warrior would be so fun to play! Lets make one!". :mad::csw_bluesaber: Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you.
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I'm exactly the same. I've so far managed to get three toons to mid-30's and am mid-20's with my fourth.


However, the last two (healer and tank) which are both classes I've not played in other games before are great fun. I'm really enjoying the Jedi Knight story and will jump back into the Inquisitor story sometime in the near future. I'll likely end up getting two 50's in pretty quick succession when I mix it back up.

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There are benefits doing it either way:


Taking one character to 50 first then working on others:

1. You will have more money, money is easy to make at level 50.

2. You can solo most low level flash points so you can run them over and over and just send gear, mats, and mods (using legacy gear) to your new lower levels so they are always geared to the teeth. All the good gear is BOP, but the moddable ones you can remove them mods and send to your lower levels. You will find that lower level mods are expensive on GTN.



Leveling several characters at the same time:

Seems to take longer, but actually takes less play time that running one straight thru. Start the ones you are interested in. Camp them in a cantina to max rested state. While rested, quest, do flashpoint daily mission, pvp and then camp back in cantina and switch to next character and repeat the above for each character. Obviously adding the cartel and legacy bonuses speed things up as well.

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I am currently playing a Jedi Knight guardian/tank and am really enjoying it. I just don't want to lose interest and go ahead in making another character. AGAIN. :p


So I am just going to stick to this character now. I just wondered if people do certain things in sticking to characters. Thanks for the replies :)


Also I think that playing characters too much can kind of "Wear them out". So having breaks for maybe even a whole day, or if that is too unbearable then a good few hours at least might help me in playing my guardian through to 50 and experience all the end game content :rolleyes:

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So I am just going to stick to this character now. I just wondered if people do certain things in sticking to characters. Thanks for the replies :)


Simple, play the character the way you want to play it, DO NOT FARM POINTS!!! (affection or LS/DS). Farming points makes the journey more of a grind.

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Personally I think rotating occasionally is the best thing. It's good to change it up from time to time, just try to not to get 12 characters otherwise you start to get lost and the storylines start to get hard to follow.


I try to rotate play types: a week or so on my lv50 doing PvP, a week on my other lv50 doing PvE dalies or flashpoints, a week on my sub-50 doing storyline, back to the first guy for more PvP, back to the sub-50 for more storyline, etc.


It is good to get characters levels higher, they get buffs that can be passed down to the rest of your legacy so try to focus on one for a while. But if it ever feels grindy or boring definitely change it up.

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Hi. I was wondering if anybody could help me out with sticking to playing one character all the way through until level 50. Because I am really fed up with playing a character to about level 20 something and then thinking, "Man, an evil sith warrior would be so fun to play! Lets make one!". :mad::csw_bluesaber: Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you.


I did the same thing with my bounty hunter and my consular. I actually made 3 starts to my consular before deciding to just go with light side.


I solved the problem by taking all the class stories and the general rank people give them and have decided to play them in order from least-liked/least exciting to most liked/most exciting, starting with Consular and ending with Agent. Then I decided to pick a light side/dark side progression that seems to suit the character, voice actor/actress, and which companions I like or want to romance. By the time you get to level 10 you should have some general idea what direction you really want to take your character. When you get an idea, like that evil sith warrior, write it down and when you get bored, go make that sith warrior.


I have a hard time sticking to just one character, but usually I can get one or two to max level before I start really wanting to jump back into alts gain. Currently it's a bounty hunter and warrior, and now working on my consular. :)

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I started to spread my time between my Trooper and Marauder then realised what a Legacy was so fastballed my Trooper to get my legacy started then split my time between both again until the Trooper was 50 then the Sith. Since started and stopped a lot of different classes untill getting engrossed with the Agent story and taking her right through to 50, and Inquisitor next then started a Bounty Hunter: :eek: realised I had Dark Side overload :eek: when I could quote quest givers on each planet verbatim and only wanted to force lightning or choke everything and anything you meet.... (IRL too when the itch gets bad)


I've cooled my heals on a Smuggler for a long while and now raising a clutch of low level alts split between Imp and Rep. Follow the stories if you find them fun, don't worry if you get altaholic and feel like playing to your mood that day. Like others have said, do some PvP if the mood takes you then grab a different character and do some flashpoints or quests. I find I have to dedicate a particular character to one activity to ensure they are geared and tooled properaly for that task, such as PvP.

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What's the rush in getting to 50 anyway? It's a game play it to have fun. I play what ever takes my fancy when I log in.

Sometimes I want to be a good guy sometimes I want to be bad. Highest ATM is 46 Jedi guardian but I'm levelling his arch nemesis a sith Juggernaught currently at 37. I don't know but for me I can't see much point in hitting 50 before the cartel expansion anyway.

Sometimes people rush to gain levels and thus not enjoy the journey.

I would imagine nothing much changes at 50 for the casual player like me so I'm certainly not in a hurry to get there.

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Personally I just play whatever I want. I'm not exactly in a rush to get to 50, simply because I enjoy playing the whole game - not just part of it.


I started several characters also and got them all to around 20 - and got VERY bored doing the same planets/quests over and over again. So I picked one and leveled him for awhile while another got some rested and deleted the ones that I found boring to play. I settled on my Sorcerer and my Merc (even though Mako drives me insane) - still not sure which is going to be my main :rolleyes: but while one levels, the other gets rested.


I also made a bank guy - got him to 15 so he had a ship to go play in now and then, but mostly he stays parked on Kaas near the GTN/Mailbox. This makes things MUCH simpler.


I also prefer Empire side - although I have a Consular on Rep side, and a bank guy also - just for a change of pace. But I find it irritating to play Republic, altho going DS makes it easier to swallow :D


In short - don't feel like you "should" do something just because others do. Play YOUR game YOUR way - after all, if you aren't having fun then what's the point?

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That's is very true. This game is very much about enjoying yourself above all else. I think the main reason is that I've always played characters to relatively high levels but never to the level cap. This is probably why I really want to get my Guardian to 50 :o
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One up side of leveling several toons at once is you can make the most of rested XP. Depending on how much you play and how many toons you have going, you could do almost all your leveling in rested, if you let them "rest" long enough to get a full bar each time (about a week if you log in your ship, fleet, or a cantina). If you're really struggling to stay with one for more than a day at a time, then your rested XP will run out about the time you're ready to move on to another one anyway. Add on the XP perks and stims, and you can level quite fast.


That said, I usually try to level at least one character to the cap in any game before I move on to alts. I usually pick DPS toons for my first, since they tend to level fastest in solo PvE. Then I will roll healers and level those up, since they're what I prefer to play, and I let my first toon pay for all their shiny toys.

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Since I have no characters at level 50. That's probably why I want to get one up there.


I just want to experience little things for the first time. Like having really awesome high level gear and doing all the end game operations and stuff. It all looks amazing! :D

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