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I found a multi-boxer... So obvious.


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As long as you are running 4 multi-boxed smashers... and avoid getting smashed.


Don't give'em ideas! :) I think that would work since they all do the same at the same time xd


Now since the game is f2p, though... It would be good to get some restrictions i think.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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To be fair, I don't believe that multi-boxing is hacking. The really obvious third party software used to control four characters at the same time, on the other hand, I do consider hacking.


Ha, I can get around the software by using hardware. It's more expensive, but it can be done. What are people who don't like multiboxers going to say then, it's not fair?

Edited by Knockerz
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Think you guys are missing the point. This guy is using macros and multiple F2P accounts to level up faster. I'm pretty sure being able to do that is not in the best interest of the game. It's not one guy paying for multiple accounts.


I think they have restrictions about mailing money from bot accounts to your main account, so maybe this isn't as big of an exploit as it could be, yet still I think this has some implications at the very least on open world PVP servers.


Multiboxers generally pay for multi subscriptions, especially if you pvp.

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Yes, bring in 4 multi-boxed characters into a warzone of only 8 player-characters and you'll have a real advantage...NOT. What are you on Revan? :p


That is why BW should have a large pvp warzone like AV in wow, so that a single multiboxer can bring 5 or more characters. On aggramar server for wow, there is a boxer who controls 30 characters and can single handedly raid SW or completely control AV. He uses a group of five healers and multiple shamans so he has many in combat rez to revive any of his characters plus healers to heal him. Even a premade group unless it's large enough will not be able to overpower him.

Edited by Knockerz
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What you are looking at in that video is a sad person with a lot more money than sense. That's 4 accounts running on 4 computers, because that's the only way to do it in TOR. It's not muilti-boxing, it's multi- being lazy/showing off.


I personally don't see a point to multiple instance play in this game. I played SWG forever, where I did it all the time, but the features of this game make it completely pointless. Plus, on SWG most people had multiple accounts because they could only have 2 or 3 toons per server, on TOR very few people have more than one account and the game won't let you log in twice on the same account. Plus, you need a third party program to run macros and with companions and legacy perks it's all unnecessary. If you've got a macro program running it's going to affect the active game you have up in the window, so that's not gonna work.


Need all buffed up?

SWG- Log on your entertainer and start buffing, also long on your medic and buff yourself, then log on your officer and drop a box of stims.

TOR- If you have a toon in each class division that has completed chapter 2 (and by now most of us do) you just push a button. If you don't just stand around for about 2 minutes, most likely someone will come by see you don't have all the buffs and hit you up. Either way, you're done with no need for multi-box


Having a bit of trouble with that one freaking mob?

SWG- Log on your medic, officer, commando, set it to run your favorite assist macro, and wipe the floor up with them.

TOR- Use a the correct companion.


Want to make money?

SWG- Log in your alt and bot your way to richness

TOR- Play the game, sell loot on the GTN your way to richness


See? No reason to do it at all, all a second toon is going to amount to is another pet following you around.... and you have to pay for another account to have that.


I support no in-game macros in this game just to prevent botting.

Edited by bahdasz
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four different computers. sometimes you can use one machine with two clients running but not with the new mmos of today as the graphics will cause lagging in one client or both.


you dont need multiple computers to mbox swtor.

use sandboxie, or a virtual pc app(vmware).


Think you guys are missing the point. This guy is using macros and multiple F2P accounts to level up faster. I'm pretty sure being able to do that is not in the best interest of the game. It's not one guy paying for multiple accounts.


I think they have restrictions about mailing money from bot accounts to your main account, so maybe this isn't as big of an exploit as it could be, yet still I think this has some implications at the very least on open world PVP servers.

it's not an exploit/hack/against tos. you must be thinking of gold farmers, who would use a third party program to turn the client into a bot. this is a single person controlling multiple toons, not a bot. plus, you dont need macros at all, just a button clone for the mimic.


I support no in-game macros in this game just to prevent botting.

remember, they are not bots just because it's a multibox. your thinking of the wrong thing. they are more like braindead mimics lol.


and jus so this is out the way. that isnt me, i ran a mara+commando comp.

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What you are looking at in that video is a sad person with a lot more money than sense. That's 4 accounts running on 4 computers, because that's the only way to do it in TOR. It's not muilti-boxing, it's multi- being lazy/showing off.


I personally don't see a point to multiple instance play in this game. ..snip...


No... You can multi-box swtor with only one PC. I'm a little out of the loop, but I bet it's actually easier to set up that way.


In truth, people don't tend to multibox because it's easy. They tend to do it because it's hard. I takes a lot of fiddling to set everything up so that your toons work together. It's a nice little technical challenge to get it all right so that you can run instances and whatnot.


The Devs in previous games have typically found the boxers to be Mostly Harmless, and have given them their blessing. No need to get all negative about it. It's just another way to enjoy the game.

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Think you guys are missing the point. This guy is using macros and multiple F2P accounts to level up faster. I'm pretty sure being able to do that is not in the best interest of the game. It's not one guy paying for multiple accounts.


I think they have restrictions about mailing money from bot accounts to your main account, so maybe this isn't as big of an exploit as it could be, yet still I think this has some implications at the very least on open world PVP servers.



If they are using F2P accounts, then they are fools, to be honest. F2P accounts have a major restriction on XP gain. It's better to use full accounts.

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nothing wrong with multiboxing.. i use to do it in wow by having two windows open. Granted it was two different classes and it was obvious I was clicking between both windows but not hard once you set it up. Some folks have multiple computers... i currently have 4 in my house (mind you only 2 have the specs to play TOR though :p ) between all the family members.


They could have 4 and are using a wireless mouse/keyboard and autofollow

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If they are using F2P accounts, then they are fools, to be honest. F2P accounts have a major restriction on XP gain. It's better to use full accounts.


It's more than likely a gold farmer, 4 toons even with the f2p limit of what 300k, that's 1.2 million if they cap all 4 toons, they sell the gold, and go back out and farm more. Annoying as hell but just a sad fact of MMOs, back in the day of SWG we had to move our city's mission terminals onto roof tops because farmer found out we had the increased mission pay out specialization from our mayor lol.

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It's more than likely a gold farmer, 4 toons even with the f2p limit of what 300k, that's 1.2 million if they cap all 4 toons, they sell the gold, and go back out and farm more. Annoying as hell but just a sad fact of MMOs, back in the day of SWG we had to move our city's mission terminals onto roof tops because farmer found out we had the increased mission pay out specialization from our mayor lol.


Back in SWG days, perhaps but today, Gold farmers usually don't "farm" gold/credits. Take a look at the customer service forums for any major MMO. WoW especially. Any thread you see about a hacked account with all his gear missing is usually a gold 'farmer' taking his gear, selling it and selling the gold he got from it.


Manually farming credits in TOR and WoW wouldn't be worth the time invested. Mobs in TOR drop so little credits and quests aren't very good either. And that video wasn't taking at a daily quest hub either.

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If they are using F2P accounts, then they are fools, to be honest. F2P accounts have a major restriction on XP gain. It's better to use full accounts.


Grouping provides an XP bonus.


Having the firepower of 4 separate toons cuts through the content faster. And provides the person the ability to "solo" heroics and flashpoints.


I really don't think someone 4-boxing is going to level slower than someone that isn't, even if the multiboxer is running F2P accounts and the person not mutliboxing is a sub.

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Back in SWG days, perhaps but today, Gold farmers usually don't "farm" gold/credits. Take a look at the customer service forums for any major MMO. WoW especially. Any thread you see about a hacked account with all his gear missing is usually a gold 'farmer' taking his gear, selling it and selling the gold he got from it.


Gold farmers in WoW farm materials that sell well. That's why everyone complains about ninja looters stealing nodes and the like. Account selling is way more murky than you make it out to be.


Manually farming credits in TOR and WoW wouldn't be worth the time invested. Mobs in TOR drop so little credits and quests aren't very good either. And that video wasn't taking at a daily quest hub either.


Mutliboxing your way through dailies on 4 separate level 50s would net you credits pretty fast.


That being said, the reason hacks, bots and exploits are monitored and reacted to so quickly is because of the bigger threat ... duping. Duping resources is where the economy in the game gets tampered with and destroyed and people make big bank really fast.

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That being said, the reason hacks, bots and exploits are monitored and reacted to so quickly is because of the bigger threat ... duping. Duping resources is where the economy in the game gets tampered with and destroyed and people make big bank really fast.


true...but this a thread about mboxing, not botting, hacking, and/or exploiting.

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That's 4 accounts running on 4 computers, because that's the only way to do it in TOR.


You do not need more than one computer to box in swtor. I dont know if it is legal to say the names of the proggies out there that allow you to use one computer so I wont, but they are out there.


Ive boxed every game I have played, and I have played a lot of them, and I do it very differently than most.

I have rules, strict ones. They are as follows;


I never ever use a program to operate any char. I also use minimal macros, usually just a /follow one, IF the game I am in allows macros. Each char runs independently and I operate them both, myself.


I do NOT leech. Not rep gains, not xp, not quest item count, nothing. Each character must contribute considerably to the task at hand (healing counts). If the other char cant contribute due to whatever reason then they dont get anything. I will degroup them or park them out of range.


I am always polite about the fact that I am boxing. I dont PvP and I dont do dungeons or raids expecting other people to deal with my boxing. The only time I do group with others is like if I see someone asking for help on something in which case I will /t them and offer to help them and let them know I am boxng. If they have a problem with the boxing I will dump a char to go help them. Most of the time they dont mind. Also a lot of my friends know I box and are more than ok with it, they actually take advantage of my ability to play more than one char at a time to complete more difficult quests and kill tougher mobs.


The point of it all for me isnt to make money, or exploit anything, or show off or anything like that. For me it is about mastering the art of playing more than one character at a time and being able to complete group content with them. Its rewarding and fun. Please do not assume that all boxers are show off botters. There are more people like me out there than you realize.



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