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Here's How It Works


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OP spec is made, whether on purpose or by accident, IDK. Majority of Imperials switch to spec and begin wrecking. Republic at first refuses to roll FOTM spec then is forced to in order to compete. OP spec is used and abused till nerf bat is swung.


Why blame Imps? Look at the forums, no one ever QQs about the Pub classes, its not lolsweepmonkeys or whatever, its lolsmashmonkeys. Its always nerf Operatives.


Maybe pubs complain more or suck more at this game, or maybe imps exploit OP specs to the point of making the game one dimensional. You tell me.


Operatives: Mainly heals, rarely concealment, never lethality. Why, heals are the only true OP spec.

Warriors: Rarely full veng, rarely full tank, rarely carnage, never annih, mainly rage. Why? You know

Powertechs: Rarely AP, rarely full tank, mainly pyro.

Mercs: no OP class, so you see some of all.

Snipers: Same


I can see rolling only OP specs in ranked, but why in non-ranked as well? Change it up, try to gimp yourself see if you can win, go a whole game without stunning. Challenge yourself. If you PVP as much as I do, playing the OP class is always fun, but why limit yourself? Laugh at full resolve before every death.


This game has so many problems in it, why make it worse? Pyros, hybrid sorcs, conceal ops, tracer mercs, you saturated the market so bad that you got nerfed. Some multiply times.


Done, Stay OP

Edited by Rovemo
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I am seeing carnage quite often, i don't know why you say it's a rare spec. If AP was capable to kill operative healers it would have been used as well. Snipers have all specs decent, although lethality is extremely squishy against a lot of other specs, snipers still like to give it a shot in PvP. And Engineering has become quite popular.
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Don't wanna argue, but have, do, will. Takes longer, but still do. Takes alot longer, but I still do it. Of course most time I get focused by the DPS and nuked, but I still take em down from time to time. Edited by Rovemo
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Nobody wants to type both imp and rep names for classes/skills when they're talking on the forums. It's just tedious.



Why are imps referred to then? Why not Pubs? One or the other is fine by me, but usually its the imp classes.

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More imperials playing than Republics playing, hence more of them use the imperial "versions" when discussing things.


True. I play all 8 "basic classes", but when referring to a "class" in the neutral sense I pretty much always use the imp one, even if I play the rep version.


This is of course totally irrelevant to class balancing issues, as this is a game with perfect mirrors.

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whenever i get in a good faceroll match, imps still call me a smashmonkey in /say, even though i'm a guardian. I really don't think people are complaining solely about juggers, but the name "sweep" just doesn't have the same ring to it, so all focus/rage guard/juggs are labeled smashers.
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whenever i get in a good faceroll match, imps still call me a smashmonkey in /say, even though i'm a guardian. I really don't think people are complaining solely about juggers, but the name "sweep" just doesn't have the same ring to it, so all focus/rage guard/juggs are labeled smashers.


If it was Sweepmonkeys, this should be their theme song. :D



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