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Yes, you're right; it is launch day...


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But saying that huge screw ups are acceptable due to this is absolutely moronic. It isn't like they had plenty of time to prepare and have a successful launch or anything.


Then again, with all of the fan boys on this forum who talk about it being acceptable to treat paying customers like 4th world citizens; what other choice did they have? One aspect of good business practices is to never try to raise the bar and give people even decent expectations. Because, if you do, people will expect that kind of actually good treatment from then on out.


So, in effect, BW and EA are just ensuring that the status quo isn't raised and people just expect horrendous treatment from a multi-billion dollar company.


lol 4th world citizen eh? Dunno what you've seen but serving time in military shows you what 3rd world living conditions are like and it sounds to me like you're having first world problems

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I wonder if some of these same people would be okay if when they turned a light switch on in their house they were put in a queue, or turned on their cable or internet and were put in a queue.


This is a service, no different. I pay monthly for this service and it should be available to me at any time of my choosing, save for maintenance. Anyone unhappy with queues has a right to complain, so stop qq about qq already.


Well, then by that logic, I assume you'd be happy if everytime you turned off a light switch, the power in your house crashed for several hours, or when you turned off the TV, your cable went out for the month... That's pretty much what you're saying...


By monitoring the flow and restricting it the way they are, they are preventing complete server crashes which is VERY VERY common on MMORPG launch days. I'm thrilled with the service so far. I'd rather wait in queue for 10-30 min then not be able to play for 5 hours.

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Just plan ahead and log in 1 hour before you are planning to play. Go eat dinner, take a shower or watch your favorite TV show while you wait.


Not everyone has multiple hours to play games every night, particularly when trying to coordinate with other people. Furthermore, some servers have queues of over 3 hours. If you think logging on 3 hours before you want to play it reasonable then, well, let me know when you'd like to rejoin the rest of us over here in reality.

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I wonder if some of these same people would be okay if when they turned a light switch on in their house they were put in a queue, or turned on their cable or internet and were put in a queue.


This is a service, no different. I pay monthly for this service and it should be available to me at any time of my choosing, save for maintenance. Anyone unhappy with queues has a right to complain, so stop qq about qq already.


It's not even remotely the same.

It's not even in the same universe of same.


Utilities are built with infrastructure and mandates laid out by the Federal Government. They are required by law to fulfill certain standards. And for things like cable, it's based on the area where you live- what is available. Some areas can only use Dish and have more outages than others.


This is a video game on it's first day of launch that is trying to make sure that their servers are balanced and load tested they are doing this for the longevity of the game.


And for the record, when Utilities are building infrastructure--- they load test too.

Edited by Beatmiser
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But saying that huge screw ups are acceptable due to this is absolutely moronic.

Show the huge screwups, then we can talk.

This is still the smoothest MMO launch I've taken part in. My server has not crashed once! Not once! And I've been playing since the first day of EGA.


I'll say it again. NOT ONCE!


Everytime the servers have gone down, it was to patch. NOT ONE CRASH YET.

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Lol right..... Over the course of the last 8½ hours, I've been online for 2 hours. Rest have been waiting in queue, thanks to the game crashing on me.


The fraggin BETA was running better than this.


Maybe you should have just made a character on one of the 30 or so servers that still say LIGHT instead of sitting in queues for 6 hours?

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I wonder if some of these same people would be okay if when they turned a light switch on in their house they were put in a queue, or turned on their cable or internet and were put in a queue.


This is a service, no different. I pay monthly for this service and it should be available to me at any time of my choosing, save for maintenance. Anyone unhappy with queues has a right to complain, so stop qq about qq already.


Bad analogy, find another comparison that's more logical. Otherwise, my advice is patience. You'll live longer if you learn it.

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The only screw up is that some of the servers have 3 hour+ queues. I don't mind queuing but thats my whole playtime this evening gone just waiting in a queue. Surely they could increase the server pop caps for the highley subscribed servers early?
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Actually there is a magic wand. It's called being prepared. Tough concept for fanboys to understand, I know.


You see, Bioware didn't develop this game last week. Believe it or not, they've actually been at it for years! Years are those really big periods of time made up of days, weeks, and months. During those years they've had lots and lots of time to accurately gauge the level of demand for their product and make, get this, preparations. Wild concept, right?


But instead of preparing, they did other things. What things? Beats me. But they either misjudged the level of demand for their game or simply didn't care. Either way, they deserve to be called out.


Get it now?


Doesn't matter how big the bus is, if you let everyone try to board at once, bad things will happen.


Furthermore, consider that they don't exactly have a solid number that says "At player #5,281, this server will crash, and so we need to stop it at 5,280." They have a ballpark idea of what the servers can take, and it's going to vary.


It makes much more sense to let people in gradually, and gradually increase capacity. It's like one of those "how many people can you fit in a phone-booth" sort of scenarios. There's not really an easy way to tell. Except, instead of a phone booth, we're packing people on to a bridge, and if the bridge crashes under the strain, NOBODY is happy. So, they let some people on, increase the supports a bit, let some more folks on, increase support some more, so on and so forth. And, as an admin who works on servers fairly frequently, even if their additional servers were ready to go, it's still not as simple as just flipping a switch to increase capacity. It's a good deal more work than that.


The idea that they're somehow unprepared for this is silly to me. Queues don't mean they're unprepared, it means they are being careful. If the servers crash, nobody gets to play, and nobody is happy. So far, I've seen what, one server crash? That's a pretty damn decent success rate in this situation.


And, to the OP, fourth-world citizens? Really? I mean...seriously? 'Cuz, having to wait in line to play a video game is, in any way, comparable to crippling poverty and starvation? If you think this is "fourth-world" treatment, then A.) You've never been to a 3rd world nation and B.) I envy your life, because it must be truly, truly blessed.


Yeesh folks, have some patience.

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Show the huge screwups, then we can talk.

This is still the smoothest MMO launch I've taken part in. My server has not crashed once! Not once! And I've been playing since the first day of EGA.


I'll say it again. NOT ONCE!


Everytime the servers have gone down, it was to patch. NOT ONE CRASH YET.


I've had the same thing.


Also, I have had two queues. One for 20 minutes, one for 15.

I have never felt like my server was "empty."

I've never had any issues finding a group for anything I wanted.

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Doesn't matter how big the bus is, if you let everyone try to board at once, bad things will happen.


Furthermore, consider that they don't exactly have a solid number that says "At player #5,281, this server will crash, and so we need to stop it at 5,280." They have a ballpark idea of what the servers can take, and it's going to vary.


It makes much more sense to let people in gradually, and gradually increase capacity. It's like one of those "how many people can you fit in a phone-booth" sort of scenarios. There's not really an easy way to tell. Except, instead of a phone booth, we're packing people on to a bridge, and if the bridge crashes under the strain, NOBODY is happy. So, they let some people on, increase the supports a bit, let some more folks on, increase support some more, so on and so forth. And, as an admin who works on servers fairly frequently, even if their additional servers were ready to go, it's still not as simple as just flipping a switch to increase capacity. It's a good deal more work than that.


The idea that they're somehow unprepared for this is silly to me. Queues don't mean they're unprepared, it means they are being careful. If the servers crash, nobody gets to play, and nobody is happy. So far, I've seen what, one server crash? That's a pretty damn decent success rate in this situation.


And, to the OP, fourth-world citizens? Really? I mean...seriously? 'Cuz, having to wait in line to play a video game is, in any way, comparable to crippling poverty and starvation? If you think this is "fourth-world" treatment, then A.) You've never been to a 3rd world nation and B.) I envy your life, because it must be truly, truly blessed.


Yeesh folks, have some patience.


That's why you have multiple buses, genius.


Other MMOs have managed to launch without obscene queues so there's no excuse. The size of the MMO is irrelevant. Support staff and hardware should be scaled along with the player base, to not do this is to display staggering incompetence.

Edited by DannyInternets
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That's why you have multiple buses, genius.


Other MMOs have managed to launch without obscene queues so there's no excuse. The size of the MMO is irrelevant. Support staff and hardware should be scaled along with the player base, to not do this is to display staggering incompetence.


LOL they do have multiple buses, 'genius'

just that every one wants to get on the same ones :)


ah and which other MMOs launched without obscene queues? Even failures like WAR and AoC had hour long queues at launch. Don't make up things, your posts are already bad enough

Edited by mutharex
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But saying that huge screw ups are acceptable due to this is absolutely moronic. It isn't like they had plenty of time to prepare and have a successful launch or anything.


Then again, with all of the fan boys on this forum who talk about it being acceptable to treat paying customers like 4th world citizens; what other choice did they have? One aspect of good business practices is to never try to raise the bar and give people even decent expectations. Because, if you do, people will expect that kind of actually good treatment from then on out.


So, in effect, BW and EA are just ensuring that the status quo isn't raised and people just expect horrendous treatment from a multi-billion dollar company.


I guess Blizzard screwed up too. I mean... look how that game went down in flames.

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That's why you have multiple buses, genius.


Other MMOs have managed to launch without obscene queues so there's no excuse. The size of the MMO is irrelevant. Support staff and hardware should be scaled along with the player base, to not do this is to display staggering incompetence.


They do have multiple buses. The issue is everyone wants onto the same servers, the ones with the huge queue times. If you do not desire such a thing, pick a server with a lighter playerbase. Or pick the higher ones and wait in line to get in.


I have characters on some of the heavy populated servers. If the queue time is too long, I'll just pick one that's lighter and play there for a bit until the dust has settled. I'm in no hurry.

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That's why you have multiple buses, genius.


Other MMOs have managed to launch without obscene queues so there's no excuse. The size of the MMO is irrelevant. Support staff and hardware should be scaled along with the player base, to not do this is to display staggering incompetence.


Concept for you: Current server caps are artificial to move players to lighter servers. It is better than opening 10 new servers that will only have to be merged later due to low population.


Also which AAA MMOs have launched without queues that had almost 100% uptime (Other than patching), little lag, and few disconnects? Go ahead I'll wait.

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They do have multiple buses. The issue is everyone wants onto the same servers, the ones with the huge queue times. If you do not desire such a thing, pick a server with a lighter playerbase. Or pick the higher ones and wait in line to get in.


I have characters on some of the heavy populated servers. If the queue time is too long, I'll just pick one that's lighter and play there for a bit until the dust has settled. I'm in no hurry.


yes, but you are a rational adult

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But saying that huge screw ups are acceptable due to this is absolutely moronic. It isn't like they had plenty of time to prepare and have a successful launch or anything.


Then again, with all of the fan boys on this forum who talk about it being acceptable to treat paying customers like 4th world citizens; what other choice did they have? One aspect of good business practices is to never try to raise the bar and give people even decent expectations. Because, if you do, people will expect that kind of actually good treatment from then on out.


So, in effect, BW and EA are just ensuring that the status quo isn't raised and people just expect horrendous treatment from a multi-billion dollar company.



Go play Real life or something.


See you at launch.

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That's why you have multiple buses, genius.


Other MMOs have managed to launch without obscene queues so there's no excuse. The size of the MMO is irrelevant. Support staff and hardware should be scaled along with the player base, to not do this is to display staggering incompetence.


So you're the guy waiting in line for the same bus that everyone else is trying to get on while countless other buses sit empty in the parking lot, complaining that it's Bioware's fault that you're going to be late getting to where you want to go?


Are you sure you're qualified to call people geniuses?

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Concept for you: Current server caps are artificial to move players to lighter servers. It is better than opening 10 new servers that will only have to be merged later due to low population.


Also which AAA MMOs have launched without queues that had almost 100% uptime (Other than patching), little lag, and few disconnects? Go ahead I'll wait.


Concept for you: 3 hour queues are absurd and unacceptable. If Bioware wants the population to disperse then they should have enabled free server transfers.


Regarding your second comment, I never experienced queues beyond 15 minutes with Rift or Warhammer Online from launch onwards.

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The simply answer that would have solved the problem with the queueing issues would have been to just name every server 'Fatman (number that only bioware can see)'


Then all the millions of ******* that think it's funny wouldn't be ************ on the forums for their poor choice.

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That's why you have multiple buses, genius.


Other MMOs have managed to launch without obscene queues so there's no excuse. The size of the MMO is irrelevant. Support staff and hardware should be scaled along with the player base, to not do this is to display staggering incompetence.


Board a different bus? :eek:


Que's suck, no getting around that, but saying it is a HUGE screw up is just ridiculous.


And estimations are funny things (which is what they DO to prepare to launch day). So I'll give you an example.


They had say 2 million pre-orders.


So they figure they'll sell 2 million copies on launch day.


They prep the servers for 4 million people. easy peasy.


Everyone hops on five servers out of the fifty.


Que ensues.


They adjust server pop load limits. (This takes time.)


Instead of selling 2 million copies they sell 2.5 million copies. (doesn't seem like a lot right?)


500k people can now wait in que.


Guy in back waves magic wand and shouts expelliarmus.


Ques disappear. :rolleyes:


Also, how many of these mystical MMO's with no ques are still alive and kicking with HEALTHY server populations? (If you say WoW I laugh in your face btw. Expansions don't count as launch.) I'm not saying that Bioware has handled everything right. I'm not saying this is the best game ever. I'm saying that realistically they're working to provide a good experience to the best of their abilities. They want this game to succeed and endlessly pointing to a problem they are aware of doesn't speed them up. It just makes internet trolls stronger.

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So far launch been good I guess people want to play on popular servers only and don't realize thier isn't infinite space on the server to handle demand so expect queues. Look at the servers list lots of lights pop one thier too play on one them.


Know I do understand people may have established char on a popular server and BW could atleast offer transfer for free to help eliviate problem.


BW dropped ball thier in a sense but I think they want monitor queue and servers before making decision what they want to do.

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So you're the guy waiting in line for the same bus that everyone else is trying to get on while countless other buses sit empty in the parking lot, complaining that it's Bioware's fault that you're going to be late getting to where you want to go?


Are you sure you're qualified to call people geniuses?


That's funny, because where I want to go is to play the character I've already invested a couple dozen hours into. How exactly is starting a new character getting me there faster? Oh, right, I forgot that your analogy is moronic.


I'm the guy who already chose a light population server in order to avoid queues, invested many hours into a character on that server, and now faces queues consisting of several hours.


Since this is apparently your first MMO, I'll let you in on a secret: the game is all about character progression. Abandoning that progression is something many people do not enjoy, myself included.

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