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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HM FP: You Caused Wipe, I Need on Your Gear for Repair


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I always announce that Im new, or this is my first run. Majority of people are nice and will explain boss fights. But there are some people that just like to make others feel inferior and instead of helping, just yell the entire fp about how Im screwing up :confused:


that is a good adult behavior,

but many qq kids in game r just manner less,

last time i saw a noob with 15k hp did hm li and said he will leave the group when he cause 1st wipe out,

that's a sick kid behavior,

so other members just kick IT immediately,

every premature ppl should stay away from an group oriented mmo;


but bw have responsibility too,

if they want the game hardcore in the endgame,

they should redesign it as hard as 1999 EQ,

u should learn everything science low level or no 1 want to group with u,

then u will NEVER, ever, touch the endgame contents.

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I always announce that Im new, or this is my first run. Majority of people are nice and will explain boss fights. But there are some people that just like to make others feel inferior and instead of helping, just yell the entire fp about how Im screwing up :confused:


Might want to try another server....


The server I play on I have never had any issues, and that's with running 3-5 a day. Biggest complaint I ever really run into is dps not following a kill order, and instead going balls to the wall on the elites in a pull. Have people screw up from time to time also, never have I seen anyone say anything negative. Everyone is like its cool or NP if they are new.


Now I have a lone 50 on harbinger, and wow after 4 HM FP I don't think I will ever go back there.

First tank was a dps shadow, with no clue of the fights.

2nd pug ended up with a shadow in gear I can't even describe, mainly sorc gear with alacrity.

3rd run was maelstrom prison(play imp on my other server) I let every one know, first time for me, tank tells me to leave the group and go watch the fights on youtube. Best part as we did the fights, he seemed to be very green at them also.

And 4th run ended up with a group of trolls,

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Might want to try another server....


The server I play on I have never had any issues, and that's with running 3-5 a day. Biggest complaint I ever really run into is dps not following a kill order, and instead going balls to the wall on the elites in a pull. Have people screw up from time to time also, never have I seen anyone say anything negative. Everyone is like its cool or NP if they are new.


Now I have a lone 50 on harbinger, and wow after 4 HM FP I don't think I will ever go back there.

First tank was a dps shadow, with no clue of the fights.

2nd pug ended up with a shadow in gear I can't even describe, mainly sorc gear with alacrity.

3rd run was maelstrom prison(play imp on my other server) I let every one know, first time for me, tank tells me to leave the group and go watch the fights on youtube. Best part as we did the fights, he seemed to be very green at them also.

And 4th run ended up with a group of trolls,


Look up some Phalanx members on Harbinger. We're always willing to help out new folks and make friends in the process.



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  • 5 weeks later...
When this thread was created i've found its name ridiculous and was sure that this won't be a popular attitude. But now i can see how it will happen all over the place =/


indeed, at the time of this thread, this seem like a insane and totally douc che like behavior, but now i see the OP way perfectly acceptable as wiping on HM FP means i gotta pay a huge amount since im a tank (well formerly a tank.)

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You are everything that is wrong with end-game players. Such attitude and arrogance. Such unwillingness to help. Selfish and condescending to those who stumble into your little narrow world. I stand against you.


All mmo's end-game content degenerates down to around the same 100 obnoxious guys making life miserable for the rest. Most likely half of them are the devs that are left after launch when all the real creative talent has been fired.


Sure, I'll gear up, but I don't need some turd leaving in the middle of a run because they simply can't be bothered. And calls for stealing someone's belongings? Really? Shame on you all. I cry for the future of the human race.

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When this thread was created i've found its name ridiculous and was sure that this won't be a popular attitude. But now i can see how it will happen all over the place =/

I agree. When this was first posted, I had never seen it happen once in game, and thought the OP was just another idiot. Now, I expect this will be par for the course in every PUG FP. What's worse is, it's going to mean everyone needs on everything all the time, "just in case some noob causes a wipe at the end." It just breeds all kinds of needless hate between random players, and if people hate other players, they will soon hate the game. Then they'll stop playing with anyone but their own guild. And then they just stop playing period.


It's amazing how much one zero can screw up an entire game.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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This will only work for a while. Eventually your ignore list will cap and you won't be able to ignore any more new players. If bw ever where to implement cross server queue system this won't work. Finally, people will just start needing items at first simply for repairs, then for gold. It happen in wow and it will happen here.


The way I see pugging is you enter at your own risk. If you don't want high repair cost run only with people you know that don't cause wipes or guild only runs. Otherwise, you just fighting an upward battle you won't win.

Edited by Knockerz
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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


Last week this was nonsense. With the new repair costs it will become the norm.


Sort of puts this repair cost debacle in perspective.

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When this thread was created i've found its name ridiculous and was sure that this won't be a popular attitude. But now i can see how it will happen all over the place =/


Yeah, I had an earlier post in the thread calling out OP for being a horrible gamer because of this attitude, and it was at the time.


Now, however, conditions have changed and I'm not so inclined to retain that opinion.


What a mess... :(

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Well as a relatively new player still working on my first 50 (42 at the moment) and having done a few lower level FP's I am a little reluctant to get into the more serious ones at 50 now if this is the attitude i'm going to meet from experienced players.


All I can say to the OP is that you were new yourself once, and I am sure you needed guidance....Or is the higher level content no longer allowed for noobs who don't know it and now the sole property of the elitists out there? In other words if you don't know, you never will....


Re-affirms my belief in this community on SWTOR being the most hostile and uninviting crowd from my experience thus far out of any MMO i have ever played...

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Well as a relatively new player still working on my first 50 (42 at the moment) and having done a few lower level FP's I am a little reluctant to get into the more serious ones at 50 now if this is the attitude i'm going to meet from experienced players.


All I can say to the OP is that you were new yourself once, and I am sure you needed guidance....Or is the higher level content no longer allowed for noobs who don't know it and now the sole property of the elitists out there? In other words if you don't know, you never will....


Re-affirms my belief in this community on SWTOR being the most hostile and uninviting crowd from my experience thus far out of any MMO i have ever played...


You are reading (most of) our posts wrong.


Most of us were perfectly willing to help noobs, even through multiple wipes, provided said noobs did the minimum to prove they're trying to succeed - gear with appropriate stats and close to your level, don't break cc, don't face-pull, listen to advice, etc.


However, all that changed with the 1.7 patch and the repair bill "bug fix". Now that repair bills are, in some cases, 10x more than they were before the patch, many of us are unwilling to help noobs because of the sheer expense of a wipe.


By way of example, on my level 29 tank, an entire flash point worth of wipes used to cost a few grand. Now, ONE WIPE costs almost 9,000.


We simply can't afford to help you any more, and that's truly sad, because many of us still want to.

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Well as a relatively new player still working on my first 50 (42 at the moment) and having done a few lower level FP's I am a little reluctant to get into the more serious ones at 50 now if this is the attitude i'm going to meet from experienced players.


All I can say to the OP is that you were new yourself once, and I am sure you needed guidance....Or is the higher level content no longer allowed for noobs who don't know it and now the sole property of the elitists out there? In other words if you don't know, you never will....


Re-affirms my belief in this community on SWTOR being the most hostile and uninviting crowd from my experience thus far out of any MMO i have ever played...


It will always be hit or miss using GF. Just let people know you are new to the mission. I always state that up front and it has been well received. Other than that, I would recommend to find a good guild. I have found that to be such a help. People you see regularly are more patient than random strangers, for the most part.

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Yeah I understand the expense and understand why it is the noob community who will suffer in a round about way for that very reason, I don't blame you really, I have added my voice to the posts asking them to roll back that addition to the game, it is ridiculous.


And the second post that mentioned guilds...I have contacted three guild leaders and been ignored by each one, sort of leading me to my belief in the community as I stated it.


It is a shame and I am seeing those higher bills myself too, so I can only imagine what the top tier players are paying and how understandably angry they are. The OP just sort of felt a bit like salt on the wounds that's all.

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High repair costs or not, acting in the manner of the OP is a real jerk thing to do. We are all subject to repair fees and your time is not better than anyone else's. Quit trying to justify acting like a selfish jerk in MMOs.


Yeah, that's still true. When I decided I couldn't afford to help the new players in flash points any more, I simply stopped using Group Finder. There's no reason to be a jerk about it.

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High repair costs or not, acting in the manner of the OP is a real jerk thing to do. We are all subject to repair fees and your time is not better than anyone else's. Quit trying to justify acting like a selfish jerk in MMOs.


Yes. And we noobs will not get better if you hoard the equipment that we need. The OP is only making the situation worse by not letting people take a step up.

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