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HM FP: You Caused Wipe, I Need on Your Gear for Repair


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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win

Edited by itsmymillertime
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Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


So not only do you act terrible in the FP you feel immediately taking all loot and sticking them all on ignore is the "way forward".

Can you tell me your character names and which server you are on? Just so I don't run in to you.

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So not only do you act terrible in the FP you feel immediately taking all loot and sticking them all on ignore is the "way forward".

Can you tell me your character names and which server you are on? Just so I don't run in to you.


I do not put them on ignore, I hope they put me on ignore.


I do HM FP on 16 toons on the Harbinger, I am fair and nice and will greed all loot and ask to need if for companion / alt. Admit up front your new, and I always explain the fights, I never bail no matter how bad it gets. I am one of the nicest players you can pug with, but if you come unprepared, I will not yell and make the person feel bad, I just take the loot and move on because 90 percent of the time, I can help carry bad players through these runs.

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This weekend was the first time I had a bunch of people who were under-geared and without knowledge of the fights. Some people still do not know about the free gear for pvp and pve and people, especially tanks who dont know the fights never say I am new, yet their actions clearly show me they are new and I ask them. Only after a few wipes do people admit to being new.


Because of this I feel to need on the loot at the end to cover the expense of the repair bill I have waiting for me because of others not knowing the fights, unnecessary pulls, tanking in dps gear etc. Most people do these are over geared and know the fights and just want fast comm runs.


Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


Your concept of win-win is rather asinine.


First, by needing, you're ensuring they won't be able to gear up and become more effective. This merely passes the problem to others. Second, depending on what pops up, it may not even remotely cover your repair bill.


Finally, it ends up pissing people off. If you're willing to need inappropriately in one situation, how is anyone supposed to believe you won't in other situations?


By the time I'm seriously raiding on a character I have well over 450k, enough to cover repairs. Dailies alone will cover any and all repair costs. Needing on someone's gear is less effective than offering a few tips. If they respond well, then I've improved them, if they act like a moron, they go on ignore.

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Anyone else feel the urge to take their loot and move on? Getting put on their ignore list helps keep mine clear and I dont have to worry about grouping with them again.


Win - Win


Never, I would never take loot the way you say

Edited by Icestar
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i'm betting this guy doesn't know anything about the fp's and is causing wipes.... because no sane person would subject themselves to a fp run with total noobs and die nonstop.


I run new people through the HM FP's a lot and must wipe at least ten times a week. Please stop assuming you are the fount of all knowledge.

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Wow. This is by far the most obnoxious thread I've seen on here for a while.


I can't even begin to describe how shocked I am to see someone post this and expect people to even remotely agree. Your way of handling this is just terrible, and I hope you'll stop queue'ing until you realize that.


At least have the decency to tell them of the elitist policy you're running before stepping into an instance.

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I am glad to see the majority here denounce what the OP wrote. Some of us, albeit level 50's, just didn't run HM FP's all that much. So, for us "noobs" we're trying, we really are. I thought the goal was to have fun, not become professional HM FP runners. Maybe I'm wrong.
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I am glad to see the majority here denounce what the OP wrote. Some of us, albeit level 50's, just didn't run HM FP's all that much. So, for us "noobs" we're trying, we really are. I thought the goal was to have fun, not become professional HM FP runners. Maybe I'm wrong.


Yes the goal is to have fun, sadly it is runied by some that takes stuff they should not.


I have said it before and I say it again, this game needs to change the lootrules.


The OP is a prime example of that

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I am glad to see the majority here denounce what the OP wrote. Some of us, albeit level 50's, just didn't run HM FP's all that much. So, for us "noobs" we're trying, we really are. I thought the goal was to have fun, not become professional HM FP runners. Maybe I'm wrong.


Not to worry. Apparently he does not realize you learn to raid in normal and then HM FP's. Those are the learning times.


They are not the end all be all to group content to be judged on and even if they were, most MMO games need less greedy and vindictive players, not more just so they can cover a repair bill.

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I sympathize with OPs statement. Their ignores are worthless, too. Being dishonest and running Hard Modes without prior knowledge of them from Normal mode flashpoints is disrespectful toward other group members. While I don't need their gear just to annoy or punish them, I always get rid of them even if I'm facing another 30 minuets of waitin for a tank or healer. I'd rather wait and move back to doing daily quests or crafting rather than destroying my gear over and over.


Such situations are ridiculous, especially now that players hitting level 50 are getting mails and all the walkthroughs + free insta tionese gear.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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playstyle does not mean I am bad, who is the elitist I wonder?


My point was that the idea of needing on gear that you don't need to pay for repair bills (especially when you're wiping because the other players are undergeared/new) is either an elitist policy or the policy of a jerk. Since you proved you're not elitist, then you're just a jerk.

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I sympathize with OPs statement. Their ignores are worthless, too. Being dishonest and running Hard Modes without prior knowledge of them from Normal mode flashpoints is disrespectful toward other group members. While I don't need their gear just to annoy or punish them, I always get rid of them even if I'm facing another 30 minuets of waitin for a tank or healer. I'd rather wait and move back to doing daily quests or crafting rather than destroying my gear over and over.


Such situations are ridiculous, especially now that players hitting level 50 are getting mails and all the walkthroughs + free insta tionese gear.


So you're solution is to match their disrespect with some of your own? :rolleyes:


When I recognize someone doesn't know what's going on, I take the imitative and tell them. Usually they are appreciative and follow the advise.

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My point was that the idea of needing on gear that you don't need to pay for repair bills (especially when you're wiping because the other players are undergeared/new) is either an elitist policy or the policy of a jerk. Since you proved you're not elitist, then you're just a jerk.


I rather be a jerk than cause 3 other people to hate me because I do not know how to play the game and hide the fact than I am new and wasting their time and credits. The benefit of the group is superior than the 1 person in the group. If your new, say so, its not that hard.

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I rather be a jerk than cause 3 other people to hate me because I do not know how to play the game and hide the fact than I am new and wasting their time and credits. The benefit of the group is superior than the 1 person in the group. If your new, say so, its not that hard.


I think you've made more than 3 people hate you by making this thread :p

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So you're solution is to match their disrespect with some of your own? :rolleyes:


When I recognize someone doesn't know what's going on, I take the imitative and tell them. Usually they are appreciative and follow the advise.


this is what I do, last night i held the hand of a merc, left the instance, went to pvp vendor and got him all his recruit gear so we could continue the HM.

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While I don't necessarily agree with the OP's method, I can understand where they are coming from. One thing everyone has seemed to overlook is that he asks "IS THERE ANYONE NEW TO THIS FLASHPOINT?". and nobody speaks up. So when they start to wipe I can understand the frustration.

But instead of taking the loot, I think they should:

1) Leave the group and state why.

2) Vote kick the under geared Tank/Healer (Not capable of Tanking/Healing this FP, or Under geared to DPS this FP)

3) Tough it out and hope for the best.


But taking items that you clearly does not need just reflects badly on yourself and will only get you self satisfaction.

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My point was that the idea of needing on gear that you don't need to pay for repair bills (especially when you're wiping because the other players are undergeared/new) is either an elitist policy or the policy of a jerk. Since you proved you're not elitist, then you're just a jerk.


Who is the jerk in the first place? Someone without a prior knowledge of the hard mode flashpoint (without even going through normal). They're not even wearing appropriate gear, despite being given it for free, they don't communicate and tend to be super-mean after any kind of criticism. This is most disrespectful and I find it reasonable for OP to want to punish them.

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