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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

arsenal merc is op!!


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Er... heh. This is so far from the truth it is amusing. And I'm from your server and know exactly who all the good mercs/mandos are (and I've seen you plenty of times in WZs, so I'll assume you know who I am).


There are plenty of great meleers who turn me and the others into stains on the floor. Plenty of bad ones who don't. Immune to CC my ***.


As for deeps, I'm by far the highest dps PvP mando on on the server, and probably up there with my somewhat undergeared merc (Chasso from Woops). I don't hold a candle to a good mara, sorc or sniper, and there are a couple of sins who can match or beat my output too.


If I run with a Woops team of Boris, Xani and Ardenti , I'll put out a million+ in a VS and be 3rd or 4th best DPS. Grahf (the Jugg) is one of my worst nightmares when he's not on my team. You want to tell me that none of them have burst too? ;)


Do you conveniently stand still for people to make a stain of you? You have the 2nd best toolkit for keeping people at range and knights don't have hard stuns. Sorcs can aoe until the cows come home and don't have merc burst. Snipers are op. A marauder is probably specced to smash and if you come close to him with your single target dps that's pretty damn op.

Edited by Aelaias
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Do you conveniently stand still for people to make a stain of you? You have the 2nd best toolkit for keeping people at range and knights don't have hard stuns. Sorcs can aoe until the cows come home and don't have merc burst. Snipers are op. A marauder is probably specced to smash and if you come close to him with your single target dps that's pretty damn op.


Nope, some players are good enough to make a stain out of me even with my great big toolkit. If you're having problems with mercs of your own skill level, I suggest you have a chat with some of the other Guardians/Juggs on the server.


Sorcs have as much burst as an arsenal merc heh. A good one will take over half my health in one or two GCDs - If I go toe to toe with a decent sorc like Xani or Jackripp and we just blast each other, I WILL be forced to seek LOS before them.


Snipers are OP? But not OP enough for you to stop whining about Arsenal mercs and healing operatives over and over and over apparently.


You need to take a long hard look at yourself. There are other guardians and juggs on YOUR server who are having WAY less of a problem than you apparently are. That should hopefully tell you something. Some people have adapted to the merc changes, others have not. We're not the pushovers for every single class that we once were, but we're a long way from OP.


EDIT: I'll throw you a bone here, Guardians and Juggs are not our hardest matchup. I'd rather face a guardian than a mara, sin or sniper. But as I said, there are people playing that class who can deal with mercs effectively. Who specifically is giving you problems? You don't think it might be a skill issue?

Edited by Jherad
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you found a poorly geared player and waited to line up all your offensive buffs......


try doing that in rwz


Actually i am poorly geared as well i just hit 55 today. Also on a side note we have players on our server The Bastion hitting for 12k+ In rated warzones. This is nothing. But still challenge accepted will reply back to you shortly

Edited by TRENTakaBCAT
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Nope, some players are good enough to make a stain out of me even with my great big toolkit. If you're having problems with mercs of your own skill level, I suggest you have a chat with some of the other Guardians/Juggs on the server.


Sorcs have as much burst as an arsenal merc heh. A good one will take over half my health in one or two GCDs - If I go toe to toe with a decent sorc like Xani or Jackripp and we just blast each other, I WILL be forced to seek LOS before them.


Snipers are OP? But not OP enough for you to stop whining about Arsenal mercs and healing operatives over and over and over apparently.


You need to take a long hard look at yourself. There are other guardians and juggs on YOUR server who are having WAY less of a problem than you apparently are. That should hopefully tell you something. Some people have adapted to the merc changes, others have not. We're not the pushovers for every single class that we once were, but we're a long way from OP.


EDIT: I'll throw you a bone here, Guardians and Juggs are not our hardest matchup. I'd rather face a guardian than a mara, sin or sniper. But as I said, there are people playing that class who can deal with mercs effectively. Who specifically is giving you problems? You don't think it might be a skill issue?


Well, I hate juggernots more than marauders. Why? Most marauders are carnage (on my server) or anni. I EN them far away, then blast away on them. On juggernots I sometimes get 'lucky' and fire demo round and HIB on their reflect...


But that's just my opinion, you might have an easier time on juggernots :D

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I am with cash and Zach on this Mercs deserve this small boost after the patience They have shown in sticking with the AC which was terrible for a whole year maybe More Edited by skotish
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I am with cash and Zach on this Mercs deserve this small boost after the patience They have shown in sticking with the AC which was terrible for a whole year maybe More


Yep, I've been a commando since pre-launch.




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Actually i am poorly geared as well i just hit 55 today. Also on a side note we have players on our server The Bastion hitting for 12k+ In rated warzones. This is nothing. But still challenge accepted will reply back to you shortly


Sniper with over 30k hp and no buffs? I'd guess he's in 72s and seriously gimped exp wise. You also had the red WZ buff :)

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thermal sensor override, fuision missle, hydrolic override, tracer, tracer unload, tracer, heat seeker, power shot, unload, rail shot (if proc between tracers and power shot-unload):rak_03::cool:


Or fuision, electro dart, thermal sensor override, flame thrower, rocket punch, kolto missile,electro net, spam right trigger.:eek:


Why power shot and not tracer?

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Nope, some players are good enough to make a stain out of me even with my great big toolkit. If you're having problems with mercs of your own skill level, I suggest you have a chat with some of the other Guardians/Juggs on the server.


Sorcs have as much burst as an arsenal merc heh. A good one will take over half my health in one or two GCDs - If I go toe to toe with a decent sorc like Xani or Jackripp and we just blast each other, I WILL be forced to seek LOS before them.


Snipers are OP? But not OP enough for you to stop whining about Arsenal mercs and healing operatives over and over and over apparently.


You need to take a long hard look at yourself. There are other guardians and juggs on YOUR server who are having WAY less of a problem than you apparently are. That should hopefully tell you something. Some people have adapted to the merc changes, others have not. We're not the pushovers for every single class that we once were, but we're a long way from OP.


EDIT: I'll throw you a bone here, Guardians and Juggs are not our hardest matchup. I'd rather face a guardian than a mara, sin or sniper. But as I said, there are people playing that class who can deal with mercs effectively. Who specifically is giving you problems? You don't think it might be a skill issue?


The only and I mean ONLY jug spec I can see managing to melee a merc down is defense/immortal in dps gear and a shield. Why? Because they have 2 stuns and and a leap reset conveniently tied to so *********** resu. Vigilance is **** out of luck where both snipers and mercs are concerned. Now I am terribly sorry that mercs sucked for over a year, totally my fault. Having said that, between 10/30 sec speed buff AND snare/root/push immunity, knockback, electronet, instant attacks and what do you know, hydraulic overrides are back up. if you don't think the AC has enough, hell, too much, you are an obnoxious moron. Good thing I have an assault vanguard, he can keep up with a merc. Want to throw me a bone? Get a clue, mercs not getting any more buffs.

Edited by Aelaias
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nope because Merc are a healer class not pure DPS as Sentinel/Marauder.


Yes but both pure dps classes have healing debuff a too, and really I like mando's to have their own style not be a sniper ripoff

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I am with cash and Zach on this Mercs deserve this small boost after the patience They have shown in sticking with the AC which was terrible for a whole year maybe More


Really, they deserve to be even more OP just because you were patient? Irrefutably brilliant logic.

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The only and I mean ONLY jug spec I can see managing to melee a merc down is defense/immortal in dps gear and a shield. Why? Because they have 2 stuns and and a leap reset conveniently tied to so *********** resu. Vigilance is **** out of luck where both snipers and mercs are concerned. Now I am terribly sorry that mercs sucked for over a year, totally my fault. Having said that, between 10/30 sec speed buff AND snare/root/push immunity, knockback, electronet, instant attacks and what do you know, hydraulic overrides are back up. if you don't think the AC has enough, hell, too much, you are an obnoxious moron. Good thing I have an assault vanguard, he can keep up with a merc. Want to throw me a bone? Get a clue, mercs not getting any more buffs.


Well, the instant cast is a cooldown. Should I go complain about Reflect for juggernots being OP? Hitting me for 15k if I'm unlucky... And yet you are here, complaining about commandoes, just because we got TWO new abilities. B*tch please.




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The only and I mean ONLY jug spec I can see managing to melee a merc down is defense/immortal in dps gear and a shield. Why? Because they have 2 stuns and and a leap reset conveniently tied to so *********** resu. Vigilance is **** out of luck where both snipers and mercs are concerned. Now I am terribly sorry that mercs sucked for over a year, totally my fault. Having said that, between 10/30 sec speed buff AND snare/root/push immunity, knockback, electronet, instant attacks and what do you know, hydraulic overrides are back up. if you don't think the AC has enough, hell, too much, you are an obnoxious moron. Good thing I have an assault vanguard, he can keep up with a merc. Want to throw me a bone? Get a clue, mercs not getting any more buffs.


And despite all that, few if any ranked teams will take a gunnery mando

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Sniper with over 30k hp and no buffs? I'd guess he's in 72s and seriously gimped exp wise. You also had the red WZ buff :)


That's BS. Anyone who is not a tank and wearing conqueror is sitting at around 30k health. People in 69s-72s are noticeable because they usually have 32+ as dps.

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Really, they deserve to be even more OP just because you were patient? Irrefutably brilliant logic.


Oh yeah, at least we're not FOTM rerollers with vanguards and guardians... You're just after commandoes because we're not the vanguards retarded little brother anymore :rolleyes:


QQ a little more.

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That's BS. Anyone who is not a tank and wearing conqueror is sitting at around 30k health. People in 69s-72s are noticeable because they usually have 32+ as dps.




30k in Conq, 31k if specced for endurance.


Shame about this thread is I had a Merc, saw how useless they were and thought, 'ah I'll give tanking a go' and made a PT...



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That's BS. Anyone who is not a tank and wearing conqueror is sitting at around 30k health. People in 69s-72s are noticeable because they usually have 32+ as dps.


Shut up already. Nobody wants your opinion anymore, okay? Sod off.



Oh yeah, qq a little more (again) and l2p (yet again) :rolleyes:

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Because if allowed to freecast mercs rip people apart and so they become priority targets? In any case, with healing being what it is I suspect smash has priority over any other dps.


Well, snipers deal more damage than mercs, so your point is invalid :rolleyes:

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Shut up already. Nobody wants your opinion anymore, okay? Sod off.



Oh yeah, qq a little more (again) and l2p (yet again) :rolleyes:


Completely mutual. I believe you can do you own sodding off, if not I can make suggestions.

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Well, snipers deal more damage than mercs, so your point is invalid :rolleyes:


I do wonder, how many snipers in rateds? I edited the post you quoted but too late, I can't comment on rateds.

Edited by Aelaias
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Completely mutual. I believe you can do you own sodding off, if not I can make suggestions.


Well, you apparently can't beat a commando as a guardian. That's pure l2p, as guardian is way more powerful than commando. I wish there was an option to turn off retard posts, would make the forums a lot nicer... :rolleyes:

Edited by ToMyMa
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