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Charity work


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Blizzard just donated 2.3 million dollars from the sale of a vanity pet in WoW to Superstorm Sandy relief.


Why can't EA/BioWare do this? They already have the mechanism in place. All they would need to do is create the pet and offer it up. It would be easy.

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Charity starts at home.. you come first.. or in my books I come only.. charity doesnt exist to me, and Im sure that EA are exactly the same, why should they give any of their money away.. if anything any spare money they have should go into thsi game alone


Actually Charity Items are likely to get them more money - some people who wouldn't buy the items otherwise will buy them because a percentage is going to charity.


For Bioware I think this would be a good move, but would likely only happen if they have a notable increase in player base. Would be kind of depressing to put a charity item in the Cash Shop and only raise a couple of hundred pounds* when they're going to inevitably compared to Blizzard and Penny Arcade.


*Not that hundreds of pounds is a bad thing, any money is good money for charity.

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Actually Charity Items are likely to get them more money - some people who wouldn't buy the items otherwise will buy them because a percentage is going to charity.


For Bioware I think this would be a good move, but would likely only happen if they have a notable increase in player base. Would be kind of depressing to put a charity item in the Cash Shop and only raise a couple of hundred pounds* when they're going to inevitably compared to Blizzard and Penny Arcade.


*Not that hundreds of pounds is a bad thing, any money is good money for charity.


Exactly, This idea would help EA/BW get money to improve the game as well as help others in need. :cool:

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Charity starts at home.. you come first.. or in my books I come only.. charity doesnt exist to me, and Im sure that EA are exactly the same, why should they give any of their money away.. if anything any spare money they have should go into thsi game alone


Ever hear of the words "tax writeoff"? Yeah, they could write the whole thing off as a charity donation. That SAVES them money in the long run.

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Either way, No matter the issues they could still put on the swtor.com website a page listing charities & for every donation maybe they'd give a special title, a little bit of credits, etc. I'm passionate about this idea for many reasons because i have sma (Spinal muscular atrophy) a form of md ( Muscular dystrophy) I have a cousin with heart disease & i have lost people to cancer. Rather it's people buying stuff from the swtor store or cartel market and a percentage going to the charity, just because they want the item Or even people just doing it to be kind. I whole heartedly support this idea. :) Edited by LyulfLykaios
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It´s not that i dont like the idea, but since EAware give away free CC to the subscribers a charity item in Cartel Market just doesn´t seem likely to me. If they add a charity fee to some cash only item that would be another thing.
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