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Making A Reason To Revisit Planets


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So, one of the sad parts of this game is that we visit these cool planets while leveling, stay for a few levels, and then leave them. After we leave, there is rarely any reason to go back to them. So, what can be done to get entice high level/end game folks to revisit a planet like Hoth or Tattooine? I think I have an answer.


Put a mission out there. Put a high level mission-giver on the planet. Give a nice little reward (good looking piece of adaptive armor or whatever) and a bit of a challenge with the mission. It should be easy to add a quick, non-faction-specific, non-class-specific mission with every (or every other) patch update. It would give people something to do other than daily missions and be totally optional. It would also give a reason to revisit some of the planets that just get forgotten.



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What happens when you get that adaptive armor, you never go back. I agree of course that we need to revisit old planets, add areas to planets that have end-game content, dailys etc. The best thing they did regarding this was the Rakghoul Plague and the missions involved with that, was both good for pve and open world pvp on tatooine.
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What happens when you get that adaptive armor, you never go back. I agree of course that we need to revisit old planets, add areas to planets that have end-game content, dailys etc. The best thing they did regarding this was the Rakghoul Plague and the missions involved with that, was both good for pve and open world pvp on tatooine.


But it's a start to get you back. Over time, as more get added, you'll go back again. Maybe daily comms could be added, also... and just have a chance at the armor drop. That would be good, too.


I'm just thinking that it's a waste to use the planets so sparingly. There's so much potential to expand content on them, even if very slowly.

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I thought it would be cool if they did a few dailies on each planet as scaleable dynamic missions. But I don't suppose they will ever do any dynamic content because it isn't something they can sell and profit from. Edited by mavix
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This isn't rocket science, the answer is simple... Large dungeons that require groups of 4 to fight through. Dungeons that are challenging throughout the level range they are designed for, so that the actual experience of fighting through the dungeon is the "reward" for doing so. This is MMO 101, the first entry in the "how to keep your players interested" guidebook.


"But I can't solo that!".... Tough beans. It's a mutiplayer game, some content in it will require mutiple players.


"But that's repetitive!".... So what? Everything you do in an MMO is repetitive.


"But that takes too long!"... Then save your dungeon romps for when you have time, do something else when you don't.

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Right now some planets have bonus series that are much higher level than the original part of the planet.. so in those cases you do go back again. There's also datacron hunting and HK-51 parts on some planets.


Since we dont have to travel to planets to do flashpoints or ops there isnt much other incentive to go back to old planets. They only thing they might be able to do is add daily quest areas for level 50 players similar to the ones on Belsavis and Corellia.

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So, one of the sad parts of this game is that we visit these cool planets while leveling, stay for a few levels, and then leave them. After we leave, there is rarely any reason to go back to them. So, what can be done to get entice high level/end game folks to revisit a planet like Hoth or Tattooine? I think I have an answer.


Put a mission out there. Put a high level mission-giver on the planet. Give a nice little reward (good looking piece of adaptive armor or whatever) and a bit of a challenge with the mission. It should be easy to add a quick, non-faction-specific, non-class-specific mission with every (or every other) patch update. It would give people something to do other than daily missions and be totally optional. It would also give a reason to revisit some of the planets that just get forgotten.




Read the recent State of the Game by Mr. Hickman and speculate. Something is coming up (incentive to revisit old places). I hope for replayable class missions and companion dialogue reset.


Personally I'd love additional planet story arcs (without miscellaneous quests). It would be interesting expansion/dlc idea for all the story lovers. Non-scaled story arcs for our new characters to level up to or for existing chars to do for story and nice rewards.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Something that might help with this is making heroic quests have hardmodes at 50. Give daily comms or high level mods as rewards.


That's a pretty good idea, too. The only possible issue with that is that Heroics are in open areas and people hoping for the normal mode would walk in and get flattened. Creating a separate Heroic area for the HMs would be a solution. This would not be much different from the idea of tossing a new mission onto the map.

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Read the recent State of the Game by Mr. Hickman and speculate. Something is coming up (incentive to revisit old places). I hope for replayable class missions and companion dialogue reset.


Personally I'd love additional planet story arcs (without miscellaneous quests). It would be interesting expansion/dlc idea for all the story lovers. Non-scaled story arcs for our new characters to level up to or for existing chars to do for story and nice rewards.


I'm all for that. I was just thinking of something that would be quick and easy while additional story content is created. Trust me, I'm all in favor of expanding the story content, too.

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I have never understood the bizarre railroading logic that MMO developers use to split area into lvls.. Why dont they just mix it all up and have different lvl quests on every area..


The net result on every MMO thats ever existed is empty areas other than the starter lvls and the cap lvls.

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I have never understood the bizarre railroading logic that MMO developers use to split area into lvls.. Why dont they just mix it all up and have different lvl quests on every area..


The net result on every MMO thats ever existed is empty areas other than the starter lvls and the cap lvls.


So that players will see and play through the majority of the content without seaching for or missing it. The amount of time and $ put into the content there is, they are going to be sure you see it and get a chance to experience it. Otherwise it is wasted. Old MMOs weren't linear to this degree but also didn't rely on questing through the majority of it.

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I have to say, that this is one of the things that bothers me.


Korriban , and Dromund kaas .


Korr is an amazing place. That should have content from 1-50. ( it sorta has you go back there a couple times, but I mean real content).


Look up the history of Korr. There is no way it should just be a starter planet. there is so much you could do with the tombs there.


Drom. Dark temple..... Another place that should have content from 1-50. You do some quests there, but it left me feeling very empty about the place. So much potential.


Sorry this is imp side. That is the side that I mostly play. I'm sure Pub side has places like this too.


I just think from those two planets alone, you could have many, many , many, quests, ops, fps, various different aspects to gaming( like digging up something that leads to searching for info on other planets) there is so much that can be done.


Blah..... I ranted..... sorry.

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I have to say, that this is one of the things that bothers me.


Korriban , and Dromund kaas .


Korr is an amazing place. That should have content from 1-50. ( it sorta has you go back there a couple times, but I mean real content).


Look up the history of Korr. There is no way it should just be a starter planet. there is so much you could do with the tombs there.


Drom. Dark temple..... Another place that should have content from 1-50. You do some quests there, but it left me feeling very empty about the place. So much potential.


Sorry this is imp side. That is the side that I mostly play. I'm sure Pub side has places like this too.


I just think from those two planets alone, you could have many, many , many, quests, ops, fps, various different aspects to gaming( like digging up something that leads to searching for info on other planets) there is so much that can be done.


Blah..... I ranted..... sorry.


Yeah, I imagine a Sith planet could have some pretty nasty stuff. Same for other starting worlds, like you allude to. Why not have a "home" planet with areas of varying difficulty and travel from there to the rest of the galaxy on missions and advancing story? I mean, you do stuff on Korriban that no Sith has managed to do for thousands of years. And our characters own it all... as an apprentice? The couple of things that take you back don't take advantage of the planet... just a particular building there.

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Something that I would love to see are Dailies that are day-specific. For example, on Monday, lv 50s could go to Coruscant to complete daily missions that are available on THAT DAY ONLY. Tuesday would be Taris, Wednesday, Hoth, etc. These dailies would have rewards, maybe even rare node spawns that would encourage players to try to log in at least once per day to take advantage of that day's special quests and such. It would also give Lv 50s a reason to return to early planets.
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I have never understood the bizarre railroading logic that MMO developers use to split area into lvls.. Why dont they just mix it all up and have different lvl quests on every area..


The net result on every MMO thats ever existed is empty areas other than the starter lvls and the cap lvls.


So that you can play through the content without being face-rolled constantly or it being too easy.

- NPCs are optimized to the questing area. If people to high came back it would be too easy, if people too low they'd be face rolled.

- Having players at dramatically different levels would lead to a lot of ganking. Having a level 50 and a level 15 questing in the same area the level 15 would never have a chance.


There are ways that this could be fixed with some fancy coding (NPCs don't determine level until attacked and then they match the attacker, Planet-wide PVP bolster, etc) but they would take a good deal of work to implement. Also the hero engine fails pretty hard at too many characters on screen so encouraging more people into tight spaces and encouraging world PvP could affect performance of the game dramatically for the majority of players.

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I think they should add (or add to) at least one unique RP friendly location with special stores (New companion customizations, New social outfits) and mini-games (pazak, space chess, etc.) and even special missions (bounties, smuggling jobs, etc.) to attract players to them. Also, add PvP Warzone areas to every world to attract the PvP crowds.


Update the vendors once in a while to keep players coming back (you know, like they promised they would do with the CE/VIP vendors and the VIP area). Have special Double Days (every weekend) where the mini-games and missions pay double XP and/or credits.


Many planets already have suitable Cantinas or Casinos. Some would need the size of the area expanded to accommodate more players. And a few (Hoth, Belsavis) should have entire new areas built specifically for this.


Edit: And for cripes sake get the chairs working everywhere!



Edited by Blackavaar
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Right now some planets have bonus series that are much higher level than the original part of the planet.. so in those cases you do go back again. There's also datacron hunting and HK-51 parts on some planets.


Except it seems like at the high-end planets no one goes back for the bonus series. I have been trying to do the Republic bonus Heroics on Hoth (Frostclaw, Humanitarian Aid and Better Droids) for six days and I can't do them. Hour a night sitting at Aurek base spamming "LFG" or being in the groupfinder for an hour and no luck.


One problem is that there's no benefit to most to do these. I am at 50 (so won't get XP), the gear dropped is much worse than what I already have and you can get more credits doing the dailies. I want to see the stories in these quests, but I guess no one else does.

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Well one thing they kinda did was the Rakghoul Plague Event on Tatooine. I enjoyed it, it gave a bunch a new quests with neat rewards and achievements. The Dune Sea was a mass of World PvP (assuming is wasn't 50s ganking on lower levels).


I do hope they implement a new event soon on another Planet.

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