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Mercs That Bad In PvP?


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I just came back from a year long afk from the game. Last week I decided to dust off SWTOR to see what changes occurred. Therefore, I started a Merc fresh and relearn...where I have a 50 Sin on the shelf still. Anyways...after enjoying a bit of pve with the Merc.,,I started to do my homework before I get carried away with the Merc.


After many reads and latest videos, a common theme I am seein is that Mercs get interrupted to much or not enough dps. But a couple videos caught my eye. Sorry I am on my iPhone and pain in the donkey to link. With that said, I notice when players actually use their cc and environment...the Merc does very well. Which I assume playstyles are responsible for many QQs here?


Don't get me wrong, I am only trying to understand why Mercs are getting the bad rap atm. It seems when DPS is first priority the Merc becomes inferior...but when they do take advantage of utiltlities and environment they succeed.


And yes I know...I need to see it myself in pvp before judging. Again I am only fishing for opinions on the matter before I get carried away.



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I just came back from a year long afk from the game. Last week I decided to dust off SWTOR to see what changes occurred. Therefore, I started a Merc fresh and relearn...where I have a 50 Sin on the shelf still. Anyways...after enjoying a bit of pve with the Merc.,,I started to do my homework before I get carried away with the Merc.


After many reads and latest videos, a common theme I am seein is that Mercs get interrupted to much or not enough dps. But a couple videos caught my eye. Sorry I am on my iPhone and pain in the donkey to link. With that said, I notice when players actually use their cc and environment...the Merc does very well. Which I assume playstyles are responsible for many QQs here?


Don't get me wrong, I am only trying to understand why Mercs are getting the bad rap atm. It seems when DPS is first priority the Merc becomes inferior...but when they do take advantage of utiltlities and environment they succeed.


And yes I know...I need to see it myself in pvp before judging. Again I am only fishing for opinions on the matter before I get carried away.




if your intention is to play in the non-ranked bracket only, Merc will be fine for you. there is a very big learning curve to being even half-way decent with it.


if you want to PvP at a highly competitive level, best re-roll something else. Merc doesnt have the mobility or utility to be worthwhile in competitive environments

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I agree with the previous poster, that for non rank you'll be OK.


The first thing you should do as soon as you get over 1000 Expertise is to swap the armor and get the first PvE bonus in, that helps allot!


Certain map also help out merc if you know the spots and what you're doing.

Edited by Caeduz
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lol...relax man :D

As they said before, Merc its cool for non-ranked...but for rwz, i agree, we have better classes atm.


how is it cool? merc is slaughtered by any class just but not by another merc... even by DPS operative lulz

Edited by xxIncubixx
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It's all been said before. High-level PvP is un-enjoyable on merc/commando because you die as soon as a *good* player (of any other class) looks at you. You're also widely recognized as a "free kill" and therefore are focused fairly quickly. You can't properly fill your turret role due to vulnerability to leaps & pulls, and are therefore a liability when you cast above mid or across the hazard. You also can't kite properly due to stationary casts and lack of movement buff or proc'd immunity to anything (even in the "kiting spec", Assault / Pyro), and you can't solo-guard a node or even last long enough for help to arrive (due to the lack of movement, lack of instant casts and lack of a disengage or escape ability). The class is fun in PvE, but it's unfinished for PvP - even excellent commondos/mercs get continually faceroled in WZs, and open world PvP is undynamic and uninteresting because the outcome is largely predetermined (all other things being equal). Before anyone chimes in with a L2P comment, I win my share of PvP encounters against unskilled or ungeared mdps, or players who've already blown their cooldowns or at reduced health. But when all factors are equal, even an excellent merc/commando will typically lose against a good (or even fair) mdps of any other class. The AC simply doesn't have a complete toolkit, relative to other ACs, to be competitive in PvP. Edited by klham
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The biggest issue with merc is survivability. Sorcs have force speed to get away from pressure. Snipers have brute force DPS and lots of roots and snares and a self-shield. Marauders have brute DPS and tons of defensive CDs. Powertechs have relentless DPS, or tanking skills. Assassins/ops have stealth. Mercs are fine with one exception, they need a decent way to escape pressure. Arsenal mercs have the root on rocket punch, which is halfway there but not good enough. Honestly I think a vanish is what they need though it doesn't fit well with the class lore.
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same as a pt after bw huge nerf it at patch 1.4,

pt is sux at pvp now,

and bw don't want to refund my sub fee.


PT is still in a completely different league man. I can point you at half a dozen different PTs who can break a million in PvP. Find me one merc in the entire game. That's BEFORE we get into burst damage and the utility of pulls.

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Okay then...I lvld a Merc into the mid 20's and now a Gunslinger. Yep Mercs seem borked. I am destroying mobs with little down time and no interruptions as a slinger. I can easily envision the Sniper or slinger doing well in pvp and pve. More utilities and ensured burst.


Oh well one day when Mercs get fixed I will dust him off. For now I will tote my Outlaw title and pistols. I just hate playing with a conscience as a pub:P

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PT is still in a completely different league man. I can point you at half a dozen different PTs who can break a million in PvP. Find me one merc in the entire game. That's BEFORE we get into burst damage and the utility of pulls.


You are correct. In a static 15 min Voidstar (0-0), top players can manage about 1.2 million damage on a Focus/Rage or Sorc dps toon. About 1 million on PT Pyro. Operative dps and Assassin *tanks* can get about 900k. Snipers and Merc dps are at about 800k. All those numbers can be surpassed in Novarre matches that exceed 15 min in length, but the 15 min match is sort of the benchmark.


Needless to say there are some serious issues with that kind of report card. First of all note that in these kinds of matches, both teams tend to be heal heavy and few deaths occur. Thus this is the best case scenario for low survivability toons like Merc dps. These are also the worst case scenarios for high utility toons such as stealthers. And yet the lowest utility subclass in the game (Merc) also has the worst dps. HORRIBLE. And that's before you even get to the part where the Merc dps does less damage than a TANK class. Sure, it's a tank class wearing dps gear (mostly), but it still has magnitudes better survivability, and utility than Merc dps. Plus it can taunt. And yet our esteemed devs say that Mercs are OK. Doh.

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Nice, in our days mercs just fc king imitation of powertech in pyro spec... about arsenal in pvp mercs just have to forget... freaking impossible... if theres no changes about mercs in 1.7 then we rly have to think about reroll in other classes for pvp, like jugs with 7-8k smash, yeah, its rly balanced biowar
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No, I have seen Commandos running around with full EWH gear, sometimes guarded by an evenly geared def-tank, doing quite good in normal WZ vs a bunch of Recruit gear 'lowbobs'.^^


Nevertheless, I have heared, there are still some Mercs doing somewhat good in rwz. These elitist players with a wonderful strategy are showing us how to play or what? :/

Edited by Venlo
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