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Cory thanks for all the hard work making the UI customizable. It was really limiting before you got your hands on it. I was curious if there would be a ready check feature added at some point in the future. Telling everyone to jump if you are here gets tiring.
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Ok so we can save how many bars, how many frames etc. on the interface editor. How about the following things that need to be able to be saved/used across an account:


Save Quickslot/Hotbar actual skills ie, re-arranging these bars when going from a Heal Spec to DPS Spec or Tank to DPS Spec really gets un-nerving and time consuming. Its rather sad I've practically done a hand written method to keep track of 12 different toons configurations that cannot be saved??? everything else on the screen can be manipulated and saved... Make those as well (even if just for skills).


FRIENDS/IGNORE List - dear god if I have to mirror these manually any longer across 12 toons I think I will have to check into the insane asylum. Especially the ignore list with all the gold farmers/spamers! But most importantly I'd like to know when my friends are online you know in this MMO (incase you for got its Massive MULTIPLAYER Online) heh...


Is that too much to ask? These already are being saved somewhere (otherwise when we logout they'd disappear) make it available!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm Cory Kolek, also a UI programmer here at Bioware Austin. I originally implemented the UI Customization feature, and I'm always looking for ways to improve it. I just finished adding the option to change the scale of your buffs and debuffs within the operation, party, player, and target frames. This change has recently entered testing, so look forward to it in a future Game Update!



So 1.7 not an "future Game Update"? :confused:

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  • 3 weeks later...

i see the new option scaling on buff debuff, but it's not enough, they should be moveable from the health bar

with buff in a location and debuff in another location.

also we need a filter on buff cause on fight i have too many buff and it's difficult to check also the "Proc Buff"

so my best situation will be 2 set of buff, 1 general buff and 1 filtered by me.


and pls let me the chance to remove the useless avater picture from my health bar..i know my face


thx for your work.

my best regards

Edited by infedele
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