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Stop complaining about stun bubble...


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Nothing wrong with bubbling team mates. The problem is the stun works on team mates.


Make the stun caster only but a baseline talent, so all trees get it automatically but it cannot be applied on other team mates. That way dps arent speccing 12 points intto hybrid and hurting their damage output just for survival, and healing sages get the extra survival they need without gimping their heals. The trade off being bubble stun is not an abused mechanic anymore, just a survival mechanic.


To those that say that would be OP, I do not think so, the bubble can be popped at range, and sages are focused more often than not, dps or heals.


This. I would love to see this happen, and would make it great for the class/specs.

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I agree with this part. Bubble stun needs to be addresssed, as does smash. Dps sages need a buff, not a complete nerf. No one was complaning about sages pre 1.4 except sages. Everyone else was happy with free kills. l2p was bandied about alot at sages who were trying to bring this to the devs attention, this went on for months. So basically as OP as bubble stunning has become, try actually understanding what it is like to be a sage since 1.2. I admit it needs nerfing but sages will need something so they get to do rateds. I dont agree that that bubble stun should be a mezz though. Not with all aoe around.


Bioware made some changes but sages are still not viable without bubble in a rated environment and are the most unforgiving class except commandos for new players.


Oh and I dont use bubble stun btw. I play balance/madness.

can't quote your stuff. snipers don't kite. stealth classes are their kryptonite. scissors, meet paper.


again, madness/balance shouldn't be face tanking a PT. yes, they are very hard to get away from. they also no longer have range. madness has a punt, sprint, and instant lift. save two of those for PT's grapple and you've ranged him again. I play the VG. I know what I can and can't do against madness. madness also has a slow. and VG's can't cleanse anything madness does either. dot. slow. range. attack. punt. range. dot. slow. attack.


who ever said sages were *better* than ops? I didn't. I said they pull great numbers, both in reg and rated, and they're more than viable; they're *good* healers. I said there are more sage heals than any other class. They are also the only class that can cleanse those nasty force debuffs. there are two awesome sage healers in my guild, and the best team on the server's GM is their sage healer. yes. sages are squishier than the other two classes. that doesn't mean they're in need of a buff or should get the same healing output when they dig into a bubble buff designed to make dps sages viable.


iunno. I forgot the rest of the responses. lawyer's on holiday. dammit. :confused:

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Bubble stun is a classic example of the law of unintended consequences, which is funny because almost every balance change BW has ever made has been a huge example of this. You'd think they'd have learned by now.



Does loads of bubble stun make things annoying for melee and just in general compound the already annoying state of PVP in this game? Yep, sure does.


Is this OP? In the hands of well coordinated teams using the low resolve and the clickability to give all your melee a hard stun they can use whenever? Very possibly.


But as others have said, significantly change it without giving sages some sort of massive boost in TK or Madness, and making Sage healers a little less reactive in nature, all you really do is take a class with one ranked worthy class based on an annoying gimmick and throw them into the pile along with Commando, and in the meantime the Smashers just run wild (remember, they can jump in and bubble stun you to try and damage you, but you can bubble stun them right the hell back).


So you would basically need to redesign sages as well as address some of the things for which the bubble stun seems to be the only viable reliable counter (the tons of high damage melee in this game). The ubiquitous bubble also gives a good reason to bring a solid ranged DPS solely for the purposes of breaking those bubbles.


It's one of the most annoying parts of the metagame, and the complaints against it are proof positive that BW just doesn't understand that nothing makes PVP more fun than having long bouts of no control of your character. But pull that pin and the metagame is going to change again, and right now I think it can't be in any way which doesn't make melee, Derp Smashers in particular, even more powerful.


That's not to say "leave it as it is, or we'll break things even more". It IS to say that you can't change bubble stuns in a vacuum. Anyone pretending otherwise is silly.

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Nothing wrong with bubbling team mates. The problem is the stun works on team mates. Another problem is it can be triggered by declicking the debuff (been like that since the start), that needs to be fixed. Correct resolve? I dunno if its on the sage only i dont think it needs to be, but will see if that was the change implemented.


Make the stun caster only but a baseline talent, so all trees get it automatically but it cannot be applied on other team mates. That way dps arent speccing 12 points intto hybrid and hurting their damage output just for survival, and healing sages get the extra survival they need without gimping their heals. The trade off being bubble stun is not an abused mechanic anymore, just a survival mechanic.


To those that say that would be OP, I do not think so, the bubble can be popped at range, and sages are focused more often than not, dps or heals.


EDIT: Should point out this is not my idea, and I can't take credit for it (some clever sod suggested it), but it is such a good idea I think it needs to be reposted.


This would be a good change. Its not hard to avoid one bubble stun and still gives a penalty for people who aren't aware enough to break it from range.


It also shouldn't stun when people click it off. I highly doubt that was intended.


Not really sure about it being baseline though.

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Sorc over all are very poor pvpers


Well I feel anyone running stun bubble spec is automatically not a "great" pvper, I'm almost always top 3 in the leader board. However low to midgeared sorcs have such weak survivability that it's almost impossible to be a good pvper as a sorc without all 63 armoring. Where as my marauder is a beast with just a few wh pieces..

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It seems some people just never learn.


the only ppl who lose nodes to a solo concealment op are ppl who don't know how to kite. hypergate aside.


Wrong. It seems you don't understand the point of defending objectives. With this statement alone, you have proved yourself to be one of those who blatantly disregards objectives, and causes your team to quit en-mass.


You can't move away from the objective. Your kiting room is exactly a 20 meter circle for a sorcerer, and a 10-15 meter circle for any other class. If you aren't within the radius you will be LOS-capped and have lost the objective. Otherwise you are in a very confined space where the operative only needs to pass grade 1 to learn about the Pythagorean theorem.


if you're dying to equally geared PTs, then you're trapped in a box (it can happen in a couple wz's) or you're trying to face tank them. you have to pick your fights. you don't take a PT head on. your rape him while he's fighting another melee or trying to deal with another ranged unit. madness dps is good. know your role. you're mobile and have decent cc..


I eat every well geared sorcerer for breakfast on my powertech. Similarly when I face any powertech on my sorcerer I can give them a good fight, but I'll never win if they are skilled and experienced. As long as you're using your Combustible Gas Cylinder properly, the sorcerer shouldn't be able to get outside of 10 meters.


If you're facing a madness sorcerer they do not have fadeout meaning you can carbonize the moment they use force speed, saving your grapple for when they use their 15 meter knockback. If you cannot handle madness sorcerers you're a horrible powertech.


no. I don't play a sage. three of the best healers on my server are sages. sages put up monster numbers in every wz. wz's are littered with sage healers. stop whining about sage healing. seriously. you are fine. ops are a little too hard to kill, but even they are manageable. there are 3 heal classes. you want to cry and complain cuz your practical ceiling isn't as good as the BEST heal class, but you don't want to look at the fact that you're head and shoulders better off than the third heal class? dude. sage healing is fine. it's where it should be. you heal in rated, you're gonna get raped unless your team protects you. that's a fact of life as a healer. ops are obscenely mobile. that doesn't mean you should be too.


Clearly an issue of learn to play. If you're doing your job properly as a powertech, no sage healers should ever see more than 300K healing (bubble-stun healing sorcerers). If they're putting up monster numbers, you're the one who let them.


again, you're smoking something sweet, cuz most healers ARE sage healers, and they do excellent numbers, even in rated - my rated team was carried by a sage healer (I'd know, I was his commando counterpart), and there was only one team that beat us. No. I don't need to play the class to see this.



What you're saying is either blatantly false (a anecdotal lie), or your server on the whole is pretty bad at PvP. Healers for the most part are mostly scoundrel/operatives, followed by sages/sorcerers, followed by commando's/mercenaries.


The Operative healer on the whole is much more superior under focus fire. The Sorcerers will save you from the smashers with their stun-bubbles, but it's really the operative who heals the group when the focus fire begins happening.


no. I don't play madness. I've encountered a couple good madness sorcs, and they do monster dmg - admittedly in reg. rated is and always will be stocked with fotm classes. on that, I'll have to take your word.


They don't do monster damage. You seem to know nothing about the class if you think they do. Anybody playing madness can put up 500K+ damage on the scoreboard if they wanted to. All they would have to do is cycle through your team and apply affliction on everyone throughout the match.


Only 200-300K damage outputted by a madness sorcerer is damage that isn't healed over. Dealing 100K+ damage that was healed is meaningless/useless.


now you're just comparing epeens and nitpicking semantics. it's an issue *now.* it wasn't an issue since late december/early january *a year ago.* and the fact that it's now a stun is significant. it's no longer simply an escape mechanism. it doesn't break on dmg. that's huge. like every other stun in the game, it thus becomes more than just an interrupt or an opportunity to escape. it's a means of attacking in a way that it wasn't before. are you happy now with my wording? I'll have my lawyer go over it in the morning for you. he charges extra for night calls.


You're just using the "paper tiger" argument.


You obviously don't want to admit your lack of early experience in SWTOR PvP. Again, the Bubble-CC has always been the litmus test for bad class balance. If you want to reject that claim come up with a better argument. In 1.0 through 1.1.1 the Bubble-CC was used offensively quite extensively.


You just never saw it ever since 1.1.2 because Operatives were toned down, and PvP started dying due to the staleness of the small servers. The resuscitation of PvP caused by the server merges was mitigated by the fact that Sorcerers were hit hard by 1.2 (causing many to quit) and to this day have never been viable DPS-wise.




In no way am I saying stun-bubble is fine-as-is. I am simply saying everything you know/think about sorcerers and class balance is wrong based off of your forum posts. The sorcerer class is underpowered. The stun-bubble is the mechanic that keeps them barely competitive.

Edited by Yeochins
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It seems some people just never learn.




Wrong. It seems you don't understand the point of defending objectives. With this statement alone, you have proved yourself to be one of those who blatantly disregards objectives, and causes your team to quit en-mass.


You can't move away from the objective. Your kiting room is exactly a 20 meter circle for a sorcerer, and a 10-15 meter circle for any other class. If you aren't within the radius you will be LOS-capped and have lost the objective. Otherwise you are in a very confined space where the operative only needs to pass grade 1 to learn about the Pythagorean theorem.




I eat every well geared sorcerer for breakfast on my powertech. Similarly when I face any powertech on my sorcerer I can give them a good fight, but I'll never win if they are skilled and experienced. As long as you're using your Combustible Gas Cylinder properly, the sorcerer shouldn't be able to get outside of 10 meters.


If you're facing a madness sorcerer they do not have fadeout meaning you can carbonize the moment they use force speed, saving your grapple for when they use their 15 meter knockback. If you cannot handle madness sorcerers you're a horrible powertech.




Clearly an issue of learn to play. If you're doing your job properly as a powertech, no sage healers should ever see more than 300K healing (bubble-stun healing sorcerers). If they're putting up monster numbers, you're the one who let them.




What you're saying is either blatantly false (a anecdotal lie), or your server on the whole is pretty bad at PvP. Healers for the most part are mostly scoundrel/operatives, followed by sages/sorcerers, followed by commando's/mercenaries.


The Operative healer on the whole is much more superior under focus fire. The Sorcerers will save you from the smashers with their stun-bubbles, but it's really the operative who heals the group when the focus fire begins happening.




They don't do monster damage. You seem to know nothing about the class if you think they do. Anybody playing madness can put up 500K+ damage on the scoreboard if they wanted to. All they would have to do is cycle through your team and apply affliction on everyone throughout the match.


Only 200-300K damage outputted by a madness sorcerer is damage that isn't healed over. Dealing 100K+ damage that was healed is meaningless/useless.




You're just using the "paper tiger" argument.


You obviously don't want to admit your lack of early experience in SWTOR PvP. Again, the Bubble-CC has always been the litmus test for bad class balance. If you want to reject that claim come up with a better argument. In 1.0 through 1.1.1 the Bubble-CC was used offensively quite extensively.


You just never saw it ever since 1.1.2 because Operatives were toned down, and PvP started dying due to the staleness of the small servers. The resuscitation of PvP caused by the server merges was mitigated by the fact that Sorcerers were hit hard by 1.2 (causing many to quit) and to this day have never been viable DPS-wise.




In no way am I saying stun-bubble is fine-as-is. I am simply saying everything you know/think about sorcerers and class balance is wrong based off of your forum posts. The sorcerer class is underpowered. The stun-bubble is the mechanic that keeps them barely competitive.


Well put, so much so it should be qouted for impact.

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It seems some people just never learn.




If you're facing a madness sorcerer they do not have fadeout meaning you can carbonize the moment they use force speed, saving your grapple for when they use their 15 meter knockback. If you cannot handle madness sorcerers you're a horrible powertech.



I agree with everything except for this. I dunno what type of madfness sorcs you fight against, but a good one that knows how to kite will destroy a PT unless they have a pocket healer cleansing them. Grapple? I electo you immediately and then get range again. carbonize? I use my anti cc. All the while all my cc's and force slow are ticking away at you. And i'll root you out of range every 7 secs, not to mention when to bubble when the PT goes for their big burst. (i have a pt, so i know when to interupt them), I also know when to cleanse the dot to screw with their big rail shot..


Biggest thing i've seen with bad mad sorcs are: (1) they dont kite (2) they don't use their interupt and (3) the don't cleanse properly. Cleansing at the right time can really screw with the big burst.


Of course this all assumes 1v1 with all CDs up and rdy. But we know that rarely happens in a wz.

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It seems some people just never learn.




Wrong. It seems you don't understand the point of defending objectives. With this statement alone, you have proved yourself to be one of those who blatantly disregards objectives, and causes your team to quit en-mass.


You can't move away from the objective. Your kiting room is exactly a 20 meter circle for a sorcerer, and a 10-15 meter circle for any other class. If you aren't within the radius you will be LOS-capped and have lost the objective. Otherwise you are in a very confined space where the operative only needs to pass grade 1 to learn about the Pythagorean theorem.




I eat every well geared sorcerer for breakfast on my powertech. Similarly when I face any powertech on my sorcerer I can give them a good fight, but I'll never win if they are skilled and experienced. As long as you're using your Combustible Gas Cylinder properly, the sorcerer shouldn't be able to get outside of 10 meters.


If you're facing a madness sorcerer they do not have fadeout meaning you can carbonize the moment they use force speed, saving your grapple for when they use their 15 meter knockback. If you cannot handle madness sorcerers you're a horrible powertech.




Clearly an issue of learn to play. If you're doing your job properly as a powertech, no sage healers should ever see more than 300K healing (bubble-stun healing sorcerers). If they're putting up monster numbers, you're the one who let them.




What you're saying is either blatantly false (a anecdotal lie), or your server on the whole is pretty bad at PvP. Healers for the most part are mostly scoundrel/operatives, followed by sages/sorcerers, followed by commando's/mercenaries.


The Operative healer on the whole is much more superior under focus fire. The Sorcerers will save you from the smashers with their stun-bubbles, but it's really the operative who heals the group when the focus fire begins happening.




They don't do monster damage. You seem to know nothing about the class if you think they do. Anybody playing madness can put up 500K+ damage on the scoreboard if they wanted to. All they would have to do is cycle through your team and apply affliction on everyone throughout the match.


Only 200-300K damage outputted by a madness sorcerer is damage that isn't healed over. Dealing 100K+ damage that was healed is meaningless/useless.




You're just using the "paper tiger" argument.


You obviously don't want to admit your lack of early experience in SWTOR PvP. Again, the Bubble-CC has always been the litmus test for bad class balance. If you want to reject that claim come up with a better argument. In 1.0 through 1.1.1 the Bubble-CC was used offensively quite extensively.


You just never saw it ever since 1.1.2 because Operatives were toned down, and PvP started dying due to the staleness of the small servers. The resuscitation of PvP caused by the server merges was mitigated by the fact that Sorcerers were hit hard by 1.2 (causing many to quit) and to this day have never been viable DPS-wise.




In no way am I saying stun-bubble is fine-as-is. I am simply saying everything you know/think about sorcerers and class balance is wrong based off of your forum posts. The sorcerer class is underpowered. The stun-bubble is the mechanic that keeps them barely competitive.


Well, at the very least, we don't have people claiming sorcs are OP because of their combat stealth... oh pre-1.2, good thing BW listened to these people and nerfed us through the ground...

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I agree with everything except for this. I dunno what type of madfness sorcs you fight against, but a good one that knows how to kite will destroy a PT unless they have a pocket healer cleansing them. Grapple? I electo you immediately and then get range again. carbonize? I use my anti cc. All the while all my cc's and force slow are ticking away at you. And i'll root you out of range every 7 secs, not to mention when to bubble when the PT goes for their big burst. (i have a pt, so i know when to interupt them), I also know when to cleanse the dot to screw with their big rail shot..


Biggest thing i've seen with bad mad sorcs are: (1) they dont kite (2) they don't use their interupt and (3) the don't cleanse properly. Cleansing at the right time can really screw with the big burst.


Of course this all assumes 1v1 with all CDs up and rdy. But we know that rarely happens in a wz.


Would help if it told you what it purges.


"Purge- removes force and mental effects."


I don't doubt many sorcs believe flame burst's dot- considering it's boosted by tech power- would fall under tech or at the least, physical effects- which are what operative's are about to purge.

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It seems some people just never learn.




Wrong. It seems you don't understand the point of defending objectives. With this statement alone, you have proved yourself to be one of those who blatantly disregards objectives, and causes your team to quit en-mass.


You can't move away from the objective. Your kiting room is exactly a 20 meter circle for a sorcerer, and a 10-15 meter circle for any other class. If you aren't within the radius you will be LOS-capped and have lost the objective. Otherwise you are in a very confined space where the operative only needs to pass grade 1 to learn about the Pythagorean theorem.

i'm going to stop with this cuz I think you're purposefully playing everything I say for the worst possible way, and this example proves it: what on earth makes you think that kite = abandon node/objective. there is only one wz where I find kiting ineffective, and that is trying to guard a door in VS because it's a box with very few opportunities for los. if you cannot los and constantly kite around nodes in CW, NC and AHG, then you're doing it wrong. but go on and attack me for being a bad player cuz I kite.


And yes, sages do outnumber op healers on my server, and only a handful of op healers are good (they're very good, mind you). there are more very good sage heals and a lot more decent ones. that doesn't mean a very good sage is going to be as effective as a very good op, but he's still going to pull his weight and then some. I can't imagine what wz's would be like if sage healers had the survivability of ops or even commandos. complaining that they need a buff is (obviously to me) a joke. and no, I can't believe you're serious. I think you're thinking with your heart cuz you constantly want to do better on your toon, but he's fine where he is. I hated the nerf to my VG. but now that I look at it, it's not the nerf I would have made (I would have done something to the application of the dot from ion pulse), but it did bring the VG in line without knocking them out of viability.



They don't do monster damage. You seem to know nothing about the class if you think they do. Anybody playing madness can put up 500K+ damage on the scoreboard if they wanted to. All they would have to do is cycle through your team and apply affliction on everyone throughout the match.

yes. it's a dot spec. they're not designed to kill ppl alone. the only ranged unit that can sit there and take it 1v1 is the sniper, and even he works best when hitting an otherwise engaged enemy from range. if you want to burst through someone 1v1, perhaps you should consider one of the many melee classes.


Only 200-300K damage outputted by a madness sorcerer is damage that isn't healed over. Dealing 100K+ damage that was healed is meaningless/useless.
cleanses only cleanse 2 harmful effects. the more you dot the enemy team, the less dots from everybody on your team will be cleansed. you're helping your concealments, your dirty fighters, your pyros, etc. and a gcd spent on cleanse is a gcd spent not healing.


You're just using the "paper tiger" argument.


You obviously don't want to admit your lack of early experience in SWTOR PvP. .

irrelevant. but you have a nice big ole epeen. I salute you, sir. yours is bigger than mine. have a nice life. so on and so forth.

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I hated the nerf to my VG. but now that I look at it, it's not the nerf I would have made (I would have done something to the application of the dot from ion pulse), but it did bring the VG in line without knocking them out of viability.




It's pretty easy to say a class you don't even play is fine- it doesn't matter to you if they don't get buffed, and in fact it's good for you if they don't, and better if they get nerfed.


I'll point out this though- because this pretty much says it. PT got a bit of a nerf (though most like the reliability of rail shot more now)- but it didn't make them unviable, in fact they're still top burst, and one of the best dps classes in the game.


Sorcs, mercs, ops got huge nerfs to their dps specs- ops got straight out damage reduced and cooldowns wrecked- over, and over, and over. Mercs had TM nerfed big time. Sorcs had multiple nerfs to low in the tree in an attempt to kill hybrids- most famously removal of wrath CL- but nothing done to high in the tree talents so hybrids- though worse- were still better than pures.


All three do not show up as dps in RWZ unless a team can't find anyone else- because snipers are better ranged dps than mercs and sorcs both due to their ability to avoid CC/leaps, and to put out uninterruptable burst damage and a trauma debuff. While visible, mara/juggs do way more damage than operatives could ever hope for and are much harder to shut down/kill- from a stealth standpoint- sins are considerably better than dps operatives too.


All these trees have left is healing- and before the stun bubble, if you could take two ops you would- if the stun bubble is nerfed, it goes back to having mercs/sorcs both having no place in WZs- and ops being pigeon holed into healing, which I'm sure is exactly what the players wanted to do when they heard of a class that plays like a rogue.


Nerf the stun bubble- sorcs lose their spot in RWZ again. No sane person is going to support a nerf that removes a class from pvp viability at a competitive level.

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Like I said, nerf the bubble in any way and you need to give Sorcs a big buff. Maybe give full interrupt immunity in the lightning tree. DoT specs are in no way viable in ranked PVP. THe damage is too spread out and a DoTed person can't be mezzed. Only ranked viable spec in the game where DoTs are an inherenet part of the spec is Pyro PT/Assault VG but thats because they are probably the best burst spec in the game (that all of it is pretty much uncounterable helps a lot), so nothing lives long enough to worry about the DoTs messing up a mez.
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TL;DR Version.


Wall of text by a guy that clearly doesn't know a good hybrid spec, thinks 17 seconds on a low resolve filling stun that can be handed out like candy to friendly players is fine, and is basing his opinion about the ability being "fine" because he doesn't use it very well.

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Hello, my main is a sorcerer and I've played since beta, let me explain why people need to stop complaining...

People claim sorc healers are hybriding heals/bubble, and this makes them super OP, however there is no way the skill tree can even get both revivification and backlash, really if you think a true healing sorc is going to give up something that can be placed all the time over something that as a healing sorc honestly I only use a maybe 8 times a minute(3 of which would be on myself). The reason is if you're a healer you need Line of Sight, and there is a debuff applied to players who have received the bubble(can be improved to only a 17 second debuff). Do people assume someone really wants to run around the whole match checking for the debuff and so that their teammates can have literally the lowest stun in the game? Sorry I'm a team player but there is no way I'm sacrificing all of my own fun to do that, let alone the the fact you give up a much better team utility(the group heal). I would never do bubble stun spec as a healer, if there is a bubblestun healer who can tell me how giving up your best heal to hybrid would be more efficient go ahead and post stats, I know for a fact you couldn't put heal me in that spec and pretty sure your damage would be maybe slightly higher from the lightning talents you pick up. Also, for pure lightning spec I don't think backlash is an issue as they wouldn't be putting bubbles on teammates a whole lot unless hybriding, in which case they'd give up more dps. I'd like to point out I'm talking about overall efficiency, what you give up to get. Heal spec you would have to give up AoE heal and dps you'd have to act like a healer at times and sacrifice dps. Also, there is no incentive to put bubbles on people, guarding people gives points, healing people gives points, bubbles are not heals they're damage prevention and give no points, so especially in pugs people should worry about stun bubble heals, for the same reason up to this last match people didn't guard pylons because there were no defender points. Why sacrifice my fun so my team can have a 2 second stun, in a pug id almost rather them take damage so I can heal points...


ya guys stop complaining u noe u love holdin ur face every 2 seconds come on now its the best thing sense PEANUT BUTTER

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