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Ranked Dailys


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I think I might have seen a thread similar to this, but can't seem to find it. BW needs to make RANKED WZ DAILYS!


1) Regular wz dailys only give regular coms and gives more coms than 100. I would say around 200-300 normals should be enough. If I am not mistaken 300 normals equal 100 ranked. Still should be 4 matches and wins count as 2.


2) Ranked wz dailys only give ranked coms of course. 100 ranked coms is sufficient for this. 3 matches and wins count as 2.

***Must have separate ques for solo and premades. Up to 3 people can queue together to still be considered solo.


Weekly dailys should remain the same, but I guess they could also have a serparate weekly for ranked and normals.

This will help the interest in ranked and we wouldnt be playing the same teams over and over.

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I think I might have seen a thread similar to this, but can't seem to find it. BW needs to make RANKED WZ DAILYS!


1) Regular wz dailys only give regular coms and gives more coms than 100. I would say around 200-300 normals should be enough. If I am not mistaken 300 normals equal 100 ranked. Still should be 4 matches and wins count as 2.


2) Ranked wz dailys only give ranked coms of course. 100 ranked coms is sufficient for this. 3 matches and wins count as 2.

***Must have separate ques for solo and premades. Up to 3 people can queue together to still be considered solo.


Weekly dailys should remain the same, but I guess they could also have a serparate weekly for ranked and normals.

This will help the interest in ranked and we wouldnt be playing the same teams over and over.


No, just no. Maybe when they implement x-sever ranked but atm it would be a pain to have such thing on most servers as it can take hours and hours for a ranked match to pop

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No, just no. Maybe when they implement x-sever ranked but atm it would be a pain to have such thing on most servers as it can take hours and hours for a ranked match to pop


perhaps switch your brain into the "on" position before posting?


having Ranked specific daily/weekly quests would INCREASE the number of people queuing for them. PUGs would get formed, etc


ps: there will never be cross server queues in this game.

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perhaps switch your brain into the "on" position before posting?


having Ranked specific daily/weekly quests would INCREASE the number of people queuing for them. PUGs would get formed, etc


ps: there will never be cross server queues in this game.


I dont really think that this would be the case tbh. If so it would only add more issues to pvp as it would be just pugs being facerolled by premades 3 times a day to complete dailies What they should do is make ranked a 2x 4 man premade queue and make the regular queue a solo only queue.

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I dont really think that this would be the case tbh. If so it would only add more issues to pvp as it would be just pugs being facerolled by premades 3 times a day to complete dailies What they should do is make ranked a 2x 4 man premade queue and make the regular queue a solo only queue.


there are 3-5 "good" teams per server for Ranked. and they are all not able to queue for Ranked at the same time in most cases.


so PUGs would likely end up facing other PUGs to complete these dailies.

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there are 3-5 "good" teams per server for Ranked. and they are all not able to queue for Ranked at the same time in most cases.


so PUGs would likely end up facing other PUGs to complete these dailies.


By the same logic, Premades would likely end up facing Pugs teams most of the time.


Which is the whole point of the OP's suggestion, of course:

Stomping for rankings, instead of competitive play. ;)


Aside from all of that, EAware needs to clean out the hackers and exploiters first before Ranked has any meaning whatsoever.

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By the same logic, Premades would likely end up facing Pugs teams most of the time.


Which is the whole point of the OP's suggestion, of course:

Stomping for rankings, instead of competitive play. ;)


Aside from all of that, EAware needs to clean out the hackers and exploiters first before Ranked has any meaning whatsoever.


i prefer a nice brie with my wine. what kind of cheese do you like with your whines? :cool:


Ranked is not competitive anyways. group comp and WZ type have WAY more to do with who wins than actual player skill



with no real matchmaking system, no sustainable PvP population, and no semblance of class balance, Ranked PvP is going to stay in the same place it is right now. which is not a good place

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I put that for the ranked dailys they need to have a separate queue for premades and pugs. I put that for solo queue you can queue up to 3 people to be considered solo or maybe just 2. I am not trying to faceroll pugs, but have more people queue for ranked.
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i prefer a nice brie with my wine. what kind of cheese do you like with your whines? :cool:


Calling you out on your failed logic is whining?

Ok then, I'd like some Camembert please! :D


Ranked is not competitive anyways. group comp and WZ type have WAY more to do with who wins than actual player skill



with no real matchmaking system, no sustainable PvP population, and no semblance of class balance, Ranked PvP is going to stay in the same place it is right now. which is not a good place


That's true, you get no argument from me there.

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