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Why the Vocal Minority Won PvP


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First off if you're sick of huttball roll republic I see 1 huttball game every 10-20 matches on the republic side. I have enjoyed pvp ever since lvl 10. Two I am not a RPer but I like world pvp way more then mini games.


I love the warzones dont get me wrong but world pvp is much more dynamic and yes it does take strategy. I dont see what the problem everyone has with the bolster system. I play a jedi shadow and have done well in pvp since lvl 10


I will agree that higher lvls have an advatage due to more abilities and talents from the skill trees but it's nothing that cant be overcome. Beside teamwork means more than lvl difference

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Sign, again some stupid posts about world pvp. Look at all the games that had world pvp in them, Dark age of Chamlot, Warhammer online, Shadowbane, they were designed with PvP as their main focus, Games like SWTOR are more focused on PVE, People will not do World pvp unless there is a reason to do them in more then a few zones..That is why Winterspring in WoW failed bigtime to generate world pvp, cause everyone ends up there and lags the whole server.


World pvp in a LOCKED 2 faction based game is usually a bad idea(Reason why warhammer online died, why many servers in WOW had 20:1 ratio in winterspring), but of course its easy to make stupid forum posts with "OMG WE WANTZ WORLD PVP" is very simple and will happen if you keep posting it enough.


I wonder if there is world pvp what will happen to all the republics in the 3:1 4:1 servers. And if you see to implement something like WoW tenacity or restrict the number of imperial entering the zone, please....stop posting.

Edited by Skiveron
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I might be mistaken here, but as a 'real' pvper, we have been wanting world pvp not instanced garbage.


E-peen rating systems are the minority. I will be participating in them, and my crew will be a dominating force, but we are first and foremost looking for galactic domination.


Your petty scapegoating isn't necessary. I don't RP, nor do I want to.


I want massive battles.

I want planetary conquest.


I don't want to be stuck in another game where I sit in a city and wait for a queue to pop so I can fight.


Illum, Tatooine. Just 2 that I know of for now. I'm a mad pvp'er and would love more world as well as wz. In time it'll come.

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Over my time in beta and now over launch, I think it's fair to say many people are disappointed in PvP. Huttball is the only one that pops because apparently no one rolls Republic. Targeting is difficult not to mention the new amounts of lag that now permeates throughout warzones. There are no brackets, so last night as a 38 I found myself fighting lvl 10s. PvP, which Bioware promised would be a viable end game, is looking more and more like space combat than anything associated with endgame.


So how did this happen? Well it's really, the dedicated, crazy fan base full of Roleplayers despised anything practical with PvP. They hated the idea of cross-server BGs, because that would ruin the sense of "community". They despise the idea of arena because then in some arbitrary situations there are nerfs to classes, so they can't role-play in Cantina's as well. They talk about world PvP as if it's the only type of PvP, and anyone who has ever played a serious MMO knows world PvP zones are empty, gank zones, no strategy, no fun, but hey, you're fighting for a cool Tower we can role-play in right?


The list could frankly go on and on, but many people, myself included, who have ever only really played MMOs for competitive fun PvP, are left disappointed, and wanting. My statement to BioWare, do what's best for business, not whats best for the vocal minority of forum children.


I completely agree with you and the community "generally speaking" is certainly not a pvp community by any stretch of the imagination. The lack of tiers in warzones is rediculous and the approach to them simply doesn't even come cose to working.


World pvp is still an unknown until more of us get to higher levels.



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"I think it's fair to say many people are disappointed in PvP"



So how many people would you say based upon your data gathering are disappointed? 100? 1000? 10,000?


Let's say for the sake of argument, that 100,000 people are disappointed with pvp as it is now. And let's say that swtor had 1,000,000 perorders (more actually, but easy math numbers). So those people that don't like the current pvp are 10% of the population.


The other 90%- either play and like it or play and don't know to come to these forums or don't pvp. And unless you've done extensive polling outside of this sub forum and made some kind of statistical analysis, you are not qualified to determine the % of the game base that does or does not like pvp.


So, I think it's fair to say that YOU don't like pvp the way it is and SOME people agree with you. and while you use the word "many", I think I'll use the word "few"

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World PvP vs Structured PvP, the winner is simple. World pvp have great face value, the concept seems very cool, fighting over zones, or towns, battles always going, truly an ongoing "struggle". Structured Pvp, or in this case, warzones, seem boring, repetitive, and lame.


In actuality they're the complete opposite, I have played sooo many MMOs over the last years, and only a few games have really been able to capitalize on world pvp, only because that's the only thing you could do in the game. In other games where despite the efforts of the developers, world pvp zones stood empty, factions would control "outposts" weeks at a time because frankly no one really cared.


Good Warzones, and good arena, will bring in serious PvPers from across the MMO spectrum, looking for a challenge, and a great way to compete with a friends, not over a tower, but over a bracker, or a ladder system. I don't have a problem with them throwing in world Pvp, as a matter of fact they already have it, I'm just letting everyone know right now, world PvP will ultimately fail, and they will ultimately stop putting it in.

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