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Smash Train.... Here we go again


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Smash is not OP. it's in groups that it can be, but that can be said of any burst dps spec.


This is untrue since 4 of any other class AEing 1 area will not instantly kill what is there. So it is OP because no other combination of 4 classes can potentially kill 5 opponents in 1 GCD.

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Hmm, I don't recall every match in the past having half my team consisting of maras...my memory must be foggy.


Have seen a few derp smash teams, 1 sage bubble stun healer 1 operative healer 1 combat 2 smash Maras and 3 warrior 0/12/29 very effective when coordinated. As a sweep guardian with a healer I can significantly presurre a normal warzone team with no problem since I can protect my healer and destroy people quickly while putting out significant splash damage, and smash survivability is much better than people claim.

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You are correct, no amount of team work could possibly work to cc the target, interrupt smash with knockback, bubble shield, or at the very least stand more than 5 meters away from your allies. Thanks for playing...


So what you saying is the team must be on vent coordinating CC to avoid smashers? You know ranked don't really pop much and it's hard to coordinate in pugs besides you're missing bigger picture here- no AOE ability that is instant should be hitting for that much with almost no setup.

If this was WoW Smash would be hotfixed 2 days after the patch but it's BW so enjoy your faceroll spec few more months. There's a ton of jugs/sentinels on my server that were trash before going Rage, they're still bad except they can charge and hit me for 6k now on 1350 expertise and 40% armor. Chances are you are one of them that's why you keep defending broken specc so hard.

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LOL @ whine thread..

BTW being a smasher is about the only viable way to gear up a Jugg or a Mara and believe me its a long grind itemizing gear for a hybrid spec since the other two specs are not so good on their own. Tanks are just crap in PVP and the veng spec is ok but without gear it becomes a why bother, so all those guys can do is smash till they get some idea of how they want to play.

If they nerf that then you all will whine about having these no DPS, squishy melee types in your WZ's. :D


If it makes you all feel any better I did the smash grind on my Jugg till i could be viable in a hybrid tank/veng spec and also for my Sent that is now combat spec that I'm now itemizing for Watchman spec. So not all of them will stay smash forever as its a rather boring spec to play, but compared to force leaping like a bug splatting on a window of a car isn't much fun either at least they contribute something along the way. As in one last damage burst before they explode.

Edited by Razot
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So I've been away from 50 pvp for a several months. This spec has clearly gotten entirely out of control.


This is simply a balance fail. I was fairly happy with pvp balance when I left. But this? This is ridiculously stupid.


Abilities should not be hitting for 6-7k, instant and aoe. It simply shouldn't happen. Whoever is in charge of balance at Bioware should be ashamed of themselves (well, if they haven't already been fired I guess).


And no, waiting for the expansion is not the answer. That should be fixed YESTERDAY.

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Seriously does every incompetent person in PvP have to jump on the smash train, come on guys there are 8 AC and there are so many lolsmash idiots its unreal. Just went up against a team with 5 in and its so boring playing against these teams. Please lets have a bit of variety here its just getting stupid.


Yup my 2 cents is with the other, I'm not a fan of the one spec being so massively op to the other specs, but until bioware balances it... You can't really blame people going "Smash." I mean I'm not gonna be a mediocre contributor to my team just cause some butt hurt stains on the ground don't like that there is one spec better than another. I'm gonna be the best my class allows, and if rage gets better damage and survivability than by god I'm gonna do it.

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Well I am in full WH, EWH is not that much of an increase and from WH especially since expertise is the same, and I am getting hit for 6K, ok I am a sage with light armour but that doesn't make it right. Its even more annoying when I get hit by a 6k hit and I am not even the primary target, 6k splash damage is just stupid. I don't mind if they want to give 6k smash to the primary target, but all other targets should take 50% less damage then the primary. I feel that would fix a few things.
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I think the biggest problem is people are undergeared, if you're not in at least warhero gear, yes, the smash will ruin your day, when you get to competetive elite war hero gear, it won't crit you as hard... just sayin..


I'm far from being undergeared and it still hits me for 6k.

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I'm wearing full wh augmented non min/maxed on my jugg and my average crits are between 5-6k I'd say but sometimes can be lower and from what I can tell I only hit 6k+ on poorly geared targets. I'm not calling you guys liars for saying you get hit for that much in full wh or higher but I doubt it happens every time. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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If your team stands more than 5m from each other then the most the smashers will be able to focus on is 1 or 2 of you. If you stand 10m apart a team of 4 smashers will only get one person every 10 secs assuming you don't cc/kill/taunt any of them and their target doesn't have good gear and/or one of the abilities that limits/nullifies smash damage. Presumably during that 10 seconds the remaining team can focus one or two of them. It really is not that hard.


You're right, you can't have people standing next to each other with smash being so OP. However, you failed to consider a few things:


Map design:

Some maps are designed in such a way that you can't always expect people will be able to stand far enough apart to avoid an OP AOE burst like smash. For example, the choke point hallways in voidstar or the raised platforms in huttball.


Melee Clumping


DPS should be coordinating their damage on targets so you'll likely have 2 or more melee bursting down someone. It's perfect for a smash monkey to do damage on multiple targets when melee clump together.

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I'm wearing full wh augmented non min/maxed on my jugg and my average crits are between 5-6k I'd say but sometimes can be lower and from what I can tell I only hit 6k+ on poorly geared targets. I'm not calling you guys liars for saying you get hit for that much in full wh or higher but I doubt it happens every time.


I have 1396 exp, and medium armor. I get hit for more than 6k regularly. Any smasher with a decent level of gear can achieve it.

Edited by durvas
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