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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

it is hard to play a game without players online, we need char transfer NOW !!


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science BW don't want to provide a char transfer system now,

how to find a right guild to do ops at a US server?

we r just stuck at wrong time zone server,

and our country players r just not enough to do a raid, even after f2p,

and even i want to form a PUG, the language just isn't right to be a RL,

every few weeks when i got lucky to find a good PUG to progress an ops,

next week this PUG just gone,

this game's age is 1 yr old, and i only find a matched guild for 1.5 month,

during that time im happy, and we farmed endgame ops as server top guilds,

but our RL was tired that ppl don't login after we farmed ops,

so he quitted(after few weeks he told me he hope i not quit this game),

now we can't find a new home;

it is so hard to play this game without players online, so we went f2p, how exactly to find a right guild at this game?

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I would like to point out that minimum populations hit some time zones the worst. So if somebody sees well (adequate) populated servers (when they are awake), it doesn't mean that this apply 24 hours per day. Just to point out.


Other than that I don't know squat about the subject.

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