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Free Server Transfers


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I'm East Coast. All of my buddies are West Coast. I'm running in a West Coast server to play with them. It's currently 9:00 AM on the West Coast and my server has a 200 person que. Granted, this is the day of release and I'm sure lots of people are just playing for the first time, but all of the people who have been playing pre-release will be logging in at peak server time (where there was already an hour que at times) plus the new additions just makes this a recipe for nightmares. There are about fifteen servers with relatively empty populations on the West Coast right now. There should have been a server cap of some sort to prevent this kind of thing. I'm the guildmaster and all of my officers are almost level 40 right now. Re-rolling is a devastating option and it really hurts to think about.


I didn't realize there were 1300 person ques. That is ridiculous.


On the other hand, guys, this is the first week the game has been up and the first day of official play. We DO need to allow BioWare a little bit of leniency in working the kinks out.


In my opinion, the things they should do and need to focus on are:


1) Starting with the largest guilds in the most heavily trafficked servers, allow them the option to move their entire guild to lower pop servers and rolling down the list to smaller guilds until the servers are more evened out.


2) Making faction choices be only one faction per server.

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I didn't realize there were 1300 person ques. That is ridiculous.

2000+ queues on our server. I'm a member of non-family quild, and our GM doesn't want to start on another server because of allies/adversaries, who are also at ToFN. And also because there are already some 40lvls at our guild. The rest of the guild, well, is kinda irritated.

Edited by Artesia
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I'm East Coast. All of my buddies are West Coast. I'm running in a West Coast server to play with them. It's currently 9:00 AM on the West Coast and my server has a 200 person que. Granted, this is the day of release and I'm sure lots of people are just playing for the first time, but all of the people who have been playing pre-release will be logging in at peak server time (where there was already an hour que at times) plus the new additions just makes this a recipe for nightmares. There are about fifteen servers with relatively empty populations on the West Coast right now. There should have been a server cap of some sort to prevent this kind of thing. I'm the guildmaster and all of my officers are almost level 40 right now. Re-rolling is a devastating option and it really hurts to think about.


I didn't realize there were 1300 person ques. That is ridiculous.


On the other hand, guys, this is the first week the game has been up and the first day of official play. We DO need to allow BioWare a little bit of leniency in working the kinks out.


In my opinion, the things they should do and need to focus on are:


1) Starting with the largest guilds in the most heavily trafficked servers, allow them the option to move their entire guild to lower pop servers and rolling down the list to smaller guilds until the servers are more evened out.


2) Making faction choices be only one faction per server.


Queus have been this way since day 2 of early access. I've had to abandon my original toons i made on day one and since i've had to abandon 4 more due to servers filling up. Im a day one vet with no toons i can access.

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Based on the begavior of the queue on my server (i.e. being #300, then suddenly in game a minute later), my guess is that they are still throttling the limit of players allowed. Meaning the server can handle more, but they're intentionally leaving the limit low to discourage new players from going to these servers. Yes it makes for long wait times, but I'm sure all of us have something useful we could do while we wait. Neglected pets, dirty dishes, homework? Optimize your time utilization... they'll throttle up the limit in another week after most new accoutns are in after X-mas gift giving bananza.
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Early access servers with super high pops need to be LOCKED. No more character creations from new accounts until the game population is stabilised across all new servers.


I have a 25 minute queue at 12 in the middle of the day.. I can only imagine it will get worse.


Plus, chances are my computer will crash at some point in the evening and I will be stuck in the queue again, except this time it will be hours..

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This is *********** annoying. I do a few space missions, get disconnected and get put back into the queue. For no *********** reason.


Yes, please give us a choice to move to another server because you were incompetent when you were putting too much guilds on each.

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ye *** blizz.


Would be nice to have the option to transfer away or something. not being able to play when you get home is silly. 3-5 hour ques on bloodworthy. the other night i qued up, went to the gym, the movies and came home 4 hours later, to see i was still nr 300.



Figured they'd increase player caps at release to handle server load

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Who here is not surprised at the long queue times?




Welcome to release day folks. I'm sure Bioware will open up more new servers as the month progresses and even allow free transfers as they see fit, but for the moment you are gonna have to sit tight and deal with it. You can either choose to be angry (which if you do your a fool for not expecting this) or you can simply grin and bare it.

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2000+ queues on our server. I'm a member of non-family quild, and our GM doesn't want to start on another server because of allies/adversaries, who are also at ToFN. And also because there are already some 40lvls at our guild. The rest of the guild, well, is kinda irritated.


What server are you on?

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss server transfers and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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