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Bubble Stun wars


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So I use to play on this server when it was still the Fat man and man PVP hear is ugly! THe skill level is high and all but man o man, players here love to use bubble stun. I know the mechanics is suppose to help sorcs and sages but some players take it to a whole new level. Anyone else find the stuns annoying to pvp? Edited by Targarion
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It'd still be unfair a bit though to those sorcs.


I also hope they do something about smash, I think the damage is okay, but if it means buffing all other classes to encourage people not just to play smash, then so be it. Of course this is way too much work, so it'll probably get nerfed anyway.

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Sorc is the last class I'm worried about for PVP atm, once you catch them without bubble they're almost instant dead. Smash numbers are way to high atm, but many who play this spec atm do it because it's fotm and they are easily killed. ^^


There are too many stuns anyway in this game, I only have my Grip and AE CC. =\ That's much already tho for a warrior. ^^


They could nerf the bubble a bit for other players maybe, for the Sorc itself I don't think it's that bad atm.


edit: just found out it like "atm."

Edited by NRN_Hawk
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Bubble stun (and knockback root while we're discussing the lightning tree) is amazing.


Not sure why sorcs/sages are acting like they're above using it to its fullest advantage. Enjoy it. You may feel it's overpowered and in need of a nerf (and that may be the case), but it is a class defining ability.


If I see another sorc in WZ/RWZs that is full heal spec (puddle), they immediately become the primary target... very easy kills.

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Bubble stun (and knockback root while we're discussing the lightning tree) is amazing.


Not sure why sorcs/sages are acting like they're above using it to its fullest advantage. Enjoy it. You may feel it's overpowered and in need of a nerf (and that may be the case), but it is a class defining ability.


A cc/stun combo being a defining ability for a class? that statement is almost laughable when most classes (except warriors) have more then one stun and rooting ability... but i guess u gotta play a sorcerer to have a good opinion on that... which i do not.


CC/Stuns and now this stun bubble is more OP then any other ability in this game. Resolve aside (as its been broken since the launch of swtor) the fact that you can be stunned/rooted for 10 consecutive seconds, with no chance to resist is just ridiculous. This is the only mmo ive played where there is no chance to resist a stun, and there is no diminishing returns after being stunned initially.


Just food for thought.

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A cc/stun combo being a defining ability for a class? that statement is almost laughable when most classes (except warriors) have more then one stun and rooting ability... but i guess u gotta play a sorcerer to have a good opinion on that... which i do not.


CC/Stuns and now this stun bubble is more OP then any other ability in this game. Resolve aside (as its been broken since the launch of swtor) the fact that you can be stunned/rooted for 10 consecutive seconds, with no chance to resist is just ridiculous. This is the only mmo ive played where there is no chance to resist a stun, and there is no diminishing returns after being stunned initially.


Just food for thought.


lol, it's depressing, but not op imo

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I wonder what the best combo is to have someone stunned/CCed/mezzed etc for the longest time.


I assume it'd be like something:


leg shot (5 seconds)

bubble stun (3 seconds)

low slash (4 seconds)

leg shot (5 seconds)


rinse and repeat(?)


I don't know how much resolve low slash uses, but something like that, without using any hard stun or 8 second stun would drive people mad.

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Sometimes I'm rooted and stunned until my 21.someting k are down with almost 53% dmg reduction, in those game I usuall stop hitting buttons and wait for me to respawn lol and what does BW do... change Resolve the opposite way. xD


That's life tho, there are good games and there are... games...

Edited by NRN_Hawk
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Bubble stun (and knockback root while we're discussing the lightning tree) is amazing.


You may feel it's overpowered and in need of a nerf (and that may be the case), but it is a class defining ability.


If I see another sorc in WZ/RWZs that is full heal spec (puddle), they immediately become the primary target... very easy kills.


I wouldn't say they are class defining abilities, they're just the op abilities everyone is talking about. I wouldn't say all puddle specs are easy kills

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I wouldn't say they are class defining abilities, they're just the op abilities everyone is talking about. I wouldn't say all puddle specs are easy kills


I would say puddle spec is a free kill. When it's used well, bubble stun is a nuisance at best. If your teams dps is smart, they pop it from range, and pressure the other team so they can't abuse it. Worst case scenario, bring your own bubble sorc. With how much burst can be laid out in this game at this point, it's a necessary evil to balance out some of the more ridiculous comps. Sure, it sucks to be the guy eating the bubble stun, but it's pretty easy to make that a two way street.

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I agree with cc problems in this game, resolve is something that has bothered me since day 1 and it angers me when Bioware refuses to fix some of the impairing moment problems that exist in this game.


Guess all we can do is hope some of the problems get fixed, until then we have to deal with massive amounts of cc and only 1 trinket kind of move to release you unless you can get cleansed fast enough, even then 10 other cc moves will hit you.


A old thread 6-14-12 I posted about resolve and cc, seems Bioware still has the same issues in the game we play and also looks like they tried to fix resolve and it still is as worse or more than ever.



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I wouldn't say they are class defining abilities, they're just the op abilities everyone is talking about. I wouldn't say all puddle specs are easy kills


Full heal spec = free kill, unless your team has horrible focus fire, less than two dps, or the other team is amazing at peeling/guarding/taunts/cross healing.

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This is coming from a returning player,


The bubble stun tactic teams are using to get ahead is outta control. I think its needs a cooldown to release the amount of times a aoe stun happens. Geting bubble stunned, feared, and being focused without control of your toon is not fun and is a broken way to play.


I have complained about resolve and the build up process since day 1, bubble stun needs addressed asap, or this game will lose more people due to the huge amount of cc problems this game has.


In my opinion bubble stun needs to fill the person that got stunned with full resolve, to be immune to cc after it just like a force choke does.


Notice how other moves make someone full resolve and others don't?


Bioware should know this, videos has been linked about this and nothing has happened, I am as of now going to fraps a video of bubble stun and explain to Bioware and others how this mechanic needs revamped or taken away to make it better vs other groups.


It's out of hand.

Edited by Caeliux
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