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Companion Romance Expansion


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I have been playing SWTOR for a long time now. I have played every class, at least a little bit, and I am impressed at the wide variety of companion characters given to each class. That being said, I feel as though companions' roles in the characters' stories are being downplayed. For instance, the first character I ever played was a male Jedi consular, who is now lv. 50 and "engaged" to Nadia Grell. However, I feel as though there is an entire chapter of that story which remains incomplete. I think it would be much more interesting if there were additional missions after the conclusion of the regular conversations that required you to say, go to the Jedi council's chamber (as the act III consular is a master) and apply for marriage, then go to Sarkhai for the ceremony. Essentially what I am suggesting is a story conclusion for each companion that can be completed after the final conversation with the companion that would add some depth to the character of the companion and the player's character. To avoid potential paradoxes (aka characters completing these conversations before endgame and therefore forcing conversations to reference things that have not happened yet) these missions could be made available only after successful completion of act 3 of the character story.


Secondly, I ran into an issue with a bounty hunter character I played that I found very interesting. Because I made light side story choices, Skadge, the final companion for the bounty hunter, absolutely hated me. By the end of the game I had accumulated -1000 affection with him. It seemed silly to me that a character who hated me that much would remain at my beck and call. In my opinion, once a companion hates you that much, it should become evident in story conversations, the companion could even become temporarily unavailable. In these ways, companions could remain important characters after the completion of the main story line.

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I heard they are adding same sex romance to the game.......um, I guess for people that want that sure. I always felt weird with my Sith Warrior and Talos cause he seems a little TOO excited to serve me......ugh. Anyway, I always thought that your companions should be 5 that you picked and not 5 that go with your class. You should have to find a companion, take them in the field to try out and than come back and choose if you want them. You should get to do that with ALL the companions from Imperial/ Republic side and choose the 5 you want or that fit your play style. 5 DPS, sure.......5 healers, sure......I would choose Xalek, Jaesa, Ashara, Khem, and Blizz.
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When they add SGRA's for Companions, they might not make it retroactive and affect Companions prior to SGRA's being opened up to Companions. At the very least, when they open SGRA's to Companions, it might at least affect Future Companions.
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When they add SGRA's for Companions, they might not make it retroactive and affect Companions prior to SGRA's being opened up to Companions. At the very least, when they open SGRA's to Companions, it might at least affect Future Companions.



+1 to this.


Add what you want but don't touch actual content.

Edited by Royox
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I'm guessing you are referring to already in game content and even then, it depends on what content is modified


Yes, I was refering already in game content.


Everytime BW touch something they break another thing......it scares the s**t out of me what would they break if they decided to change ALL the companions we already have.


Add 10 SGR companions....but ffs don't touch what you already made xD

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Secondly, I ran into an issue with a bounty hunter character I played that I found very interesting. Because I made light side story choices, Skadge, the final companion for the bounty hunter, absolutely hated me. By the end of the game I had accumulated -1000 affection with him. It seemed silly to me that a character who hated me that much would remain at my beck and call. In my opinion, once a companion hates you that much, it should become evident in story conversations, the companion could even become temporarily unavailable. In these ways, companions could remain important characters after the completion of the main story line.


While I agree with the assessment, and the potential, this boils down to the complaints made in beta. back then you could kill your companions. The complaint was that players who killed their companions gimped themselves when it came to crew skills (if you only kept two companions you can't send out five on crew skill stuff). So BW removed that option.


The same thing can be said for the consequences of negative affection you are proposing. In order to raise affection you have to either partner with your companion and make choices in conversations he/she/it likes or give him/her/it gifts. Either way you have to be able to summon that companion. If the companion is "unavailable" how do you summon him/her/it?


What they should have done, was made seven or eight companions for every class and have the players pick five. That way you could kill or leave behind a companion or two and still have a full compliment.

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While I agree with the assessment, and the potential, this boils down to the complaints made in beta. back then you could kill your companions. The complaint was that players who killed their companions gimped themselves when it came to crew skills (if you only kept two companions you can't send out five on crew skill stuff). So BW removed that option.


The same thing can be said for the consequences of negative affection you are proposing. In order to raise affection you have to either partner with your companion and make choices in conversations he/she/it likes or give him/her/it gifts. Either way you have to be able to summon that companion. If the companion is "unavailable" how do you summon him/her/it?


What they should have done, was made seven or eight companions for every class and have the players pick five. That way you could kill or leave behind a companion or two and still have a full compliment.


They could have substituted those dead comps. with droids like the one on the ship.

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