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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Apparently things are so bad they won't even let us unsubscribe...


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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes. I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose. Don't like it, move along. This is more to let you know that there's more issues than just server queues...


I go to the cancel options, type my feedback and hit cancel account. I'm immediately redirected to the log-in page after I had just logged in to do this and when I get logged back in I'm back at the cancel subscription page with nothing I've entered in place.


So as it stands, I can't play or unsubscribe. :mad:

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Since this is clearly your first MMO, I'll give you a couple hints. First, this is launch day. This is what happens when an MMO launches. Everyone tries to log in at once. Secondly, this will die down. People can't take work off forever.


This ^


Whining about small things on launch day is kind of pointless....

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Since this is clearly your first MMO, I'll give you a couple hints. First, this is launch day. This is what happens when an MMO launches. Everyone tries to log in at once. Secondly, this will die down. People can't take work off forever.


Frankly pathetic reply, this is NOT what happens when an MMO launches, the capacity numbers on the servers mean that even when they are flagged as 'full' with a 500 queue they are virtually deserted. I've played many mmo's and yes queues are part of the package but I have never seen 24hr a day queues to enter virtually deserted servers.


The hardware obviously does not meet the software requirements, the only other time I can recall something like this was in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard realised they could not live up to their promise of world pvp so desperately released BG's to stop people fighting in Tarren Mill/SouthShore.


At least they were talking 10's of thousands per server unlike these wastelands.

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so wait a few days and unsubscribe.

It doesnt cost you anything, since your initial subscription covers 30 days.


Listen to the people, its launch day, crap goes to hell. it gets better. Unsubscribe in a day or two, or during a low volume time or whatnot.

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes. I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose. Don't like it, move along. This is more to let you know that there's more issues than just server queues...


I go to the cancel options, type my feedback and hit cancel account. I'm immediately redirected to the log-in page after I had just logged in to do this and when I get logged back in I'm back at the cancel subscription page with nothing I've entered in place.


So as it stands, I can't play or unsubscribe. :mad:


"Don't like it, move along."

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Frankly pathetic reply, this is NOT what happens when an MMO launches, the capacity numbers on the servers mean that even when they are flagged as 'full' with a 500 queue they are virtually deserted. I've played many mmo's and yes queues are part of the package but I have never seen 24hr a day queues to enter virtually deserted servers.


The hardware obviously does not meet the software requirements, the only other time I can recall something like this was in Vanilla WoW when Blizzard realised they could not live up to their promise of world pvp so desperately released BG's to stop people fighting in Tarren Mill/SouthShore.


At least they were talking 10's of thousands per server unlike these wastelands.




^-- .. this man brought back the memories of vanilla wow,....





On topic; messed up stuff bra , sue them!

Edited by Periphas
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How novel, trolls who can't read.


And here I thought I had seen it all....:rolleyes:


I'm aware that you think this is acceptable, I do not. You apparently missed the point of this thread which is, you can't even unsubscribe at this point in time....


And you appear to be missing his point, which is that all of SWTOR's resources at the moment are being stressed to the limit because of the vast numbers of people attempting to access them all at once. You want to cancel your account? That's your business. I think, personally, it's premature given that we're on day 1 and long waits are to be expected, but it's your money.


Wait a few hours, and try again. Doesn't work? Try tomorrow. Doesn't work? Contact support.

The servers, both game servers and website servers, are all being pushed hard today by the influx of new people. Sometimes that means things don't work exactly as intended.

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only thing broken is peoples understanding of how launch day works, and peoples sense of patience.


Queue up sit back relax you'll be in before you know it.


There's a catch, dont you crash.


Or youll very fast be sitting back and relaxing all day. And you will know it.

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I understand how launch day works, this isn't my first rodeo, nor is it for many other people nearest I can tell. I'm not canceling over queues. I'm canceling over lack of up to date communication with the community over the game plan on how they plan to fix things going forward. A simple, "we are aware that things have gone beyond what we expected" would have sufficed.


To keep redirecting us to a several days old post that is no longer relevant given the circumstances is unacceptable. Add that to the out of control queue situation and now web-site bugs that won't even let you protect your personal funds, I find no reason to stay at this time.


I'm all for patience, but patience without communication in this situation is unacceptable to me. For those of you throwing around the "first mmo lulz" b.s., this is far from it. At this point I'm a vet, I knew what to expect out of servers. The community relations for the last few weeks has been piss poor. If you can't publicly address us in any meaningful manner than I can't see paying you to remain silent. It's that simple.

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes. I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose. Don't like it, move along. This is more to let you know that there's more issues than just server queues...


I go to the cancel options, type my feedback and hit cancel account. I'm immediately redirected to the log-in page after I had just logged in to do this and when I get logged back in I'm back at the cancel subscription page with nothing I've entered in place.


So as it stands, I can't play or unsubscribe. :mad:


If you don't care what we think then you must realize that we don't care and then you must realize that this thread is a waste of time?

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription before I get charged another dime to wait all night to play for 10 minutes. I don't care what you think, I'll do with my money and time what I choose. Don't like it, move along. This is more to let you know that there's more issues than just server queues...


I go to the cancel options, type my feedback and hit cancel account. I'm immediately redirected to the log-in page after I had just logged in to do this and when I get logged back in I'm back at the cancel subscription page with nothing I've entered in place.


So as it stands, I can't play or unsubscribe. :mad:


All night being an hour at most? I believe you are exaggerating.


I haven't waited longer than 50 minutes. People need to put their big boy pants on for at least 2 weeks after launch. Be glad your servers have been stable and haven't crashed hard for 3 days.

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This is not a bad launch. Queues on a launch week aren't broken. And I've steadily moved up the queue each time, so the queue itself isn't broken. Assuming you have a sub to cancel, you do, or please God, you SHOULD realize that you've got somewhere around 28 days to cancel, and these issues are highly unlikely to last that long. It other words, you're cancelling an account that isn't due to charge you again, before the thing you're cancelling over is going to be fixed. Do you demand they cancel the automatic loading of your coffee card because Starbucks doesn't have the milk steamed before you walked in the door?
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This ^


Whining about small things on launch day is kind of pointless....


The whole "It's launch day" thing is a bad argument and would never fly in another industry. If a new airline started up and the first day 2 of their planes crashed, I doubt the FAA would give them much of a "first day" pass on that.


If a restaurant had a bad first night, odds are none of the patrons will come back.


If this was an event at my job, I would currently be pulling in every single employee I could, I'd have them mingling with the customers, assuring them that we are working on it, serving refreshments, comping all kinds of things and so on just to keep everyone happy. In the gaming industry however, good customer service consists of some clearly annoyed guy on the phone telling you that they are looking into it.

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So I just tried to put my money where my mouth is and cancel my subscription



What is your favorite Swtor QQ clamor? I think mine is split between;



"WoW will bury this game like all the others!!!!!"

"Early Access will RUIN this game for everyone!"



EDIT: im being reminded by a friend now about the grace period, that one was pretty good too...

Edited by RobHouse
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