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Question for PvPers, 2nd most powerful attack in game?


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Shouldn't engi sniper's orbital strike be #1?


Don't know about sniper/gs, but my scrapper has done 48k with one Flyby before.


Thanks for not getting out of the burning, hurty flames guys.


Now if they could make that damage instant...

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Orbortal strike - but as said this is very easy to avoid and if u are on receiving end of it then you need to play with ya eyes open :)


Ambush - long casting time and very easy to LOS to avoid.


Snipers big hitters are great but easily avoided in some way where as smash is instant crit and hit.

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Hm, from what I've seen it's Ambush. If the target isn't shielded or anything, you can take off a good amount of health. Combined with Explosive Probe, Instant Snipe + Followthrough your target is as good as dead. Edited by Chlomamf
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Snipers big hitters are great but easily avoided


Not when everyone is gathered in the centre on Huttball and you're stationed on the metal platform above the centre. Easily kills, and since everyone is busy tryna kill the Ballcarrier the enemies will most likely just ignore you.


However sometimes you will get a Shadow/Sin who trys to kill you. The knockback is all that is needed to get rid of them.

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About Orbital Strike, you'd be lucky to hit 5 people with it with the overlong warning/laser animation. I use it more as a pressure AoE : get out or die kinda thing.


Smash on the other hand can hit 3-4 easy AND is auto-crit with no delay.

Edited by Naej
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I would say harpoon/force pull; obviously not because of damage numbers though.


Lol, that's actually a good thought. You can kill any enemy by pulling them into the fire pit and stunning them, or pulling them outside the safe zone on NC so when they try to escape they die. You die aswell, but ah well.

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Fully talented Orbital Strike/Flyby could theoretically hit for well over 60k without even critting....with crits, I'm guessing at least 100k. That is a 12 seconds easily avoided well-marked attack though, with 3 seconds of warning before the first tick.


That's assuming everyone stands still in the target through the long cast time and execution. In reality, OS is more useful as a diversion or to stop caps/defusals.

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That's assuming everyone stands still in the target through the long cast time and execution. In reality, OS is more useful as a diversion or to stop caps/defusals.


Agreed its a great diversion and wonderful at stopping caps. The fun part is tho that we have used it to get legit kills with a healer as the bait and a guard on them. Taunts keeping them focused on that healer since we arent dieing....get the team so dead set on the healer they cant kill, then drop the flyby/orbital strike right on their heads and laugh as they die. Have seen 5-6 die with that easily.

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