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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The game needs Chat-Bubbles!


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I ersonally do not want them. I do not want my screen to look like a sunday morning cartoon in the newspaper. BUT, I would have no problem with the feature if there is an enable feature to go along with it. This way the people who want the feature can have it and those that do not want the feature can turn it off.
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You guys worried about it are way off base thinking it will clutter up the screen when in large groups, really though it's rarely used . While I rarely use it in the games I play I have never had a problem with it or thought "Wow I cant see what i'm doing for the bubbles everywhere"
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You guys worried about it are way off base thinking it will clutter up the screen when in large groups, really though it's rarely used . While I rarely use it in the games I play I have never had a problem with it or thought "Wow I cant see what i'm doing for the bubbles everywhere"


It's an immersion thing. I know that's overplayed by some people, but, really... chat bubbles destroy any concept of immersion, especially in the post-twitter era. The only thing worse than seeing your bad-to-the-bone Bounty Hunter sidekick walking around with a silly cell-shaded chat-bubble over his head, is seeing it filled with "ned m8 4 grp plz, lol!"


If they go in, give me the option to turn them right the heck off.

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It's an immersion thing. I know that's overplayed by some people, but, really... chat bubbles destroy any concept of immersion, especially in the post-twitter era. The only thing worse than seeing your bad-to-the-bone Bounty Hunter sidekick walking around with a silly cell-shaded chat-bubble over his head, is seeing it filled with "ned m8 4 grp plz, lol!"


If they go in, give me the option to turn them right the heck off.


Let me put it this way: I love chat bubbles, I want to see them implemented, but the default for them should be OFF.

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I don't see what the fuss is about, chat-bubbles are standard in any mmo according to my experience, it helps with immerson as the chat-window is rather small and it's sometimes hard to make out names (and therefore separate different players) unless you look hard and it kills the RP-element and the making-new-friends-element as people usually just die out in a sea of chatting. HOW can you have immersion if you're looking at the chat-box and not the character, it's like the immersion you get in a public chat-room...


Every single attempt I've made in crowded areas to try to talk to someone has failed as most people have the general channel on by default and this makes the game feel very lonely and quiet. You can't walk into a conversation and if you do have one, you have to take your eyes of the character and keep them on the chat-window with very small text.


If you ask me, the default should be ON as new players won't always know to turn them on. Let the ones who don't like it turn it off as it has worked in pretty much every MMO (I haven't seen anyone complain about lack of immersion or role-playing in WOW).


You don't see any "Remove the chat-bubbles" post on the forum of any other games but there are TONS posts demanding them on this one.


If you don't like it after that then simply turn it off! :)

Edited by JohanTW
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One way of implementing it would be to not make them bubbles but rather just floating text like in Lord of The Rings Online.


Works excellent, no bubbles clutter up the screen and you don't lose immersion by stop looking at the world and the characters! :)

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I'm a bit of an MMO vet and I've never heard of anyone being bothered chat bubbles. They seem pretty standard in most MMOs.


If you don't like them, they could implement an on/off feature. But I think they should definitely be on by default.


Exactly! Like I've said, there's never been a "Remove the chat-bubbles" thread on any other MMO forum but there's plenty of threads requesting them on this forum!


But I think they're working on it, someone in-game told me an employee had said somewhere they were gonna implement it! :)

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