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Pvp damage is broken


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I'm a level 22 jedi guardian tank. I know its not viable in pvp so don't shoot me down. I've done plenty of pvp before in multiple games and this is the worst. I'm getting 4 shot by ,idk what cuz im a noob, I think an operative and a sentinel, but i have saber ward and warding call active and it's almost a glitch where it does nothing for me. I'm not even badly geared for my level either, I tank pve mobs just fine but when I walk into a warzone I'm getting mowed down?
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I'm a level 22 jedi guardian tank. I know its not viable in pvp so don't shoot me down. I've done plenty of pvp before in multiple games and this is the worst. I'm getting 4 shot by ,idk what cuz im a noob, I think an operative and a sentinel, but i have saber ward and warding call active and it's almost a glitch where it does nothing for me. I'm not even badly geared for my level either, I tank pve mobs just fine but when I walk into a warzone I'm getting mowed down?


Well this is why I say lowbie is not balanced... Its a clusterfuk. I have a level 31 sniper and hit 4.5k crit, so yeah you can get 4 shot pretty easily...


More to the point,


Saber Ward is "useless" against tech/force.

Shield/Absorb are useless against tech/force and crits.


They should really make non-crit force/tech attacks subject to the shield/absorb mechanic.... That would solve some of the problem...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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They should really make non-crit force/tech attacks subject to the shield/absorb mechanic.... That would solve some of the problem...

They should also activate defense rate against Force/tech at this point, it wouldn't change things so much considering that defense rate and accuracy rate have the same formula.

For exemple, my Shadow had 2% from talents and 13% from defense rate, meaning that if defense rate were to be effective against Force and Tech, I would only have 15% defense chances which would be reduced to 5% as people have around 10% of additional accuracy (if not more in some case when they have some accuracy talents). It would just need that Sages and Sorcerers get some Force Accuracy somewhere (passive increase from AC, or added in existing talents)

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I'm a level 22 jedi guardian tank. I know its not viable in pvp so don't shoot me down. I've done plenty of pvp before in multiple games and this is the worst. I'm getting 4 shot by ,idk what cuz im a noob, I think an operative and a sentinel, but i have saber ward and warding call active and it's almost a glitch where it does nothing for me. I'm not even badly geared for my level either, I tank pve mobs just fine but when I walk into a warzone I'm getting mowed down?


A lot of classes are lacking till higher lvl in pvp (for example with my scoundrel, till lvl 31 it was a torture to keep him alive till wz, but after that lvl everything changed.. , )

By the way, what you mean by "not even badly geared for my level" can you share what gear you use? With there stats, color, lvl...

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I'm a level 22 jedi guardian tank. I know its not viable in pvp so don't shoot me down. I've done plenty of pvp before in multiple games and this is the worst. I'm getting 4 shot by ,idk what cuz im a noob, I think an operative and a sentinel, but i have saber ward and warding call active and it's almost a glitch where it does nothing for me. I'm not even badly geared for my level either, I tank pve mobs just fine but when I walk into a warzone I'm getting mowed down?


A tank in PvP has barely any more survivability than his class's DPS spec, because all you really get is the extra armor rating (any defense or shield you have will be bypassed by a lot of attacks, and they probably aren't all that high at your level anyway). And armor is somewhat bypassed by a decent amount of the hardest hitting abilities in the game (further reducing the benefit you get from being a "tank"). Not to mention that most of the surviability in PvP is related to cooldowns rather than passive mitigation (because you're not going to slowly die - you'll either be focused or not focused, unless we're talking a 1v1 fight).


I don't know what your spec is, but if you want to be a Guardian tank in PvP, play in the Vigilance tree rather than the Defense tree. You actually get even more survivability (when you can get up to the Commanding Awe skill) while being able to do some damage (and yes, you can play Vigilance while in Soresu Form and guarding a healer). Either pure Vigilance or a hybrid of Vigilance and Defense works.

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They should also activate defense rate against Force/tech at this point, it wouldn't change things so much considering that defense rate and accuracy rate have the same formula.


I don't think they can do that though. They would have to immediately nerf Saber Ward and any other tankie talent like it... If it were subject to defensive roll, you can have 100% damage reduction(in the form of "miss") for the duration, as Saber Ward increases typical defensive stats (of say a BM type player) to 160%+ for two seconds then 105%+ plus for the remainder. While to CD on it is "long", it would push it to being WAY OP'd. Much like UDR/GbF...



Imagine Maras with both UDR and Saber Ward...... :o

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Saber Ward is "useless" against tech/force.

Shield/Absorb are useless against tech/force and crits.


saber ward actually reduces damage taken from force/tech attacks by 25%.


shield/absorb being useless against force/tech attacks? true. however, melee/ranged crit attacks can still be shielded.


Stevebudz, the abuse you've been taking is perfectly normal. the players that were killing you in 4 hits were likely of higher level. even with saber ward and warding call reducing the dmg, what amount makes it through is still a lot for someone of your level. so until you're in the mid 30's-40's, expect to get pushed around a lot. don't get discouraged tho, it gets easier.

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I don't think they can do that though. They would have to immediately nerf Saber Ward and any other tankie talent like it... If it were subject to defensive roll, you can have 100% damage reduction(in the form of "miss") for the duration, as Saber Ward increases typical defensive stats (of say a BM type player) to 160%+ for two seconds then 105%+ plus for the remainder. While to CD on it is "long", it would push it to being WAY OP'd. Much like UDR/GbF...



Imagine Maras with both UDR and Saber Ward...... :o


I don't get you on this one. I haven't said all defense effects, but only defense rate, am I wrong ? Maybe I didn't use the right word to describe the tanking stat increasing avoidance since I'm not playing in english, but still...


Back to the math. Increased avoidance of Saber Ward will still be restricted to ranged and melee attacks. Force attacks will just suffer from a slight 5% avoidance assuming the tank has 15% chances and the attacker has 110% accuracy. The damage reduction will still be the same.

An overall loss of 5% which can't be considered higher during CDs as it doesn't exist any non-absolute avoiding CD (which also mean the overall loss is lower on a Shadow because it doesn't benefits during Resilience times) is not so impressive in the end.


As for Marauders, I really, really, really don't see what it would change for them as they don't have any tank gear at all...



P.S. : Do you know that in the case of an attack with a base accuracy of 100% like Force and Tech, if I were to apply the following stats : Defense, Shielding, Absorbing, for the Attacked one, then Accuracy, Critical, Surge, for the Attacking one, with respectively the same amount of them without further percentages than the basic chances (aka 50% basic crit multiplier) with the exception of basic shielding chances being put at 20% instead of 5% like if a tank stance had been activated, the average multiplier will always be around 1 ?

Edited by Altheran
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Why are we getting paired with people have more talent points - more abilities - not to mention pvp gear potential? Should definitely split it into a ladder.


Because there aren't enough people playing to support many brackets.

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I just played a Warzone within the 1-49 bracket and a Powertech Lv.42 I believe had 19k HP...


That is massively unfair when most player's HP is 11-13k. I just find it odd that he has close to what people have in the 50 bracket's HP..

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I just played a Warzone within the 1-49 bracket and a Powertech Lv.42 I believe had 19k HP...


That is massively unfair when most player's HP is 11-13k. I just find it odd that he has close to what people have in the 50 bracket's HP..

Unless he plans on staying a twink for good then he won't bother you for long. And people who stay as twinks are a rarity to begin with so it's not a huge problem on the whole.

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I'm a level 22 jedi guardian tank. I know its not viable in pvp so don't shoot me down. I've done plenty of pvp before in multiple games and this is the worst. I'm getting 4 shot by ,idk what cuz im a noob, I think an operative and a sentinel, but i have saber ward and warding call active and it's almost a glitch where it does nothing for me. I'm not even badly geared for my level either, I tank pve mobs just fine but when I walk into a warzone I'm getting mowed down?


You heard it folks, nerf operatives!

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Why are we getting paired with people have more talent points - more abilities - not to mention pvp gear potential? Should definitely split it into a ladder.


SWTOR have small servers so if they would make separated ladder for low lvl wz the queue could be sometimes even more what players can handle (at the launch, when there where way too many servers and you where unlucky and land in a low populated one, like I did, the queue was sometimes 6 hours : p I don't wish that to anyone , ))


I suggest you, buy an orange sett (social I and cheep adaptive) then find a crafter in your guild and buy buy purple armor mods from him, the best if its at your lvl, now you will need this , then get this hilt as well. All the other mods enchant, mod, you can buy for planet commendation 2/e - very cheep, you should be able to afford it. Buy 2 relic, light I or dark I depends what alignment you have and try to find as hight implant, earing on gnt as high you can afford.

In this sett enjoy the best scores and most kills in WZ till lvl 25. (you will rock for 100% , ))

When you hit 25, go for pve in that gear till 27 (you can buy the same gear sett (tier 10 for 25, but I mostly bought just every second tier, for me it seemed too much energy to buyy all) So the next tier what I suggest is tier 11 for lvl 27.

Enjoy! You will love the result , )

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SWTOR have small servers so if they would make separated ladder for low lvl wz the queue could be sometimes even more what players can handle (at the launch, when there where way too many servers and you where unlucky and land in a low populated one, like I did, the queue was sometimes 6 hours : p I don't wish that to anyone , ))


I suggest you, buy an orange sett (social I and cheep adaptive) then find a crafter in your guild and buy buy purple armor mods from him, the best if its at your lvl, now you will need this , then get this hilt as well. All the other mods enchant, mod, you can buy for planet commendation 2/e - very cheep, you should be able to afford it. Buy 2 relic, light I or dark I depends what alignment you have and try to find as hight implant, earing on gnt as high you can afford.

In this sett enjoy the best scores and most kills in WZ till lvl 25. (you will rock for 100% , ))

When you hit 25, go for pve in that gear till 27 (you can buy the same gear sett (tier 10 for 25, but I mostly bought just every second tier, for me it seemed too much energy to buyy all) So the next tier what I suggest is tier 11 for lvl 27.

Enjoy! You will love the result , )

Much cheaper if you just buy several focus offhands (they like 15-20k on my server) and just rip them off. Put ripped mods/armorings/enchancement in ur gear, get augments and put blue augments (purple expensive). Start selling wz medpacs and you can get top gear in like no time. Your goal 18-19k hp with bolster (at lvl 46 you can get about 250 expertise as well). And dont go rage before 50, vengeance much easier and profitable (better survivablity and faster solo killing) Edited by HeIIbat
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saber ward actually reduces damage taken from force/tech attacks by 25%.


shield/absorb being useless against force/tech attacks? true. however, melee/ranged crit attacks can still be shielded.


That is why I put useless in quotes.... 25% of a smash is not doing much for you. Force/Tech Heavy classes/spec biggest hitters are Force/Tech attacks. There are a ton of them out there...


and no crit attacks can be shielded... crit pushes the shield chance off the table regardless of type....



This is why carrying shield/absorb is PvP is worthless, considering the crit chance people carry, and talents/skills that increase crit chance.... Shield/Absorb work fine in PvE, but PvP is a whole different story...

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First off they are not going to balance pvp around low level pvp. That would just be dumb. There is nothing really wrong with low level pvp except the cowards who play level 49 twinks. Being a level 22 anything and making such a bold statement is just silly. BTW sentinels and assassin do not need buffs to there cooldowns.
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