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Did Macro's make it into the game yet?


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I know that Bioware has said that there will be no addons at Launch for the game, but I was under the impression that they would have a macro system in game. I was also told it was disabled during Beta for unspecified reasons. I'm wondering, did they turn it back on now that the game is live? If so, does any one have any resources on programming macros? Syntax, available commands, examples, etc?





p.s. Please don't hate on me for wanting to use Macros. I am fully aware that I'm not an uber-leet player and macros are a crutch. However, Just because I am not good enough to play effectively without them doesn't mean my guild mates, friends, and pugs should have to carry me through content. If using Macro's will let me pull my own weight while I see the content and run with my friends, then I am all for them. If that makes me a bad person... well, I guess it's a good thing I'm playing as Sith...

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Thanks Gomla, that's all I wanted to know.


Hawke, I may not be one of the 'masters', but even I know how to change my preferences. And yes, that was the first thing I did when I looked at the preferences in Beta.



Edited by SithCrash
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