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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you could have ONE Force power, what would it be and why?


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If you could use ONE Force power, be it light or dark or anywhere in between, what would it be, and why? Where would you use it? How would you use it?


For me, Force Healing. I'd be the kind of, "Hermit-in-the-woods" sorta person, healing others for no charge :)

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Hands down, mind trick.


"You want to take off your shirt and dance on the table."


"...I want to take off my shirt and dance on the table."




Or force Choke for when that doesn't work and they say no. :D

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Thing is, you'd instantly know the perverts were just the people who take Mind Trick. On the other hand actually, if you found a weak willed rich person you could get them to give you all their money.so there's that advantage as well. Yeah, I might take mind trick after all. Edited by johnxtreeme
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I shall heal your dirty mind with my Force Healing.


"You will not heal our dirty minds with your Force Healing"

"..I will not heal your dirty minds with my Force Healing"

"Now you will take off your shirt and dance on the table"


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"you will not heal our dirty minds with your force healing"

"..i will not heal your dirty minds with my force healing"

"now you will take off your shirt and dance on the table"



win. :D

Edited by Lordmird
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Force TK .. just the basic standard power.. but in a better quality.....to be at least able to throw a few cars at least anyways lol


Now im not sure whether force push comes under TK.....but if not then Force push.. just so i can do the comical Kah-meh-ha-me-hah at someone xD

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