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Killing Vette


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Actually, I believe in an interview with a Bioware employee, they said exactly that.


They found the playtesters, when given the opportunity to kill their companions, would take them, if just to see what happened. And then suddenly they had, and now they had no healer.


That's fine in an offline game like KOTOR, where you can just reload the last save if you gakk up too severely, but in an MMO? It basically meant that, via dialogue choices, you could permanently and significantly cripple your character's ability to progress, and diminish your gameplay experience. Nothing else in the game has that permanence. Don't like you alignment? Grind diplomacy. Specced wrong? Respec. Dump Quin out an airlock?... well, have fun with that...


The only way to make that work would be to allow you to 'draw and discard' companions, so you could replace ones you lost from an available pool. But that would hugely complicate the system, and make it tough to balance, and doesn't address the issue of lost forever companion questlines, as well as require a huge amount of recorded lines.


So, it was easier to just avoid the issue, and not indulge our jerkass impulses to this degree.


I think what they could have done (and still should do, regardless of offing companions) is provide a companion role respec kit or something. That way I'm not stuck having this character as Melee DPS when I want said individual as a Ranged DPS. Companions are horrendously 1-dimensional when it comes to gameplay.

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Imperials have total idiots as companions....




I mean seriously.. most of them get mad at you when you go Darkside...


the only nice companion is Skadge... but hes with bountyhunter... who dont really NEEDS to be darkside...


on my wishlist: Imperial Cmopanions who like youre being a darksider



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Imperials have total idiots as companions....




I mean seriously.. most of them get mad at you when you go Darkside...


the only nice companion is Skadge... but hes with bountyhunter... who dont really NEEDS to be darkside...


on my wishlist: Imperial Cmopanions who like youre being a darksider



They're not "getting mad at you for going Darkside" - they're unhappy because you've done something despicable or something that by most moral standards isn't acceptable or because you've done something to them that they didn't like or that counters their goals / interests. The companions for all classes cover a spectrum of attitudes and moral guidelines. Companions who simply go along with you all the time, no matter how you behave are about as interesting as planks of wood.


There are several companions who come close to being as arbitrarily evil as you'd seem to prefer - Darkside Jaesa and Broonmark spring to mind, you've already mentioned Skadge. Xalek to a lesser extent. The others are more thoughtful; Scorpio's pretty creepy (I think they dialled her back from original intentions). Gault's story ... would be a spoiler, but his moral compass is pretty unambiguous.


"Being a Darksider" as you put it, isn't like choosing a stick-shift versus an automatic or preferring a certain kind of music or following a footy team... though now that I think about it, I guess for some people it actually may be that shallow and simple..


You also seem to have a rather eclectic definition of 'nice'.

The kind of game it sounds like you're really after would probably be a lot more like The Darkness, which already fills its niche quite well.

SWTOR with an M+ rating though... would probably be more interesting in places... but like so many games, every facet that might make use of more mature content would end up being used purely for spectacle, without any depth or substance.

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Force choke would be a rather painkiller, considering that she would choke in the free space anyway. - if would want to increae her joy of pain then I would force grab her back onto ship and then put into a emergency cabine with a nice palus ( stake ) where I would impale her, attach some respiratory and send into a void ( after all she wanted to commit such a crime against herself, and me most importantly, killing herself without my permission? tsk tsk ) so she would be able to die slowly while watching stars, eh, my weak side, I'm unfortunately kind of romantic person.


unlike you I like her, she seems to be the only female love interest with intact flower, shes innocent with a certain moral blockades - funny to watch her forming bad opinions about my artistic lightsaber voyages.


What is this I don't even.


I loved Vette, and why anyone would ever want to cause her the slightest harm is beyond me.

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wait wait wait you could KILL VETTE in beta?

that's so sick,why would someone do that.

Yes, on the beta you could kill your companions but, child players cried for this option because they didn't absolutely want irreversible choises in the game and Bioware took out this possibility.

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Oh how much i would love to kill kaliyo or atleast kick her out of crew and i would like that Vector would get out of my crew he is just creepy . I would take rather Lieutenant Pierce or Blizz to replace Kaliyo and Torian Cadera to replace Vector.:)
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Force choke would be a rather painkiller, considering that she would choke in the free space anyway. - if would want to increae her joy of pain then I would force grab her back onto ship and then put into a emergency cabine with a nice palus ( stake ) where I would impale her, attach some respiratory and send into a void ( after all she wanted to commit such a crime against herself, and me most importantly, killing herself without my permission? tsk tsk ) so she would be able to die slowly while watching stars, eh, my weak side, I'm unfortunately kind of romantic person.


unlike you I like her, she seems to be the only female love interest with intact flower, shes innocent with a certain moral blockades - funny to watch her forming bad opinions about my artistic lightsaber voyages.


dude, this is f**** up.

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  • 2 months later...
Force choke would be a rather painkiller, considering that she would choke in the free space anyway. - if would want to increae her joy of pain then I would force grab her back onto ship and then put into a emergency cabine with a nice palus ( stake ) where I would impale her, attach some respiratory and send into a void ( after all she wanted to commit such a crime against herself, and me most importantly, killing herself without my permission? tsk tsk ) so she would be able to die slowly while watching stars, eh, my weak side, I'm unfortunately kind of romantic person.


unlike you I like her, she seems to be the only female love interest with intact flower, shes innocent with a certain moral blockades - funny to watch her forming bad opinions about my artistic lightsaber voyages.


Can't tell if serious, or trolling.


I choose trolling because otherwise apparently this conversation just happened.

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It's a shame you can't kill Gault. I know most people wouldn't, but it'd be nice to have the option to follow a code of "getting the job done" and cutting him down.


This bothered me as well, because my gal fulfilled every other contract to the original specifications. Yeah, sometimes she even felt bad for the people she blew full of holes, but that was her personal code.


... That said, I like Gault's character a ton, and imagine him as my girl's drinking buddy. Would have much preferred him as the romance tbh, though I was pleasantly surprised by Torian's directness. Torian got a few bonus points for taking the "Gonna make me talk about my feelings?" line from her in stride.

Edited by Sarielle
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I wished they had kept the option in beta to kill Vette. :(


She so annoying...



I quit doing space missions back when I was leveling just because there was no way to make her stop making sound with her face...

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Imperials have total idiots as companions....




I mean seriously.. most of them get mad at you when you go Darkside...


the only nice companion is Skadge... but hes with bountyhunter... who dont really NEEDS to be darkside...


on my wishlist: Imperial Cmopanions who like youre being a darksider



Ya, Darkside Jaesa is a psychopath. As a SW, once you get DS Jaesa encouraging every sadistic move you could make, you never go back to Vette. I don't anyways. I like Vette, she had me at "chirp chirp", but I don't like the disapproval from her of certain ds decisions I like to make. It would be cool to have an option to switch her out for Taunt at that one part of the story arc, assuming Taunt would be like a DS Vette.

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Bioware totally sucks. If only they've thought of having mindless drones as companions, instead of having people with their own personal experiences, based on everything from race to where they were born and who they shared experiences with. Also, crossover class conversations and / or relationships between companions totally suck.


Yes, i was being sarcastic. Learn to deal with one of the best aspects of the game, plus the fact every decision you make has consequences. You'll get a lot of that in real life, when you like, turn off the computer and leave the room or living room, every so often.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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