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Reverse Engineering Algorithm


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Has anyone else noticed the spotty reverse engineering schematics? I have REd 20 green level 31 fortitude crystals and gotten nothing and then turned around a REd 2 31 enhancements and gotten the blue schematic. It tells you there is a 20% chance, but I think the algorithm is broken. Maybe they need to up the percentage.


1. Is there a consumable to improve crafting success/crit?

2. Does location matter?

3. Does having certain windows like GTM or the bank matter?

4. Does being in/out of an instance matter?

5. Does being on ship/planet/space station matter?


Please apply these same questions to getting purple Underwold Metals, Treasure Hunting Gemstones, etc. Their becoming a pain too.

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There's nothing wrong with the algorithm. It's a common mistake that players of this game make, they think by r/e something 5 items that they are guaranteed to learn a new schem. You have a 20% chance each time to R/E and get a new schematic, all you're having is bad luck. The R/E is working fine.
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None of that matters in the slightest. All that matters is if it succeeds. 20% chance doesn't mean you're guaranteed the pattern after 5 RE's, it means you only have a 1 in 5 shot each time. You're more likely to not RE a schematic than to RE a schematic.
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So a 20+:1 ratio doesn't seem abnormal to anyone? Really?


Yea, I know... but, just last night a guildie was crafting while we waited for a replacement in Ops. She was elated to have 3 pop from dismanteling 6.


Your chances don't diminish or improve the more you do it. They are the same each and every time. But, yea, sometimes you get lucky other times you don't. In the end it evens out.

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So a 20+:1 ratio doesn't seem abnormal to anyone? Really?


If you had any more than a 20% chance to learn a new schematic it would have accelerated the rate at which people learned 26 and 27 armorings,mods, and enhancements making it easier for people to get BiS gear without doing any work.

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