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(US) Server that has decent Republic PuGs?


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After reading some server forums it seems that most Pubs are horrible at 50 especially if its a PuG. I know PuGs in general are bad but it seems that Pub ones are notoriously terribad compared to Imp ones. Are there any servers where you can queue solo as a Pub player and at least win every now and then? I know losing is part of the game and I dont expect to win every WZ or even 75%. Id be happy with about 50:50. Talking about both 10-49 and once you get to 50. Dont really feel like leveling a new Republic character if Im going to lose most WZs on my way to 50. Just want to reroll and try the Republic side for once and want to find a good server. Will probably eventually meet people to group with but will be solo for a while, at least while I level.
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I'm on Shadowlands, and, depending on time of day, PUGs on the Republic side do as well as or better than the Imperial side.


Between 7-12 PM US EST, winning is 50/50 odds, sometimes better for the Republic on our server.


There's really no absolute consistency, but it's a lot more even than before the servers were merged.

Edited by arunav
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On the Harbinger, the Pubs win more often during the day, and it seems that the Empire wins more during the night.

A strange, but prevalent, observance.


Most of the good players are on in the evenings, and people play Imperial more often on most servers...

Edited by arunav
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What are queue times like on those servers? I dont always play during prime time so dont wanna end up somewhere that has a really low offpeak population and queues are something like 20 mins.


Also arent the Imps on Jedi Covenant so bad that everyone rerolled Pubs? Wouldnt every WZ be Pub vs Pub in that case?

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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What are queue times like on those servers? I dont always play during prime time so dont wanna end up somewhere that has a really low offpeak population and queues are something like 20 mins.


Also arent the Imps on Jedi Covenant so bad that everyone rerolled Pubs? Wouldnt every WZ be Pub vs Pub in that case?

Everyone good rerolled Republic Characters, but that is hyperbole. The slant is pretty big towards the Republic because of all of the really good premade's, the large amounts of top-notch players and those with top-notch gear (which are comparitely few and far between for the Empire). However, if an average Republic PuG went up against an average Imperial PuG things won't be so one sided.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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There is no such thing as a decent pug


Actually, most Republic PuGs on Jedi Covenant are far beyond decent. Imps there always whine about how every Pub team is a premade, but it just isn't true. Imps there just have that self-fullfilling "we're going to autmatically lose mentality". A lot of the Pub teams aren't premade at all, they are just good. Also, most imperial PuGs on The Shadowlands are quite good as well. Contrary to popular belief, this game isn't rocket science and it's truly not that hard to play objectives and roles.


Most people actually do know what they are doing and can work together as a team even though they haven't pre-planned it or are talking on Vent. At least on the servers I've been on it's that way, so can't imagine it would be so drastically different on others. I do occasionally group with specific tanks because I'm a healer, and I want to know that I'll be protected during the match, or group with my dps toon with certain healers to know that I will be healed, etc. But it's not so terrible when I don't group at all.


I recognize most of the players because I've played with them before, so it's not a big deal at all for me. It's not unusual to get 7 or 8 out of 10 wins on The Shadowlands on any given night. Also we have a lot of Imp vs Imp on that server so I don't think Imps dominate on there like Reps dominate on JC.

Sure every once in a while, a sub-part team will come up, and the match will be over quick, but it's not such a regular occurrence to make me want to stop pugging on the servers I play on.

Edited by Solarenergy
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Bastion has better pubs than empire, they win a higher ratio of all the WZ's.


I really dont know anymore. Im always in a premade on Empire and always solo on Republic so that definitely skews my judgement. But I would rather solo que on Republic than Empire, Pub PUGs i generally find more pleasant to play on but lately its been a bit worse on the pub side.

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Bastion has better pubs than empire, they win a higher ratio of all the WZ's.


I've heard that many times... thankfully not a problem I have.


4 man pre-mades FTW.


Project thread derailment: Complete.




No seriously though. Over all the Pub side does have a stronger regular war zone population, but a weaker rated population over all.

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On The Harbinger PvP during the day is good 90% of the time if you play on the pub side whether it be 50 or lowbie. At night I think the special ed groups have their multi key press classes on the pub side on both 50 and lowbie. But if you end up in a game with certain guilds then you know you will win.
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It's pugs in general. I'm not a believer that one faction is better than the other, maybe a while back where imps had a gear grind advantage over pubs then yeah but not anymore. Imp pugs are just as bad so stop spreading false info...at least when you play as a pub you get to play the opposing faction, as an imp 90% of your matches are same faction. What fun is that?
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