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What is the most useless pvp spec?


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Meaning if this class / spec was attacking you the only way you'd die is from laughing so hard. The spec where if someone sees a signature move of the spec the person instantly gets harrassed and laughed at by everyone including their own team. A spec so bad that healers refuse to even toss you a HoT because they feel you aren't even worth a GCD.


If all specs are fairly comparable then list the one that's surely at the bottom. Of course this is all in your own opinions but I'd like to see.



So I will edit this page periodically with what everyone voted. To make it not as cryptic it's simply this. If a class has a (+1) next to it means someone voted that class sucks.


Results so far:


Operative - Lethality / Scoundrel - Dirty Fighting::: +10

Sorceror - Lightning / Sage - Telekinetics::: +10

Mercenary - Arsenal / Commando - Gunnery::: +5

Powertech - Shieldtech / Vanguard - Shield Specialist::: +2

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Lightning Sorcerer and its Rep mirror. Poor damage, weak defence, only saving grace is that they can pull an ally to themselves and make thier bubble stun enemies on breaking. Problem with that is it only works melee range so your SOL when facing a Sniper or Commando.
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The only class I personally cant get any sort of real untility out of is a full Tele Sage. It's really really clunky in PvP. No matter what I try I do half the dps of full balance and even less if im hybrid. i murder people in the face with a leath Ops...the only drawback is having to use upperhand to use cull. if it were just only a timed cd it would actually be OP.
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Lightning Sorcerer and its Rep mirror. Poor damage, weak defence, only saving grace is that they can pull an ally to themselves and make thier bubble stun enemies on breaking. Problem with that is it only works melee range so your SOL when facing a Sniper or Commando.


i never understood why people hate this class.. you think that 5k bubble would make this class a must have in any team..

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i never understood why people hate this class.. you think that 5k bubble would make this class a must have in any team..


1 good crit will kill that bubble its cooldown also leaves much to be desired even if you want to play support/healer which is the classes only strong point right now.

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Mercenaries are bad in 1 vs 1 fights. Well bad isn't a strong enough word. And they are awful in RWZ where people know how to interrupt, and actually pay attention to what is going on. In regular PUG's though, they don't always have it that rough. Lethality Ops can DOT stuff up and off heal better than a Madness sorc, and people insist that is a viable spec. Concealment Ops is what everyone says is awful, and in a bad players hands, I agree it might be the single worst class in the game, maybe even in an OK players hands too. I have faced an Op before who made me search him out on fleet after before though, just to tell him that was the most embarrassed I have ever been in PvP in any game. Literally my entire chat box was filled up with death messages from him, and every one of them was over 4k, with at least half over 5k. He solo killed me on my Sniper 12 times in a full voidstar. Got to the point where I was popping Entrench on CD with nobody in sight because I knew he was someplace close just waiting to pop that acid blade in my ***.


I have tried a couple of times to play a Lightning Sorc. Mostly because I am a horrible healer and really don't enjoy it, but I still want stun bubbles. I just feel so useless in that spec though that I can't do it for more than one or two matches before I respec into a real tree. Even as skilled as that Concealment Ops was, i don't think anyone could ever make anyone scared of a Lightning Sorcerer.

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Lightning Sorcerer and its Rep mirror. Poor damage, weak defence, only saving grace is that they can pull an ally to themselves and make thier bubble stun enemies on breaking. Problem with that is it only works melee range so your SOL when facing a Sniper or Commando.


this ^ either roll heals on this class or get ROFL @

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While what is cited in this thread does have a basis to it, player skill does matter for all classes and how well a given person can do in a WZ.


Well, maybe not the smash specs.


But everyone else, if they know their class well, including how to gear it, can do a lot of good in WZs.


There are obviously a few classes at a baseline advantage, though.

Edited by arunav
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I don't ever heal gunnery commandos. I just feel they aren't worth the GCD. I will heal them if everyone around me is 100% and I have maximum resources. :rak_03:


Well I'm an equal opportunity healer and I'll heal anyone regardless of their class or spec. That inculdes the classes that are both OP and UP. Heck, even if the guy entered a level 50 warzone with level 45 gear and has 12K HP and only 200 expertise I'll heal him. I guess I'm just too nice. :D

As for worst pvp spec. Full lightning sorc. Tried it one late night just to see how it was. It is unplayable in PVP. You will be interrupted over and over again to the point where you just want to quit the whole game.

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so far lightning and telekinetics is leading.


If the cast times werent retarded long Lightening would be pretty good. If chain lightening was instant like Smash and Thundering Blast was also instant and you could also spec into Death Field and then Wrath for instant Lightening Strike as well then we would have nerf Lightening sorc threads everywhere. Just wondering if stacking alacrity to the max would make them at least playable? I dont know how well haste works in this game compared to WoW.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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