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Giving this another try.. need some advice.


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Hello all.



Well back before this game came out i was a huge supporter both here on the forums and in the community at large. I awaited the game anxiously. Well the game came out and me and the guys i play with were extremely excited and we played our little hearts out for weeks... well then basically we found out that the game didnt really have an "end game" and we were sitting around with max level characters with nothing to do and broken pvp/raids to take part in.


I decided it was in my best interest as a player to instead of linger around and be upset to just part ways with the game. Well its been many months since then and I can already see the game has undergone ALOT of changes.


So as a returning player I have a few questions.



Are there any populated servers left?


If so would it be in my best interest to just transfer over my max level characters to a new server? (I have a max sith warrior and inquisitor)


If not should I just start up a new character on one of these more populated servers?


I looked around but i couldnt find the answer.. did they ever put in a "dungeon finder" into the game?


Whats new that I should check out?


In your opinion is this game even worth trying to get back into or should i allow them even more time to "cook" it?



I reupped for a month if nothing else to just get the cartel coins.. i wipe my arse with 15 bucks so its no big deal to just give em at least a month to try and recapture me as a player.



Any advice at all for someone returning? Also if on one of these higher population servers if anyone has a guild they would like a returning player to try out for awhile hit me up everyone i played this game with has completely moved onto other things so I will be going it solo till i find a new guild.

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55 views no comments? come on nobody out there who has an opinion? help out a returning player.


If it means anything to anyone im a pretty avid game streamer as well been helping out the war-z community alot lately by streaming the game and just doing merch give aways and stuff if i start playing this again ill do that here as well like i did when game was new :p just dunno if i wanna get back into it or not

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Hello all.


So as a returning player I have a few questions.


Are there any populated servers left?


There are only populated ones left. All others have been merged during the forced character transfer service.


If so would it be in my best interest to just transfer over my max level characters to a new server? (I have a max sith warrior and inquisitor)

You must be referring to when they promised you would not be moved in this article. You missed where they just merged servers as explained in part 2 of that article. I don't think there are dead servers left as long as you play on north american servers. (Sorry folks down under)


I looked around but i couldnt find the answer.. did they ever put in a "dungeon finder" into the game?

Yes. Same server only. It's called group-finder.


Whats new that I should check out?

You said there was no end-game at launch, yet there was eternity vault operation. There's now also Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict, and Terror from Beyond of various difficulties. There's two new warzones that were added over the months. What you absolutely should check out is the new interface editor. It's sweet. Oh, and go to one of the new daily quest areas (Section X) and do the quest to get the HK-51 companion. He's pretty cool.



In your opinion is this game even worth trying to get back into or should i allow them even more time to "cook" it?

Personally, I don't think anyone else can answer that question for you. They are not adding content all that fast compared to other MMOs. If you wait until Makeb comes out, that'll give you another couple hours of leveling, but it will cost you $10 extra even if you subscribe.




Any advice at all for someone returning? .


Spend time on voice-chat with like-minded players. It will make the game better.

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There's quite a bit that's been added to the game.


Regarding the dungeon finder, yes there is one, as well as a decent reward for using it to run a hard mode flashpoint every day. So, it gets used.


Regarding server populations, the game has recently gone hybrid with a full free to play version. It has helped the server populations. Also there was a huge server consolidation resulting in very few servers (comparatively), but much better populations.


You didn't post where you're coming from, but unless you're part of the APAC problem, then chances are your server is alreay decently populated.


If you stopped playing because you just weren't having fun with the game, then it's not a new game and never will be. If you had some specific complaints regarding empty servers and lack of group finder, then it's worth coming back and playing again.


I like the game, but I never left, so my opinion of it is probably different than yours.

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If your here because of the Star Wars IP, play the game.


If your here because your an MMO fan and want challenging raids, indepth crafting, a great community, sandbox elemtents, RPing, none combat activities and a competent Executive Producer. I would go else wear.

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thx for the replies...



Basically I was really enjoying the game and yes there was eternity vault but my guild had it on farm pretty quickly and while the hard mode of it was still a bit challenging for us it just got sorta meh after a few weeks of it.


Finding groups was god awful on my original home server so the group finder being added to the game will at least help in that regard. I personally cannot stand just standing around trying to find a group at least with a group finder it does the hard work for me :p I got spoiled on wow for that it has basically ruined traditional group making in mmos i believe lol.



I am debating on if i even want to pick up my old characters or if I should just start a new one from scratch I never did a healer in this game so im debating doing one this time.



Another quick quesiton is the group finder available right at the very start from the first instances you can do? So if for example I get a jedi sage up to lvl 13 or whatever it was to go into that first instance I can go about my merry way questing and just use the dungeon finder to find a group and be teleported to the dungeon when a group is ready? If so thats fantastic.



I really want to give this game another try I love the star wars setting and I am feeling a craving for an mmo as of late. I am redownloading the client now gonna take a bit longer but hopefully tmrw I will be able to jump in and see how the game is now.

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Every normal and hard mode flashpoint is represented in the group finder, yes. Including levelling stuff.


Having said that, you cannot really use it at level 10. The first flashpoint (Esseless/Black Talon) is so early on in the story and it's a 2 man flashpoint, that you're not going to be successful in getting what the group finder requires (1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 dps).


If you want to do that one, you have to ask on fleet or on your homeworld while questing (Coruscant/Dromund Kaas). The FP itself is easy enough you can get through it with any partner. You don't really even need tanking or healing (although it helps if you have those represented at least from companions).

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Every normal and hard mode flashpoint is represented in the group finder, yes. Including levelling stuff.


Having said that, you cannot really use it at level 10. The first flashpoint (Esseless/Black Talon) is so early on in the story and it's a 2 man flashpoint, that you're not going to be successful in getting what the group finder requires (1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 dps).


If you want to do that one, you have to ask on fleet or on your homeworld while questing (Coruscant/Dromund Kaas). The FP itself is easy enough you can get through it with any partner. You don't really even need tanking or healing (although it helps if you have those represented at least from companions).


Actually, you can find groups for the first flashpoint with the groupfinder quite easily. Sure at that level people aren't really tanks or healers but people still queue for thoses roles.

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Yeah, your mileage may definitely vary, but my experience has always been that I sit in queue longer than my patience allows, but as soon as I just go to coruscant and ask for a partner for Esseless, I get someone that wants to do it and we get it done.


Either way, the problem is gone by level 14 when I start queuing for Hammer Station.

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redownloaded the client and been playing for a few hours. it is still very much the same game and that isnt a bad thing its just got some new features


I am not sure if i will continue to play it beyond a few days.. got on did some hard modes with my juggernaut tank and it was fun. After i get home tonight i plan on spending the majority of the evening just playing and trying to find a new guild then i guess we shall see.


thx for the replies.

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Well lets see, fleet is packed all the time with about 240+ people, same thing goes for all the starter worlds as well. The game lags something fierce now, unless you have a 3000 dollar computer or something like that. Some F2P people actually play the game while others just sit on fleet all the time bogging it down. Credit farmers are everywhere now and mail you. And not to mention as well that some are runnign 4 accounts at one time bogging it down even more. So it's up to you if you want to try it. F2P people might populate the game, but at max level they really aren't helping the server population....
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