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i cannot believe what i just found out about this game!


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What I cannot believe that someone is actually using Kira with Doc/HK-51 available to them.


Doc is a bit annoying whereas Kira is dry and funny.


Also I have a defence specced Guardian and it takes me ages to kill anything without Kira (DPS companion, of course).

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Would you wanna look at a droid over Kira?

Would you wanna sleep with a droid over Kira?



If you answer yes to either or both, then your Justin Bieber Fan and carry on.


Fixed that for you, friend.


And yes, i find HK-51's beautiful curves much more attractive than Kira.

Edited by GhostDrone
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i used Kira all the way to 50 even as sentinel. The trick is to use cooldowns and interupts and ofc to just nuke the hell out of the bad guys. You wont have many cooldown left for when things go bad so that´s ofc a disadvantage, but if you have some situational awareness things hardly ever go bad.
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Ya know what I found out?


I can't acquire the armors you see at character creation screen. Where are they mang.?.?


My war-zones go mute 50% of the time.


I can't put my hood down or up when I want to do either of these most.


I can't sell my crappy useless cartel items on the GTN for 400 dollars when the vendor says $3000, but they won't even buy the crap :Q!! I'm not allowed to sell it to them?. daym bro!


My taxi's keep going invisible. Where is it? Fading from the future because back in 1955 I blew up the manufacturing plant???


I can'r unify armors half the time, and sometimes they unify to some random color. I.e A black chest piece making all my gloves and boots red. DAAYYAAMM BRO!


Resolve.....Wait...Resolve??? Huh?...

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