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New level 55 Marauder ability


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I think annihilation could use some more burst/some larger bonus from having anni stacks up as well as a way to decrease ramp up time. some of these might be over the top but maybe EA/BW could get some ideas. Obviously numbers could be tweaked.



some name 3 points:

-each stack of anni increases crit damage of anni by 10/20/30 % also each point increases overall crit chance of anni by 2/4/6%


some name with bleeding 1 point:

-rupture can now stack multiple times on same target(does not simple reset cd)


some name 1 point:

-instantly resets cd on annihilate 1 min cd(not sure on time here)





some name 3 points:

-increase duraction of gore by .5/1.0/1.5 seconds and increases crit chance of massacre by 2/4/6%


some name 2 points:

-increases crit chance of ravage by 5/10% and causes each hit of ravage to have 50/100% chance to trigger ataru form proc




some name 2 points:

-ataru form procs have 7.5/15% chance to increase damage taken of target by 10% for 5 seconds(does not stack)


Rage(needs to be made harder to play/fix smash damage in my opinion since it has made pvp boring since smash plus bubble stun spam is just blah.....)


some name 2 points:

-smash has 50/100% chance to place debuff on targeted mob/player(hit by smash) causing next force choke or crush to tick 2 more times(same duration of slow/choke but adds 2 more ticks of dmg)


some name 1 point:

-last tick of force crush roots target for 2-3 seconds




some name 1 point: (this is assuming some change to smash that would make it so only 1 target takes bonus from shockwave while all others still get hit by auto crit regular smash)

-next smash will apply bonus dmg from shockwave to all targets in smash aoe 45 sec cd


some name 2 point:

-vicious slash has 10/20% chance to increase damage of next obliterate by 3/6% for 6 seconds stacks 3 times



just some ideas for talents. Not perfect but just trying to get people thinking.


as for new skills:


Dual Impale:

channeled ability, 3 second channel time. Marauder throws both lightsabers into the air and channels powerful force leap, jumps up and slams both lightsabers into target causing shockwave. 10-15m range?(maybe to avoid mobility increases to a mobile class make it so you cannot jump up or down elevations??) dealing x-y damage(hits pretty hard) knocking back all enemies around target by 5m. Cannot be used on opponents in cover, must complete channel for jump to be completed, can be interrupted, 1 min cd.



not sure on other skill ideas. Will keep thinking.

Edited by calamatiesend
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Skill Trees





3 Rage Cost

30s CD

Not on GCD

Strangulates up to 5 targets within 5m for 1,000 kinetic damage over 3 seconds. Does not damage sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.


The goal is to boost Carnage's area damage. To be used in conjunction with gore + berserk + sweeping slash spam.





3 Rage Cost

15s CD

Requires Annihilator

Deals 875 kinetic damage + 5% for each of your bleed effects on the target, up to 15%.


More DD based on the # of dots you have.




Piercing Focus


Force Scream and Ravage now grant singularity and have a 30% chance of resetting the cooldown on Smash.


More smash!


Warrior Class:


Focus Mastery

120s CD

Generates 2 rage per second for 6 seconds


More rage!

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Saber Impale

Channeled: 1.5 secs


Cooldown: 15s

Range: 10-30m


Throw your main-hand Lightsaber at a distant opponent, impaling them and leap to the victim to retrieve it. Deals X - Y damage with the main-hand weapon, immobilises the target for 2 seconds and interrupts the current action. Builds 3 rage. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires combat.


This is my made up ability for level 55 Marauders. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


My lvl 55 marauder ability is Ultimate Attack!


You do 3 back flips in the air then stab up to two targets with your lightsabers and kick another two targets before you land for 399585372222222222222222 damage. On a 12 second cooldown and it is not affected by global cooldowns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ability: Marauder Middle Finger

rage cost : 0

cooldown: 1 minute

off global cooldown


Description: Marauder gives the middle finger to all opponents and makes their next cloak of pain return 100% of damage back to the attacker of popular classes and more to undesirable classes.


Conceal Ops- are ejected into a black hole dumping them out of the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours.


Advanced Prototype - Spontaneouly combust dieing instantly dumping them out of the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours.


Any Merc class - On of their missles is sent up there urethra destroying there private parts and ejecting them from the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing the to restart the game for 24 hours


Vengence Juggs - forced to anally rape themselves with their lightsabers dumping them from the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours


Lightning Sorcs- All lighting attacks feed back light a broken circuit causing the to be obliterated in a flash of light dumping them for the warzone and crashing there computer not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours


Any Healer- Any healing done to characters receiving damage from a marauder performing Marauder middle finger is rendered useless and the heals are sent back to them as damage!



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I would say that it allows for a new saber combat form. Applying all the previous effects from that tree's main form.


Juyo -> Vaapad

Vapaad would allow for your marauder to use limbs to cause kinetic damage... each attack has a 20% chance to deal this kinetic damage. Critical Annihilation attacks send the marauder into state for 10 seconds that makes all rage attacks cost 0 rage.

Ataru -> Jar'Kai

Similar to the ataru strike, but allows for a twin strike to occur 30% of the time (keep in mind this is in addition to an ataru strike chance) this attack strikes the enemy with both light sabers at full weapon damage... essentially two main hand strikes. All massacre criticals increase the affect of gore by 3 seconds.

Shii-Cho -> Niman

Each attack has a 10% chance for the marauder to activate a force push at their current target knocking them back 10 meters, immediately ending the cool down on force charge and vicious throw (if available). This attack will have a kinetic damage from the force push (500) each stack of shock wave will multiply the attack by that amount (max damage of 2000)


or something similar...

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Ability: Marauder Middle Finger

rage cost : 0

cooldown: 1 minute

off global cooldown


Description: Marauder gives the middle finger to all opponents and makes their next cloak of pain return 100% of damage back to the attacker of popular classes and more to undesirable classes.


Conceal Ops- are ejected into a black hole dumping them out of the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours.


Advanced Prototype - Spontaneouly combust dieing instantly dumping them out of the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours.


Any Merc class - On of their missles is sent up there urethra destroying there private parts and ejecting them from the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing the to restart the game for 24 hours


Vengence Juggs - forced to anally rape themselves with their lightsabers dumping them from the warzone crashing their computer and not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours


Lightning Sorcs- All lighting attacks feed back light a broken circuit causing the to be obliterated in a flash of light dumping them for the warzone and crashing there computer not allowing them to restart the game for 24 hours


Any Healer- Any healing done to characters receiving damage from a marauder performing Marauder middle finger is rendered useless and the heals are sent back to them as damage!





Thanks I chuckled.





Datamined leak seems to have confirmed Double Saber Throw as the 55 ability, I have however no doubt its NOT the ridiculous version of that thread.


Its also the Sentinel's ability name I saw, but basic's the same.


Now I suppose the information was accurate, since bioware nuked the leak post and poster.

Edited by verfallen
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Thanks I chuckled.





Datamined leak seems to have confirmed Double Saber Throw as the 55 ability, I have however no doubt its NOT the ridiculous version of that thread.


Its also the Sentinel's ability name I saw, but basic's the same.


Now I suppose the information was accurate, since bioware nuked the leak post and poster.


That and the range deflection ability. Both sound absolutely awesome. Other classes are getting some really cool stuff too.


I'm more excited for those class changes than anything "formally" announced.

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Yeah no, Maras/sents do not need another leap.

Actually scratch that, No more leaps period


Only rage has two leaps if its a skill through a different skill tree then rage it'll still only be two leaps. I was thinking anialation maybe it's thrown and does an amount x- y damage and an x- y over x seconds and the leap does no damage just a short stun. It really doesn't seem too bad you have to think it is a level 55 skill. Just think about the differences between level 45 and 50 through the skill tree way more damage a spec ability and way better gear, so really a ability like that seems fair and most likely that would be used over force charge because of the bleed. But that's just my thoughts

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ability: Gungan Motivator

rage cost : 2

cooldown: 5 minutes


Allows Marauder to place a bubble at a mouse-clicked position. Summons Jar Jar Binks to appear, and say "Steady...steady", forcing mob to converge on the Phantom Binks and the immediately be stunned with laughter for 5 seconds and 50% reduction of armor due to overconfidence.


<just couldn't resist trolling>

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