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1 Year and not much content? Should be B2P...


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So yea the games been out 1 year but im worried about how little content they have added, they prob started this expansion before release like other games do with future content, but for a $10 expansion that is 1 planet we will complete in 2 days and NOT even individual storyline for each class but 2 story's for each faction it seems to me they are very much failing to deliver anything worthwhile for a years worth of sub, they still have a failed pointless open world pvp and this is why i rerolled on a pve server because why be ganked on a pvp server with no other reason?


At release i was a total fanboy and assured people they would add regular content liek they said but after 1 year and an upcoming mini expansion 1/10th size of a lotro expansion they bring out yearly im sad to say i agree with them now, they dont care or cant keep up with content demands of an mmo consumer and 1 planet a year is a total fail.


IMO they should go down FUNCOMS road with The Secret World and make the game BUY TO PLAY (too late now with f2p) and you should but the game for £30 and then all current content at release if free and expansions e.g. makeb you buy for £6 or whatever, no F2P crap and item stores, no restrictions, just you buy the game play it buy content dlc packs for future planets, funcom hit this on the head right here best method ive ever seen a game go down.


I don't see how they can stop this game from dying, there's nothing to do endgame once you bored of a few raids and repetitive arena pvp and sitting on fleet is so depressing and boring and NOT star wars, cities should be on planets like in SWG to grow community's and give life to the galaxy.


So i really hope they can change but as a massive star wars fan and mmo fan im sad to say i dont think this game will last much longer even the servers have died down from the F2P launch, and restricting 5 dam warzones a week is going to help population for 1-2 hours per week on the start of each week, then the rest of the 6 days will be as dead as ever (£21 month to buy weekly passes...)

Edited by AdamChattaway
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Given Funcom record with Age of Conan and the fact that TSW is not doing that great, I wouldn't suggest Bioware to copy them.


The switch to F2P probably put them a good 4-5 months behind with content updates. And we don't know the actual size and scope of Makeb, your assuming that because it costs $10 it won't be that big, it could be they knew there were going to get major flack for charging anything for Makeb since it was implied earlier that was going to be part of the subscription, that they decided to keep the price low to minimize the QQ'ers.. They have stated that the expansion is bigger then what was originally planned and that is why they decided to charge for it...


Until it comes out it's pure speculation. Could it be 2 days wroth of content? Sure it's very possible, it could be possible it has several weeks of content... Also 2 days worth of content for one person could be 2 months worth of content for another, not everyone sits in front of their computer playing 24/7


All that said i'm a bit skeptical myself given Bioware track record lately... But slamming something before you have a chance to see what their offering is a bit of "the sky is falling" mentality

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MMOs generally don't throw out huge expansions in the first year of launch, and we have had some major updates in this past year. Yeah there are some people out there who rush through everything and complete it within a matter of days and then complain there is nothing to do. Then there is the casual gamer. That's me. I don't have 8 50s. I have not been 5/5 tfb since July. There is still so much for me to do i feel like i'll never get to the end. heck, i still haven't really touched the Republic side yet. Lo and behold, here comes an expansion. Even more for me to do. Awesome ! I can't think of any major MMOs (that are still around) that had major expansions in the first year. of course i never played WoW. but i did play Everquest for 8 years. From 1999-2001 (3 years) they only had 3 expansions. EQ is still alive, like 14 years later, with 19 expansions. I said alive, not thriving, lol. my point is that Swtor is on track for expansions. people will not agree with this but that is irrelevant. IMO this game has tons of content. stop hitting spacebar. you might actually enjoy the game more. Edited by Holinyx
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For the record (these are just the major points & does not include new gear additions) ... http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes




Kaon Under Siege (FP)

Karagga's Palace (Op) wing expansion

Rise of the Rakghouls (multi-week world event)



Black Hole (lvl 50 Zone)

Explosive Conflict (Op)



World Boss weekly missions



Terror from Beyond (Op)



Section X (lvl 50 Zone)

Dreadtooth (World Boss)

Explosive Conflict (Op) nightmare mode




Ancient Hypergate (WZ)

Weekly Heroic Space Missions





Customizable UI/Interface Editor*



Group Finder

Augment Slots

Ranked War Zones



F2P & Cartel Market



Artifact (purples) starship upgrades


* A friend gave me a 30-day WoW resub to come party with the guild as a Christmas present; but this time I played without addons. There is nothing a player can do with WoW's UI except add a couple more bars. They can't be moved around or resized. Need Bartender for that. The layout itself looked like a plageurization of LOTRO's UI ... just can't do anything with it.


After taking 3 hours to complete the Pandarean starting area with a monk it was back to Orgrimmar and the same old WoW. The new 85 - 90 PvE content is okay, but every raider in the guild had completed everything up to the Mogu'Shan Vaults - and already had 4/6 bosses down - in less than a week. If WoW remains the industry benchmark then the industry has issues.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Given Funcom record with Age of Conan and the fact that TSW is not doing that great, I wouldn't suggest Bioware to copy them.


The switch to F2P probably put them a good 4-5 months behind with content updates. And we don't know the actual size and scope of Makeb, your assuming that because it costs $10 it won't be that big, it could be they knew there were going to get major flack for charging anything for Makeb since it was implied earlier that was going to be part of the subscription, that they decided to keep the price low to minimize the QQ'ers.. They have stated that the expansion is bigger then what was originally planned and that is why they decided to charge for it...


Until it comes out it's pure speculation. Could it be 2 days wroth of content? Sure it's very possible, it could be possible it has several weeks of content... Also 2 days worth of content for one person could be 2 months worth of content for another, not everyone sits in front of their computer playing 24/7


All that said i'm a bit skeptical myself given Bioware track record lately... But slamming something before you have a chance to see what their offering is a bit of "the sky is falling" mentality


TSW was a fun game and failed because it had no end game content the same as why SWTOR died after 3 months, TSW went B2P now has a lot more people playing it and now they can buy dlc packs every few weeks, SWTOR should have gone the same way, people quit swtor for the exact same reasons as TSW remember that.

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TSW was a fun game and failed because it had no end game content the same as why SWTOR died after 3 months, TSW went B2P now has a lot more people playing it and now they can buy dlc packs every few weeks, SWTOR should have gone the same way, people quit swtor for the exact same reasons as TSW remember that.
Ummm ... okay. SWTOR released 2 new end game Ops and an Op wing expansion in its first 4 patches. :confused: Edited by GalacticKegger
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For the record (these are just the major points) ... http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes




Kaon Under Siege (FP)

Karagga's Palace (Op) wing expansion

Rise of the Rakghouls (multi-week world event)



Black Hole (lvl 50 Zone)

Explosive Conflict (Op)



World Boss weekly missions



Terror from Beyond (Op)



Section X (lvl 50 Zone)

Dreadtooth (World Boss)

Explosive Conflict (Op) nightmare mode




Ancient Hypergate (WZ)

Weekly Heroic Space Missions





Customizable UI/Interface Editor*



Group Finder

Augment Slots

Ranked War Zones



F2P & Cartel Market



Artifact (purples) starship upgrades


* A friend gave me a 30-day WoW resub to come party with the guild as a Christmas present; but this time I played without addons. There is nothing a player can do with WoW's UI except add a couple more bars. They can't be moved around or resized. Need Bartender for that. The layout itself looked like a plageurization of LOTRO's UI ... just can't do anything with it.


After taking 3 hours to complete the Pandarean starting area with a monk it was back to Orgrimmar and the same old WoW. The new 85 - 90 PvE content is okay, but every raider in the guild had completed everything up to the Mogu'Shan Vaults - and already had 4/6 bosses down - in less than a week. If WoW remains the industry benchmark then the industry has issues.


The industry has had issues for awhile, I think allot of folks are just starting to see it, and realize the wow play model is getting old and tired to allot of folks, scrtipted content will only get you so far, time the industry opened up to some other ideas and start giving the players more options. I read things here directed at TOR, but allot of the complaints and problems could be directed at 99% of the current games on the market, we don't have a TOR problem we have an mmo genre problem..

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They need to FIX the PVP issue with SWTOR, im a end game pvp player and i remade my chars on the PVE server for higher pop and no ganking, Ganking is NOT pvp, theres no skill or point of it just a way for kids to grief.


Ilum was a disaster and the HERO engine bioware broke cant handle large medium or small scale lol open world pvp, where is the GW2 style capture and hold forts and kill npc bosses to take them over, they could have gone as basic as a warhammer online tier 4 zone for ilum giving competitive faction vs faction 24/7 open world pvp, but all we are reduced to is warzones, so i may as well play on a pve server,.

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Ummm ... okay. SWTOR released 2 new end game Ops and an Op wing expansion in its first 4 patches. :confused:


did you miss 90% of the servers on low pop? did you see the servers that literally im not shi you had 3 people on fleet at prime time with no server transfers? did you seriously miss that?

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The industry has had issues for awhile, I think allot of folks are just starting to see it, and realize the wow play model is getting old and tired to allot of folks, scrtipted content will only get you so far, time the industry opened up to some other ideas and start giving the players more options. I read things here directed at TOR, but allot of the complaints and problems could be directed at 99% of the current games on the market, we don't have a TOR problem we have an mmo genre problem..


I'm looking very forward to the elder scrolls online TESO, that looks like its action based combat, random events and large scale siege pvp and factions and vaste exploration and PQ system will keep the game going endgame. also 1 HUGE SERVER jsut 1 big server for the world, no low pop server or buying server transfers to play with friends or dead servers at 4am.

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The industry has had issues for awhile, I think allot of folks are just starting to see it, and realize the wow play model is getting old and tired to allot of folks, scrtipted content will only get you so far, time the industry opened up to some other ideas and start giving the players more options. I read things here directed at TOR, but allot of the complaints and problems could be directed at 99% of the current games on the market, we don't have a TOR problem we have an mmo genre problem..

TY for actually reading the post & I agree completely. A purely sandbox MMO would be ideal, but the QA needed to keep it from spiraling out of control would kill anything not named Microsoft. I think about what open source has done for the computer industry, and then think how it would be if every single end user's creation was added to the train. It would be a train wreck regardless of how smooth or simplified the editing tools were.


It's just not possible - especially where plot and story are concerned. Reading a book and writing a book are not the same. Having millions of contributing authors would make it an unintelligible read, regardless of the editing capabilities.

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Myself and most of my hardcore raiding friends cleared MoP in 2 days. If they can bring in as much content as MoP I'll be happy, though this time I won't burn through it like I died MoP.


MoP content for people rushing it was 2 days, MoP content for the average casual was a 2 week minimum.


EDIT: And they charged me 60$ iirc, not 10$.

Edited by ckoneful
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did you miss 90% of the servers on low pop? did you see the servers that literally im not shi you had 3 people on fleet at prime time with no server transfers? did you seriously miss that?
I did miss that because the servers I was on at the time (Mask of Nihilus & Jedi Covenant) had no such issues. I trust that population issues existed, but the game was far from dead ... or we wouldn't still be here.


Personally I play a game for what it is now, not for what it was. But that's just me. And the new players could not care less about the growing pains that happened 10 months ago. Anyone who does needs to do a bag dump. In fact, staying with it and watching the game stabilize & grow has been rather satisfying imho.


If you are interested in seeing just how far a game can tumble, check this out (taken just after midnight Christmas eve):



Of note is that TOR now has more active North American servers (8) than WoW does (7). For both faction hubs (think fleets): Stormwind on Kirin Tor had 15 people in it, while Orgrimmar on Thorium Brotherhood had a whopping 12. Orgrimmar on Mal'Ganis (a PvP server) was pretty packed though.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I don't think the game has much of a content problem. We got lots of content as listed by an above poster.


Problem is that there are more wants/needs from players and not enough resources for BW to get them all done. Stuff needs to get prioritized.


Personally, I am fine with the content side of things slowing down if they just focus on quality of life/mini-games. We have been doing the same content for 1 year now, waiting another six months won't hurt if they add stuff like pazaak and chat bubbles and guild features imo.

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I did miss that because the servers I was on at the time (Mask of Nihilus & Jedi Covenant) had no such issues. I trust that population issues existed, but the game was far from dead ... or we wouldn't still be here.


Personally I play a game for what it is now, not for what it was. But that's just me. And the new players could not care less about the growing pains that happened 10 months ago. Anyone who does needs to do a bag dump. In fact, staying with it and watching the game stabilize & grow has been rather satisfying imho.


If you are interested in seeing just how far a game can tumble, check this out (taken just after midnight Christmas eve):



Of note is that TOR now has more active North American servers (8) than WoW does (7). For both faction hubs (think fleets): Stormwind on Kirin Tor had 15 people in it, while Orgrimmar on Thorium Brotherhood had a whopping 12. Orgrimmar on Mal'Ganis was pretty packed though.


You realize that even SWTOR servers weren't even Heavy after midnight Christmas eve?


I don't play WoW anymore but I know it has way more players than here, and way more "Full" servers.













And these are just names I can think of off the top of my head that have been High/Full for the last few years as they're heavy pvp and raiding realms.


EDIT: http://www.wowprogress.com/realms/rank/us


If you want to see population rates look at that site.


And those numbers are ONLY this:


* Population - amount of level 90 characters that meet any of the two conditions:

- The character is from a guild and the guild killed something in Tier 13 content

- The character killed something in Tier 13 content


There are a ton of pvpers on said realms who don't pve.

Edited by ckoneful
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You realize that even SWTOR servers weren't even Heavy after midnight Christmas eve?


I don't play WoW anymore but I know it has way more players than here, and way more "Full" servers.













And these are just names I can think of off the top of my head that have been High/Full for the last few years as they're heavy pvp and raiding realms.


EDIT: http://www.wowprogress.com/realms/rank/us


If you want to see population rates look at that site.


And those numbers are ONLY this:


* Population - amount of level 90 characters that meet any of the two conditions:

- The character is from a guild and the guild killed something in Tier 13 content

- The character killed something in Tier 13 content


There are a ton of pvpers on said realms who don't pve.


And WoW has 10 times the numbers of players of SWTOR. So there's nothing surprising. Try again.

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You realize that even SWTOR servers weren't even Heavy after midnight Christmas eve?
About the same time Christmas Eve (15 minutes after logging out of WoW actually if that makes a difference) on Harbinger, both fleet & Belsavis had 4 instances. Regular warzones popped in less than a minute so I finished my 2 dailies in pretty short order.


For a quick sanity check I just logged into Harbinger and fleet has 3 instances going already with the server being listed as STANDARD in big yellow letters: http://www.galactickegger.com/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-12-26_11_55_10_817139.jpg. Please note that it isn't even 10:00am server time (it's a left coast server and my 11:55 AM timestamp is U.S. CST.)


So my question is ... what is your point? My point is that there is plenty enough content, and easily enough players online at any given time, to fully play the game the way it was intended. That is all that matters - to me at least.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Why are we even using WOW as a MMO reference as if that's the epitome for the entire genre? Seriously... Its like apples and bananas.


Anyway, TOR created a lot of new content this past year and I have no idea what the OP is referring to the lack of content. There's so much content in the game and unless you created and played characters of all the advance classes, genders, alignment and with lvl 63 mods, I am not sure as to how you lack content.

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So yea the games been out 1 year but im worried about how little content they have added, they prob started this expansion before release like other games do with future content, but for a $10 expansion that is 1 planet we will complete in 2 days and NOT even individual storyline for each class but 2 story's for each faction it seems to me they are very much failing to deliver anything worthwhile for a years worth of sub, they still have a failed pointless open world pvp and this is why i rerolled on a pve server because why be ganked on a pvp server with no other reason?


At release i was a total fanboy and assured people they would add regular content liek they said but after 1 year and an upcoming mini expansion 1/10th size of a lotro expansion they bring out yearly im sad to say i agree with them now, they dont care or cant keep up with content demands of an mmo consumer and 1 planet a year is a total fail.


IMO they should go down FUNCOMS road with The Secret World and make the game BUY TO PLAY (too late now with f2p) and you should but the game for £30 and then all current content at release if free and expansions e.g. makeb you buy for £6 or whatever, no F2P crap and item stores, no restrictions, just you buy the game play it buy content dlc packs for future planets, funcom hit this on the head right here best method ive ever seen a game go down.


I don't see how they can stop this game from dying, there's nothing to do endgame once you bored of a few raids and repetitive arena pvp and sitting on fleet is so depressing and boring and NOT star wars, cities should be on planets like in SWG to grow community's and give life to the galaxy.


So i really hope they can change but as a massive star wars fan and mmo fan im sad to say i dont think this game will last much longer even the servers have died down from the F2P launch, and restricting 5 dam warzones a week is going to help population for 1-2 hours per week on the start of each week, then the rest of the 6 days will be as dead as ever (£21 month to buy weekly passes...)

well given it's first year they have still managed to release more content then WoW and most other MMOs. The only one that beats it is Rift.



btw if you do the math they have released an average 6 weeks per new content. You have 6 patches and 2 live events so 12 divided by 8 gives you 1.5 which is 6 weeks. That's really good for a MMO.

Edited by sstanks
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For the record (these are just the major points & does not include new gear additions) ... http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes




Kaon Under Siege (FP)

Karagga's Palace (Op) wing expansion

Rise of the Rakghouls (multi-week world event)



Black Hole (lvl 50 Zone)

Explosive Conflict (Op)



World Boss weekly missions



Terror from Beyond (Op)



Section X (lvl 50 Zone)

Dreadtooth (World Boss)

Explosive Conflict (Op) nightmare mode




Ancient Hypergate (WZ)

Weekly Heroic Space Missions





Customizable UI/Interface Editor*



Group Finder

Augment Slots

Ranked War Zones



F2P & Cartel Market



Artifact (purples) starship upgrades


* A friend gave me a 30-day WoW resub to come party with the guild as a Christmas present; but this time I played without addons. There is nothing a player can do with WoW's UI except add a couple more bars. They can't be moved around or resized. Need Bartender for that. The layout itself looked like a plageurization of LOTRO's UI ... just can't do anything with it.


After taking 3 hours to complete the Pandarean starting area with a monk it was back to Orgrimmar and the same old WoW. The new 85 - 90 PvE content is okay, but every raider in the guild had completed everything up to the Mogu'Shan Vaults - and already had 4/6 bosses down - in less than a week. If WoW remains the industry benchmark then the industry has issues.


Just so you know dailies and a world boss arent "content" and neither is a NiM mode OP where all they did was buff life and damage and make you use a med pac but sure try to pad that list. KP and KUS were going to be in the game and almost done but EA pushed up the release date for christmas so dont act like they got that finished real quick for us. This game severely lacked any updates we went 6 months from 1.2 to 1.4. Now redo your list. Most people finished endgame here in less than 2 months hence why so many left and the biggest complaint has BEEN that theres NOTHING to do at 50.

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well given it's first year they have still managed to release more content then WoW and most other MMOs. The only one that beats it is Rift.



btw if you do the math they have released an average 6 weeks per new content. You have 6 patches and 2 live events so 12 divided by 8 gives you 1.5 which is 6 weeks. That's really good for a MMO.


LOL. Really we went 6-7 months with no updates, no new content and you try to use averages and math tricks to make them look good? Man the lengths fanbois will go is insane.

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I stopped reading here


So yea the games been out 1 year but im worried about how little content they have added, they prob started this expansion before release like other games do with future content, but for a $10 expansion that is 1 planet we will complete in 2 days


Either you're a gypsy fortune teller who can predict the future, you're an insider from Bioware who just leaked us information, or you're talking out of your *** :p

Edited by paowee
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