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@BW: New Level Cap = New PVP Bracket?


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It would seem likely that they would make this bracket once the expansion is released. Probably to allow the players who wont purchase the expansion to fight alongside and anaginst the lvl 55s, they'll make the bracket 50 - 55.
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patience padawan... all will be revealed in time.


I think they will just increase the below 1-49 bracket stat increase from 49 to 54 and have everyone below 55 in one bracket and the 55's in another.


The only way this would work is if:

A) They make your lvl 50 PvP gear unwearable until 55

B) Remove the expertise from under 55 gear

C) Give the lvl 10-49 peeps expertise


The problem won't be the stat difference but the fact that if you have less than 1000 expertise and you try to fight someone in war hero you might as well just be throwing marshmallows at a brick wall.

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oh, here we go again, players entitlement.

just play pvp, dont mind too much if you get beat up initially, just use loses as drive to be stronger.


No, that would be your comment.

I feel that this is one of the rare truly unbiased PVP inquiries. This is a legitimate question that doesn't need to be answered, but it would be nice to know.

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10-54 would be silly as Mistrunnerx put it.


The only way this would work is if:

A) They make your lvl 50 PvP gear unwearable until 55

People would whine that they worked hard for their gear until this DLC came out.


B) Remove the expertise from under 55 gear

Because otherwise, if they dont raise the level requirement to 55, or they dont remove 50+ gear's expertise, it's going to go over as well as level 10-50 bracket we had at launch.


C) Give the lvl 10-49 peeps expertise

Judging by the past month, BioWare is too lazy and short on development time.


The problem won't be the stat difference but the fact that if you have less than 1000 expertise and you try to fight someone in war hero you might as well just be throwing marshmallows at a brick wall.


And there ya go. BioWare is too lazy to go through all of that.


Second, breaking it up between 10-49, 50-54, and 55, would further split up the PvP bracket for end game, and queues times will become much longer. The only thing that makes sense is 10-49, and 50-55. Anything other than that is too much work for BioWare, or detrimental to the endgame PvP players.


The second point wouldnt be too bad if we had cross server PvP. However, imagine when the first few to hit 55 are sitting around waiting for queues to pop for hours.


But who knows. They've shown how they can drop the ball before, perhaps they will again.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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I think 1-49, 50-54 and 55. This makes the most sense.

Yes, there will be less in the 50-54 & 55 brackets. But many players will not buy the expansion, especially the F2P players. So they will be stuck at 50. So the 50-54 bracket will always have a good bit of players in it. 1-49 would virtually be unchanged. The 55 bracket would only be players who bought the expansion.


Then, in Future expansions, the prior expansion will become F2P. So, you will have 1-49, 50-59, 60.


Another easy solution would be to bump everyone to a minimum of 1000 or so expertise in warzones. So then 1-54 would be on basically even footing.

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If they force lvl 50 people in war hero to buy the "expansion" to stay competitive in pvp as opposed to give them the option to stay right where they are at least for the moment, they would have a bunch of pissed off customers who will shortly cease to be their customers. They need to preserve the current brackets as they are.


Also, warzones are usually extremely active at all times of day and night but if Hickware is still scared about fragmenting its player base, they could try and I don't know, do something worthwhile such as finally implementing cross-server pvp. That's my view.

Edited by Aelaias
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Just flatten the expertise curve.

Someone here said it was like throwing Marshmellows against a brick wall...too true.

Expertise is a terrible mechanic for PVP. Why should player gear trump player skill?


It's the exact same technique they used in Warhammer Online. Worked out so well they decided to reuse it.

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The only way this would work is if:

A) They make your lvl 50 PvP gear unwearable until 55

B) Remove the expertise from under 55 gear

C) Give the lvl 10-49 peeps expertise


The problem won't be the stat difference but the fact that if you have less than 1000 expertise and you try to fight someone in war hero you might as well just be throwing marshmallows at a brick wall.


Depends on how they would make the new lvl54 buff. Maybe it adds 1000 expertise to those that dont have it.


I personally think that its a bad idea to separate the queues into 3 tiers, but meh... it will just invalidate pvp for level 50 to 54 cause those high geared people would still be there. Though to be honest... those people will level up eventually as you cant turn xp gain off, so it would always be a temporary issue that would resolve itself.

Edited by Nemmar
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I have no Idea how this will work, but I know that if there is a bracket 50-55, this will make this new pvp need the buff that levels players from 50 to 55. I don't know how much of a bonus those 5 levels will be, but I know that the lack of a buff will be the doom of the ill equiped lvl 50.

Also, I don't believe that they would throw the free players that managed to hit 50 but didn't buy the expansion with the guys that bought the expansion and is doing a lot of warzone, to farm their equips, this would make free players the damnation of the warzone, ppl would hate players that can't go to 55 and that keep playing warzone...


I believe that they might add new brackets ( like 10-49; 50; 51-54; 55) or that they will make new brackets for ppl without expansion ( 10-49; 50 no expansion; 50-54 expansion; 55).


I don't believe that they can put all players from lvl 50 to 55 on the same package, that would be horrible for the warzone balance

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Depends on how they would make the new lvl54 buff. Maybe it adds 1000 expertise to those that dont have it.


I personally think that its a bad idea to separate the queues into 3 tiers, but meh... it will just invalidate pvp for level 50 to 54 cause those high geared people would still be there. Though to be honest... those people will level up eventually as you cant turn xp gain off, so it would always be a temporary issue that would resolve itself.


Been a long long time since I played WH...dud they use a system like expertise?

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