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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unify color!!!!


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try restart your computer and play again. i found that my friend had the same problem. after he restart the function is working again.

if still problem, you should contact customer service.

Edited by ieRAya
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try restart your computer and play again. i found that my friend had the same problem. after he restart the function is working again.

if still problem, you should contact customer service.


I want some of whatever he's hacking because this has been broken for everyone for weeks now, even people that paid to unlock it.

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I want some of whatever he's hacking because this has been broken for everyone for weeks now, even people that paid to unlock it.


...and the interwebz once again proves that a good troll can confound both the seasoned and unseasoned alike.


Merry Christmas Charlie Brown.

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I've got several toons. It's broken on every single one of them. It worked at one point and was great. Now it's broken. It's very annoying. I feel for those who paid to unlock this and now it doesn't work. What's worse is that you can still pay real money to unlock it in the market even though BW knows it doesn't work.
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I'm a subscriber as such I want to be able to unify colors of my companion. Why I would pay again for such servces that doesn't work?


I'm frustrated with that, but at least it can be worked around. Unequip and re-equip everything an then unify and it works, if there's something you don't want to unify just unequip/equip again and it's not unified. It's not ideal but at least for now I can live with it.


What really frustrates me, as a subscriber, is that no matter how many times they "fix" it, they can't get companion unify colors to work and now they've completely borked the preview window. If I preview something for my companion, when I select the companion in the preview window I get to see either their bare feet or the wrong companion. It won't scroll through all the companions when it does show them, and normally the ones you can see are not the ones you want to see. Additionally, once in a great while I see a player wearing some piece of armor I like and decide I want to see what it is.... and I get to see thier picture with my stats and armor pieces in the items list.


Seriously, they profess to have a whole "team" dedicated to ui, and it keeps coming up broken in new and even more ridiculous ways in every patch. I would think by now management would have figured out it's time to start looking for a new "team", you know.... like a semi-competent one.

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I notice unify is still in the cartel market without anything notifying customers that its not working. Can EA do that? I'm being serious, can they continue to sell a feature without so much as a warning that its bugged? What of the people that paid for it already? They get their coins back?


After today I'll be in "preferred status" and I don't much care for Corso looking like Bozo but wait....nevermind, there's no account unlock. No way will I do per character. Jeez.

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This month i leave to BW 100 euros for subscription and Nihilus Mask (that doesn't come out!!!) and the bugs still exist, I hate to say it but BW is only good to grab all the money that they can without give the services in return. This is an EPIC FAIL!
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I've got several toons. It's broken on every single one of them. It worked at one point and was great. Now it's broken. It's very annoying. I feel for those who paid to unlock this and now it doesn't work. What's worse is that you can still pay real money to unlock it in the market even though BW knows it doesn't work.


This is the problem.


If this feature was just not working for the time, no worries. The problem arises when its an unlockable feature that people are paying money to unlock and its not working.


The point of F2P is to bring us more players and broken unlockable features is not going to bring these returning or new players back or convence them to sub.

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Already contact customer service 1 week ago, they said that they are work on it but the problem is not solved! As a subscriber (for over a year) I want my services that I paid for...


You're getting the service you pay for. The game is ready to play. One small feature of the game is not working but it in no way prevents you from playing the game. :rolleyes:

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I'm frustrated with that, but at least it can be worked around. Unequip and re-equip everything an then unify and it works, if there's something you don't want to unify just unequip/equip again and it's not unified. It's not ideal but at least for now I can live with it.


What really frustrates me, as a subscriber, is that no matter how many times they "fix" it, they can't get companion unify colors to work and now they've completely borked the preview window. If I preview something for my companion, when I select the companion in the preview window I get to see either their bare feet or the wrong companion.

Take off their companion customization, and you'll be able to preview them properly again. It's not ideal, but it works.

Interresting enough, unify to chest actually WORKS in the preview window! Just not outside it.


But whatever the bug exactly is in the companion preview window, companion customizations are at least related to the problem.

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Take off their companion customization, and you'll be able to preview them properly again. It's not ideal, but it works.

Interresting enough, unify to chest actually WORKS in the preview window! Just not outside it.


But whatever the bug exactly is in the companion preview window, companion customizations are at least related to the problem.


Un-equipping gear and re-equipping does NOT work.

Edited by Amodin
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I'm a subscriber. Logged in once, and it changed me to preferred status (f2p). Lost all my collectors edition stuff and everything. Restarted and logged back in, everything was returned to me by email, crystals and all. Very very interesting bug... I was not impressed...
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I'm a subscriber. Logged in once, and it changed me to preferred status (f2p). Lost all my collectors edition stuff and everything. Restarted and logged back in, everything was returned to me by email, crystals and all. Very very interesting bug... I was not impressed...


Exactly teh same for me, except its happend now 8 times, regarding teh comps unify though, i think it was a bug that came with 1.5 as ive noticed it ever since then, and we've had weekly maintenace AND 1.6 yet no fix yet :-/ luckily for me most of my comps I have in sets so the gear is 80% unified anyways

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You're getting the service you pay for. The game is ready to play. One small feature of the game is not working but it in no way prevents you from playing the game. :rolleyes:


they should hire you for spin control Fanboi.. oh stuff you are paying for isn't working??? to bad you can still play the game though!!!

Edited by Kenlonis
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