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My current opinion of SWTOR(A tutorial for the noob)


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1.Ummmm, i dont think you know what your talking about...Customer service was fine for me and the cartel market is only a cash grab if your easily bought (none of the stuff on there is better than what you can get or buy otherwise at 5 lvls later) and you would understand that other mmos have even WORSE customer service (if you have played them extensively). most of the games you mentioned are children mmos that have anime characters and puffle balls as pets that shoot sparkles when given a treat.


2.About the refund situation, its your fault, get the creds back dude, seriously stop complaining. Accidents happen.


3.You should also know what YOUR SECURITY QUESTION IS!!!!! why else would you have it as one?!?!?!?!


4. Although pvping at a low lvl is a lot harder than pvping as 30+, if you knew what you were doing, it is extremely easy to grab medals (YOU ONLY NEED 3 MEDALS TO GET A TON OF XP FOR YOUR TOON AT THAT LOW OF A LVL) A strategy i recommend for getting at leats 3 medals is for you to hang back and help other fellow pvpers to take down another, you could grab a few more if you have a heal (crit for a 2.5k medic heal) or 1v1 a fellow noob :D. Also use taunt as much as you can if your a tank. So, if you had really gotten in depth into all of those games, (maxing at least one character) you would have none of these problems of pvp.


5. As for your 50 PT, you obviously dont know how to lvl up your toon. I have at least 3 50's (i have another on the way at 45ish, maybe 50 by the time you read this) and that is not at all how i lvl!!!


6. It sounds like your not even a sub for this game, you have 50 SLOTS as a subscriber and NO ONE needs more than that!! THATS ALMOST AN ENTIRE INVENTORY FUL OF ITEMS!!! You would have subscribed if you were serious about this game. If your a kid however, with no source of income, i might be able to understand why you dont sub.


7.as for your money issue....you obviously arent a very good person to play mmos, almost everything is expensive, and YOUR SUPPOSED to grind for them. The whole revans set will cost you something between 10-12 million on my server and will have probably increased due to supply and demand.


8 . Whoever is putting up a lvl 20 gear for 75k? there dumb and you shouldnt use that as a basis for everyone. Do some flashpoints for peats sake!!! most of the current good gear for your lvl comes from that. (i noticed you didnt mention that as a way for lvling...)


9. Since i skipped around on telling you my opinion on his points, lets now talk about the open world pvp. THATS THE WHOLE POINT!!!! most of the people who play mmos understand that "open world bad, stay way till you get pimped out"


10. Deal with the language kid, its the real world, youll have to deal with it eventually


11. Character Transfer is coming back, hold on. i agree it is annoying to not be able to transfer your toons to a server that you like, but hang in there :D


12. The way mmos make money is either subscription, or an online cash to in-game items/money transfer. By taking out the necesity of subscription, they need another way of making money , so insert cartel market. They did go overboard with what a f2p player has to buy to experience the game fully, but just subscribe! Most mmos you listed require this, so im confused why your upset over something that youve experienced already.




'nuff said, read this, take my point of view on it, go back to Kiialundi's, decide what you think is right or wrong and tell me what all you disagree with on my pov, I would appreciate it, as i might be completely misunderstood :D but i doubt it. most of your problems, kialundi, would be fixed if you subscribe.



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Here we go...I refuse to have this pointless back and forth arguing between myself and you, kid.



1. Obviously you haven't taken a decent look at the community in order to be able to gauge what happened for Customer Service. Many different people have agreed me in different threads that I don't care to list out that the CS is terrible.


2. "Accidents happen?" I suppose so many that they put up a message saying DO NOT BUY THIS! on the launch screen earlier. So many that they "refunded" me. Or at least said they did.


3. I had the security question set up since I joined TOR(months before the game was in beta, and all we had to look at was pages of trailers). Naturally, and since I didn't need a security question until now, I would forget one.


4. I'm only pointing out that it is harder to pvp as a lower level compared to a higher one, and it is not recommended. I see that you extrapolated my reasoning, quite unnecessarily too.


5. "As for your 50 PT, you obviously don't know how to level". Take a closer look at what you just said there, kiddo.


6. I still have a subscription, I am merely pointing out that eventually, slots will run out. It will happen later, although it may take a while depending on how you choose to use the GTN. It will happen. What then? That's my question stated earlier.


7. Let me give you a short lecture on the structure of leveling in an MMO or a MMORPG. You seem to not fully grasp what it is comprised of.


Let's use, say, PWI for my example. You do storyline quests until you level up. If you run out, THEN AND ONLY THEN do you grind, and that's for a short while. That's assuming that you are not on a PVP server. If you are, you may feel free to do PVP as you wish. My point was that class quests provide very very little experience in the long run. You can find yourself, going off solely class quests, at level 8 battling level 14s in TOR.


I don't care how much some armor set costs.


8. I am merely stating that people vastly extrapolate on selling items, in ways much similar to you extrapolating my own reasons. There is an actual term for this informal fallacy in your argument, and it's called Straw Man. If you don't believe me, I will be more than happy to explain logical thinking to you.


9. If you believe that "you shouldn't go for it until you get decked out" then why have open world on that particular planet in the FIRST place? Or maybe allow only a small group of levels(30-40) on that area. But that defeats the point of helping out younger players.


10. "It's the real world" Take a look at what you just said, and come back to me later. You'll thank me.


11. "hang in there"? It has been MONTHS since it was last up. There is no reason why it should've been taken down in the first place.


12. The Game Makers had the (in my point of view) audacity to go so far as listing out how much it would cost per month if I bought the larger subscription packages. Why not simply make a sub. plan that lower monthly cost? More money, at least on a monthly basis.


It's spelled Kialundi. And I am subscribed. Also, I honestly thought that, for a moment, you were just trying(although in a bad way) to extrapolate my arguments. You turned this thread into a duel, if you will, between my point of view and yours. Yes, your arguments are completely illogical. I will put this into a Hypothetical Syllogism for you(that's a formal way of an argument for you, seeing as how you clearly would have spotted your errors if you had known what to look for).


We must consider that if any argument is misrepresenting someone else's, we must conclude that it is illogical(due to the straw man fallacy).


Your arguments are misrepresenting mine, as I have shown throughout this reply.


Therefore, we must conclude that your arguments are illogical.


This past syllogism was logical due to Modus Ponens.

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2. You do EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE QUEST(with the exception of some heroic 4's). You will find everything you need on those worlds, although you will generally fall behind the quest level by one or two, causing you to(gasp) grind your way.


I don't see how you are having that problem. I'm outleveling quests, that being said, I do end up doing most of the heroic missions.


It's alright actually! I consider Warhammer "The Father of MMO PVP."


What? Wait. . .What? Please look up Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC http://darkageofcamelot.com/) before making such claims. It's great that you consider Warhammer as such, but wow. Really? Not being rude, but in a post where you try to show your "MMO Credentials" at the beginning it just seems strange. Entitled to your opinion though good sir!




I completely agree with this. Why this hasn't been done yet baffles me. Players are willing to give BW/EA money. My marketing degree is crying right now.

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"What? Wait. . .What? Please look up Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC http://darkageofcamelot.com/) before making such claims. It's great that you consider Warhammer as such, but wow. Really? Not being rude, but in a post where you try to show your "MMO Credentials" at the beginning it just seems strange. Entitled to your opinion though good sir! "


I haven't really gotten into DAoC yet, just haven't found the time. I call Warhammer the "father" because it is a very old game, but still active. It's very much based off of RvR(realm vs realm, or good vs evil if you will). It has, in my humble opinion, mastered PVP.


But, I will take a look at DAoC, my friend, and compare. If it is as good as you say, I will have to reconsider my own opinion!

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But, I will take a look at DAoC, my friend, and compare. If it is as good as you say, I will have to reconsider my own opinion!


Looking back at my post, I may have come across as a little caustic and I apologize. I guess I was just surprised as I don't really consider WAR to be that old. Sheesh I remember Beta, Open Beta, Headstart, and getting my collector's edition, guess I feel old now. Man that game was so close yet so far away. Text book example of what happens when the developers try to get too creative instead of enhancing the box (DAoC's RvR which is where WAR got it's RvR from) that was already great in it's day.


Like I said, I agree with several of your points besides the slow leveling. I'm one of those completionist people so I continue until I complete a planet's story line which makes my leveling slow down a whole lot, but it's more self imposed, hence why I'm out leveling content that is new to me so easily.

Edited by JacePrysian
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Chill kialundi, if you read my previous quote, you would see that i agreed with most of the points that you made. Those including open world pvp (agree it shouldnt be there), regular pvp (with some discrepancy), cartel market (is a cash grab like all other mmos), character transfer (should be brought back). But...there are some things i dont get about what you said...Youve been in this game from before beta and you only have 1 lvl 50 and a 22 marauder??? Dont tell me that youve come back to it, you seem interested in this from the start of your gameplay. But, enough said about your methods, this is a thread for the players or sightseers of tor. I wholeheartedly agree with your ideas. Not intending to induce controversy, this is my method of lvling.


This is how i lvl up

lvl 1-10: Grab as many side quests (besides heroics *shiver*) and rise in the ranks as fast as you can to grab your specialization class.


lvl 10-20: pvp a little (dont bring this up, this is how i do it and ive been more successful than you kialundi) to get comms for the lvl 20 pvp set, it will boost your stats more than what you have currently and help inyour endeavors while providing almost a sixth of your xp bar each time (if youre good :D). Also do as many fps as you can daily and kill all of the mobs. At this early they give more xp. It doesnt matter about side quests. I have lvled my commando up to lvl 28ish before i started doing some of the side quests. Youll find no fp buddies lacking at this low of a lvl with so many of you guys.


lvl 20-30: Repeat lvl 10-20, but incorporate lots more of pvp, and do a few side quests to boost your xp, sleep overnight on the fleet or a cantina to maximize xp gain.


lvl30-40: This is where you start outgrowing the fp xp. While you should do a few for the good gear and decent xp, doing side quests will take you farther with a string of them, than fps. This is up to you, as some find it more enjoyable to have other people to help kill mobs. Still do pvp to save up for the expensive lvl 40 pvp gear. If you max your comms, start hoarding warzone adrenals etc.


lvl 40-50: At the back end of 40, 35ish, it start s the long process to 50. It may seem like your just not getting enough xp, but in the 40's, sometimes you will only get half of the xp required for a lvl. Sometimes you'll get 1 and a half. Depends on what you do. At this point, it is imperative you decide if your going pvp or pve. Eventually you can do both, but it takes a LONG time. If youre going pvp, start farming comms for the warhero gear. If your going pve, theres not a lot that you can do, but you dont have to grind as many comms as it will get monotonous, focus on lvling. Side quests are now your friend. I have as i said earlier, a 45 now 47 sorc on the way. And i had and still have to hunt for the side quests on the huge planets of hoth-belsavis. But theyre worth it. 2-3 good side quests will get you the same xp as a fp (about 60k depending on which 40-50 fp youre currently doing) after this, do what you will. This is how i got multiple 50s


Thanks for reading this :D. Kialundi, was not trying to bring down your complaints, just your methods ;)

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I refuse to entertain online trolls for the world to see because they don't want(or need) to be bothered by this. I will happily discuss this with you with the mail system if you so choose. You have taken this thread, which is simply me trying to share my point of view on this game as a whole, and instead have turned it into this *I'm better than you!* catastrophe. I would like to extend my apologies to any and all who saw your posts, as they are deliberately trying to bash my own. Sadly the first didn't work, and the same with the second, although I won't go into detail about that(at least not here) because again, I don't entertain online trolls.


Good day!

Edited by Kialundi
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refuse to read your rant about a game. Bottom line it fool! Until you do so..l2play.



Seeing as how you must have overlooked this, I mentioned quite a few features that I enjoy about this game. This makes it therefore not a rant, just my opinion on the game overall.



Good Day!

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heh you could probably get away with saying those words you learned in fleet from the rude community. I have 240 tickets that I have opened in the last 2 months concerning players insulting, harrassing, bullying, using profanity, being racist, and using hate speech. As far as I can tell bioware has done nothing eventhough they have closed a majority of my tickets. The sad thing is there are multiple tickets for the same people repeating the offenses. It's gotten so bad that I have to rotate my ignore list since my list is full at 128 players and that the same people will begin bullying me from the moment I log on until the moment I log out and that bioware has still done nothing. They are literally bullying me off the game and anyone else who asks them politely to obey the rules of conduct in public channels and Bioware does absolutely nothing about it. Apparently they are too afraid to punish actual offenders to preserve subscription numbers while the loyal customers who obey the rules are bullied until they quit the game.

Shame on you bioware.


If you actually managed to create 240 tickets about that, I can only conclude you are overly sensitive. It puts you in the weirdo category and BW will treat you accordingly. You do understand that just by the fact that you created so many complaints about these things you actually undermine the seriousness of your own points, don't you?


Inflation isn't just about money. By overly complaining you devaluate the complaint. It's just a fact of life.


Apparently you are part of a community that doesn't have the same feelings as you do. That means you are the odd one out and they won't cater to you when that's the case. I understand idealism but I also understand fanaticism and trying to tell other people how to run their lives.


That is my main problem with the OP as well. He calls it a tutortial but it feels more like a rant about other players and how they should behave. Specifically new players to the game.

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Kialundi, how do you interpret me saying i agree with you? How did you take me saying that, and turn it into me trolling you? that makes no sense. The only thing i disagree with are your methods of lvling. It is purely a factual explanation of what i think is the best way to lvl. I think youre more sensitive than the other kid who had to rotate his ignore list lol Edited by shadownewb
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Um... how do you get to be under-level if you do every class and planetary quest except the H-4's?


Last time I did that, I remained over-level.



Here's how I would do it if I were new to the game, with my first character:


1) On every world you go to, do every quest you can get. The Heroics on your origin world are solo-able if you do them after you get your first companion and you're at least moderately skilled in MMOs. After your origin world you can probably do the H-2's with your pet but you'll need at least 1 other plus 2 pets for the H-4's.


2) Once a day, use the LFG tool to find a flashpoint group. This helps you gear up and gives good experience.


3) If you're into PvP, once a day use the LFG tool to find a warzone.


That's it. Just play the game all the way up.


I'd do my second character exactly the same way, just on the other side.


With all my next characters, I'd do the following:


1) Roll them all up at once.


2) Get them all through the origin world, just like you did with your first 2. This should take ~4 hours per character.


3) Each day, cycle through LFG for PvE or PvP with every character.


4) When characters are at the maximum level for the next world, go there and just do the class quests.


But that's just me. The questing gets boring, I want to see the class stories before I move on to the next game, and I don't usually mind flash points too much.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I formed my conclusion when I was playing my PT through to 50. I do know that the bonus series exists on all the planets you named above. I will do a little more research next time to see about the Hoth/Nar Shaddaa, and Alderaan bonus series in particular. I am simply stating that when I was playing through, I generally found myself lagging by one or two levels behind the quest level. Maybe the class missions don't give enough compared to the others, I do not know, nor would I presume to know.


I understand that you were sharing your experience, but the problem is that you stated it as generalized fact.


The majority of players have found that they routinely out-level their quests. I don't seek out XP grinds, but every character I've started has left the starter-world at Level 11. At that point, you're already 2 levels over the quests. Of the four 50's I have, only one of them hit 50 at Corellia. The others all hit 50 on Voss.


And the kicker: I've never done the Alderaan or Hoth Bonus series, except on those L50 characters, after they hit 50. And I've abandoned about half of the Heroic 4's. And two of the 50's were leveled solo (so no group XP bonuses).


The point here isn't to rub your face in contrary information, but to show you that your experience --while valid to discuss-- should not be "taught" to noobs as normal. It's actually really easy to stay ahead of the quest levels in this game, and the vast majority of players I see on a planet are at they higher end of the target level range for the planet.


Of course, there are people at the low end, and in talking with them or helping them out directly, I don't think that I've found a single instance where they hadn't purposefully skipped fights or whole quests in an effort to move faster. That is precisely the strategy that will make you fall behind in your questing. If you're skipping as many trash mobs as you can, or stealthing past encounters, or jumping boxes to avoid fights, or ignoring quest bonuses, then the price you pay is missing out on XP that would help you later.

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I understand that you were sharing your experience, but the problem is that you stated it as generalized fact.


The majority of players have found that they routinely out-level their quests. I don't seek out XP grinds, but every character I've started has left the starter-world at Level 11. At that point, you're already 2 levels over the quests. Of the four 50's I have, only one of them hit 50 at Corellia. The others all hit 50 on Voss.


And the kicker: I've never done the Alderaan or Hoth Bonus series, except on those L50 characters, after they hit 50. And I've abandoned about half of the Heroic 4's. And two of the 50's were leveled solo (so no group XP bonuses).


The point here isn't to rub your face in contrary information, but to show you that your experience --while valid to discuss-- should not be "taught" to noobs as normal. It's actually really easy to stay ahead of the quest levels in this game, and the vast majority of players I see on a planet are at they higher end of the target level range for the planet.


Of course, there are people at the low end, and in talking with them or helping them out directly, I don't think that I've found a single instance where they hadn't purposefully skipped fights or whole quests in an effort to move faster. That is precisely the strategy that will make you fall behind in your questing. If you're skipping as many trash mobs as you can, or stealthing past encounters, or jumping boxes to avoid fights, or ignoring quest bonuses, then the price you pay is missing out on XP that would help you later.


nicely said. That is the more diplomatic version of what i was trying to say.

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Having played through the beta and now officially leveled 3 characters to 50 (I am not much of an altaholic so my other characters are still in the 20s). I can honestly agree that I do not really understand the leveling issues given that you are a sub (non-subs get an xp gimp so they have an excuse). If it is truely for the new players, then they should likely end up experiencing other stuff in addition to just the solo quests. However, if you really cannot stand to group with others, this is why the bonus series are in the game.


The only thing I can imagine is your amount of rested XP. This can most definitely impact your amount of experience. However, given that my first 3 50s were all leveled about as quickly as I could manage, there was no time for rested XP except for the 8 hours of sleep I got or whatever. I have leveled multiple ways, and this is the first game I have played that doesnt seem to force you into one (or two as you listed) ways of leveling.


I know people that have leveled solely through space missions stopping only to quickly do their class quests now and then. I know people who have leveled through FPs only. And of course through PVP only... these three methods are the only that I would consider a "grind".


Aside from that, if you are questing to level, there is plenty even if you just stick to the quests themselves and not do the heroics. I had to do that, since one of my characters I went so fast that there was noone around to quest with and or doing the group content (like literally planet population 1). Doing this, I still managed to hit 50 by the first zone in corellia and that was after skipping a few bonus series because I was getting a little burnt out.


So tutorial to the noob: quest however you want, because you should be able to hit 50 in whatever way makes you happy. The only thing you cannot do, is quest solely through your class quests, UNLESS! You must pay for the 30% boost to your class missions (good luck getting the money for that if this is your first character, but then, why are you skipping so much?) You must also pay for the XP boosts on the cartel market. These combined give a huge boost to what you are doing, making this tactic work. I know this works because, I started doing it on an alt, and just didnt want to keep forking out the cartel coins (it was my free ones mind you), but I also have a guildy who did it all the way to 50.

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