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Stop with the class balance excuse


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I find this humorous. Listen i made this thread to inform people like you that there really aren't OP classes with 1 exception and ironically it is a class you have Guardian. TBH it is the focus spec that is OP and that can be fixed with a mechanic change. So if you think all those classes are OP then it is good you came to this thread cause it was designed for people like you.


The bottom line is learn the class you play and learn the class you have trouble with that will make all the difference in the game. MMO's cannot have balance when you put the human factor in the equation. Some people suck and some don't and those that do either learn or cry. I am encouraging the learn aspect.


Lol guardians are OP, but sents, vanguards, scoundrels, and shadows aren't.


NEW AT 11!!! Classes I play aren't OP, but a class I don't play is.

Edited by Smashbrother
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And how poorly did you do? The bubble has been the best instant heal in the game even before the blind was op'ed.


You know that guild that roflstomps pretty much everyone, and you queue dodge? Yeah.


Bubble doesn't help if you're dead. Before current egress talent and bubble stun, sage healers were easy as hell to kill. They had no escape and no DCDs to withstand a beating. Their healing output was also not much better--if any--than commandos back then.

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You should be careful when you assume you know what they say. and FYI i do not.


for your info i have i have vanguard, shadow, sent, scoundrel, and i have a Sorc. I have tried smash but i really hate it and think it is bad for PvP so i run combat.


Then you aren't qualified to post on pvp balance in this game.

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Lol guardians are OP, but sents, vanguards, scoundrels, and shadows aren't.


NEW AT 11!!! Classes I play aren't OP, but a class I don't play is.


Vanguards have a very easy rotation but they aren't OP.

Scoundrel's healing is a tad stronger than the others but it's not crazy OP. Their damage is fine, I still see Operatives I vs hit me for 3-5K through their rotations quite frequently.

Sentinel's Sweep spec is the easiest rotation in-game and puts out the highest damage and I'd say it's a tad OP along with Guardian.

Shadows and Gunslingers are most likely the most balanced classes in the game. With a tad OP-ness favoring Gunslingers just a little bit.

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Actually class balance and design (along with huttball) is what keeps me playing. All 8 classes are very well balanced when taking into acount certain roles they fill. Furthermore if you are a chartist then all 8 classes can easily top the chart. Now trying to top the chart on an infil shadow or scrapper or sorc is often pretty bad teamplay but they def can. They can also all play in a teamplay environment very well and help out objectives.


All classes have a pretty good 1v1 spec as well if that is what you are into.


There are a few issues though. Arsenal mercs need a little more mobility (rocketpack blink and/or passive that doesn't allow people to leap to you if they are over 20m away are my ideas). Smash spec makes for very boring pvp when there are multiple smashers. Certain Warrior-like specs are too strong and easy to play when paired with a good healer. Operatives go from very weak to easy to play 1v1 solely based on gear. Bubblestun on a bunch of players makes for annoying pvp at times. Many of these issues are harder to fix than you might think though and there will always be some issues.


Overall though I feel I can greatly contribute to my team on all 8 of my classes. I also know from experience that if my only goal is the chart then on all 8 of them I can easily get the top spot. Seems pretty well balanced to me.

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You know that guild that roflstomps pretty much everyone, and you queue dodge? Yeah.


Bubble doesn't help if you're dead. Before current egress talent and bubble stun, sage healers were easy as hell to kill. They had no escape and no DCDs to withstand a beating. Their healing output was also not much better--if any--than commandos back then.


Lols probably not cause I don't queue dodge anyone. And naw with guards and peels your dps probably got wrecked while they were trying to loldamage a healer who can run away.

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Actually class balance and design (along with huttball) is what keeps me playing. All 8 classes are very well balanced when taking into acount certain roles they fill. Furthermore if you are a chartist then all 8 classes can easily top the chart. Now trying to top the chart on an infil shadow or scrapper or sorc is often pretty bad teamplay but they def can. They can also all play in a teamplay environment very well and help out objectives.


All classes have a pretty good 1v1 spec as well if that is what you are into.


There are a few issues though. Arsenal mercs need a little more mobility (rocketpack blink and/or passive that doesn't allow people to leap to you if they are over 20m away are my ideas). Smash spec makes for very boring pvp when there are multiple smashers. Certain Warrior-like specs are too strong and easy to play when paired with a good healer. Operatives go from very weak to easy to play 1v1 solely based on gear. Bubblestun on a bunch of players makes for annoying pvp at times. Many of these issues are harder to fix than you might think though and there will always be some issues.


Overall though I feel I can greatly contribute to my team on all 8 of my classes. I also know from experience that if my only goal is the chart then on all 8 of them I can easily get the top spot. Seems pretty well balanced to me.


At the highlight. Not enough people realize this at all. It's quite sad :(.


For Merc. Merc in general needs help and please stop playing Arsenal in pvp. It gets shut down far too easily by interrupts.

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Vanguards have a very easy rotation but they aren't OP.

Scoundrel's healing is a tad stronger than the others but it's not crazy OP. Their damage is fine, I still see Operatives I vs hit me for 3-5K through their rotations quite frequently.

Sentinel's Sweep spec is the easiest rotation in-game and puts out the highest damage and I'd say it's a tad OP along with Guardian.

Shadows and Gunslingers are most likely the most balanced classes in the game. With a tad OP-ness favoring Gunslingers just a little bit.


So much fail.


If there was any single class that is the most balanced right now, it's sniper/GS.

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the only complaints I have about balances are the Sent/Maras Cloak of pain/Rebuke.


Its pretty ridiculous that there pretty much invincible for like 4 seconds. that needs to be nerfed.


other than that I don't really have any complaints.


I see youre a Veng Jugg, if you see the Cloak of Pain, cant you just cc him ? geez

its not a 1v1 warzone

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I see youre a Veng Jugg, if you see the Cloak of Pain, cant you just cc him ? geez

its not a 1v1 warzone


I like how the guy you quoted either A. Hates 2 out of 3 of the mara/sent defensive CD's, B. Doesn't know the proper name for them, or C. just has no clue period.

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Lols probably not cause I don't queue dodge anyone. And naw with guards and peels your dps probably got wrecked while they were trying to loldamage a healer who can run away.


Before 1.4, how does a sage run away? Force speed? Hi my name is roots. It was also on 30s cd.


This is why 1.4's change to reducing speed to 20s cd and new egress (which makes speed remove all immobilizing affects and makes them immune during speed) is such a superb change for sage healers. Bubble stun is just icing.


I just remembered why your name seems familiar. You were that one guy who was trying to argue dps guardians had just as good survivability as sents. OH LORD. The amount of EL O EL we all had from reading your crap in that thread was too much.

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Before 1.4, how does a sage run away? Force speed? Hi my name is roots. It was also on 30s cd.


This is why 1.4's change to reducing speed to 20s cd and new egress (which makes speed remove all immobilizing affects and makes them immune during speed) is such a superb change for sage healers. Bubble stun is just icing.


I just remembered why your name seems familiar. You were that one guy who was trying to argue dps guardians had just as good survivability as sents. OH LORD. The amount of EL O EL we all had from reading your crap in that thread was too much.


No not just as good. I said they weren't anything to ***** at cause you guys all think guardians are so bad..


And a good sage still got away with the speed, the stun, the snare, and the knockback. Not sure what baddy healers you were playing against or what baddy teams you were going up against but with team support a sorc/sage can do just fine. Oh that's right you only compare 1v1 situations because that's what this game is all about.

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At the highlight. Not enough people realize this at all. It's quite sad :(.


For Merc. Merc in general needs help and please stop playing Arsenal in pvp. It gets shut down far too easily by interrupts.


just in case you havent noticed, Pyrotech Merc gets shut down just as easily. Pyro is just as dependent on casted abilities to maintain DPS output as Arsenal is. the only difference between the 2 specs is one has casts required at the front of the rotation, and the other has them required on the back end of the rotation.

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just in case you havent noticed, Pyrotech Merc gets shut down just as easily. Pyro is just as dependent on casted abilities to maintain DPS output as Arsenal is. the only difference between the 2 specs is one has casts required at the front of the rotation, and the other has them required on the back end of the rotation.


With the exception of a Watchmen/Annihilation spec one person isn't going to be able to completely shut you down all that easily. Plus all a pyro's damage doesnt' get buffed off the one ability that gets sat on with interrupts.

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Play gunnery commando/arsenal merc exclusively at level 50 for the next 6 months and then come back and say things are ok...and for your information sent = marauder.


1) Not sure how you missed this chief but i specifically said mando/merc needs to be fixed.

2) No @#$%

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Lol guardians are OP, but sents, vanguards, scoundrels, and shadows aren't.


NEW AT 11!!! Classes I play aren't OP, but a class I don't play is.


You know i'm not sure if your screwing with me or a tard really. Ok by your logic: Guardians, scoundrel, Shadow, Sents, and vanguards are op. So my question is if 3/4 of the classes in the game are OP doesn't that mean there is some balance between those classes? The other 25% are under performing?

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