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Assault Specialist (Commando)


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Hello all, I recently reached 40 and have been playing Gunnery spec, enjoying it so far. I switched to Assault Specialist spec to try it out and is having trouble with ammo, mainly due to that the main regen move uses High Impact Bolt and Ionic Accelerator, and HIB requires target to be burning. Against multiple target like in PvP I couldn't keep my ammo up because when target dies I need to switch to another, spend 3 more ammo on Incendiary Round to make target burn. Perhaps there's an easier way to dish out damage? Is there a rotation to follow?
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Hello all, I recently reached 40 and have been playing Gunnery spec, enjoying it so far. I switched to Assault Specialist spec to try it out and is having trouble with ammo, mainly due to that the main regen move uses High Impact Bolt and Ionic Accelerator, and HIB requires target to be burning. Against multiple target like in PvP I couldn't keep my ammo up because when target dies I need to switch to another, spend 3 more ammo on Incendiary Round to make target burn. Perhaps there's an easier way to dish out damage? Is there a rotation to follow?


At level 40 you want to be using something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800ZMIkZfhrbzG0z.2

The talents in the bottom of the gunnery tree are vital for assault spec to function.


Rotation (sorta)

*Hammer shot if you have less than 9 ammo * > Incendiary round > HIB > Full auto > HIB > Charged bolts (until proc) > HIB > *Hammer shot if you have less than 9 ammo *


The difference between assault and gunnery is that with Assault you gotta decide yourself when to use hammer shot as you see fit to keep your ammo in max regen speed. In assault hammer shot is actually quite good because it has a decent chance to proc plasma cell making it superior to a Gunnery hammer shot.

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Su Assalt Plastique is not even part of the rotation eh? Maybe that's the problem I had.


Assault plastique is terrific for pvp. What the above poster suggested helps with sustained dps. its not bad, it has a place. But pvp contests are often too short to be concerned about sustained damage. Thats where assault plastique comes in. Its an alpha-strike. Cast it and time it with a HIb. Its not very nuanced but its incredibly helpful for burning down marauders and operative healers.


The above poster was correct about hammer shot, Its not a wasted CD in assault spec. However, I would advocate going up to AP and learning how to take advantage of its burst.

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I don't like the AP. It doesn’t do much more damage than other attacks, has a slow cool down, and doesn't affect an area like the sticky grenade. For all the skill point to get up to it I don't think it'sworth the trade .

I've been doing a hybrid spec between gunnery and assault and liking it more. With the DoT of the incendiary round and the Armor Piercing stack of the grav round (which does 75%of the damage of the assault plastique not counting any of its buffs to HiB).


DPS wise the build has been about 80% what I got with Assault but the damage is concentrated more on a target rather than spread around. So instead of lowering 4 enemies to 50% health then dying I kill 2 and go down. And in PUG PvP a kill is better than a "hurt".

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I don't like the AP. It doesn’t do much more damage than other attacks, has a slow cool down, and doesn't affect an area like the sticky grenade. For all the skill point to get up to it I don't think it'sworth the trade .

I've been doing a hybrid spec between gunnery and assault and liking it more. With the DoT of the incendiary round and the Armor Piercing stack of the grav round (which does 75%of the damage of the assault plastique not counting any of its buffs to HiB).


DPS wise the build has been about 80% what I got with Assault but the damage is concentrated more on a target rather than spread around. So instead of lowering 4 enemies to 50% health then dying I kill 2 and go down. And in PUG PvP a kill is better than a "hurt".


So Grav Round is useful even with Plasma Cell eh?

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So Grav Round is useful even with Plasma Cell eh?

No, going back to what the OP said, Plasma doesn't proc often enough to rely on the burning for HiB. You have to use Incendiary Round anyway, which drains ammo.


Take out all the plasma skill buffs you can and put them into AP and use that (Skill buffed AP Hammer Shot builds ammo to offset the IR).

Of course now you're basically Gunnery again. I just pulled enough out of gunnery to get the Incendiary Round and it's flaming HiB buff on a gunnery build (not a Demo Shot fan either).

Edited by Kerensk
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AP is a must in assault spec. I play assault spec all of the time and get top dps 70% of the time in rateds. AP is far too necessary to pass up, with the right rotation you create a quick powerful burst that most opponents will not see coming. Your rotation on a single target should be something as follows: AP, Incendiary Round, HIB, full auto, if proc'd HIB again. If your target is kinda beefy start with sticky grenade prior to the above rotation, this is also dependent upon your current ammo. Also every time your tech override and reserve powercell are up, use them in combination with your plasma grenade. I typically start my rotation with this if it is up. Also randomly throw sticky grenade any time there is a crowd and make sure you utilize hail of bolts when mortar volley is on cooldown. You have a chance to set your targets ablaze with this move in this spec.


I have been playing this class since launch and can tell you I have tried every variation of specs possible. Go up to AP to be viable. I usually get 650-850k in a voidstar with this spec.

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I have been playing this class since launch and can tell you I have tried every variation of specs possible. Go up to AP to be viable. I usually get 650-850k in a voidstar with this spec.


In that sense, is Assault Specialist viable for PvE? Do I skip AP in the rotation because it's ammo consuming?

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You mean it builds ammo in the same way doing nothing builds ammo...


Ok, you're kind of right that you don't have to actively be shooting to generate more than ammo. CellCharger builds ammo just by having AP cell equipped as opposed to plasma (which was my point).

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